Calvin Coolidge once said..."To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas."
This is from my friend, Santa Ed Taylor.
"Spread Cheer & Kindness All Year Round: The Importance of Embracing the Christmas Spirit Beyond the Holidays"
What exactly is the Christmas spirit, and why should we limit it to just a few weeks out of the year?
I define the Christmas spirit as “LOVE IN ACTION.” It’s not just about presents and decorations. It's about something deeper – kindness, generosity, love, and compassion.
Even though most of us are very busy, the holiday season is still the time that we tend to be more charitable, forgiving, and understanding. We reach out to our loved ones, our neighbors, and even strangers to offer support and kindness.
The truth is, the world could use more Christmas spirit all year round, and we Santa & Mrs. Claus portrayal artists are the perfect people to lead by example.
We live in a time when kindness and compassion seem to be in short supply. Every day, we hear stories of violence, hatred, and cruelty. We see people who are struggling and suffering, and we often turn a blind eye to their pain. But if we, Worldwide Santa Claus Network members, embraced the Christmas spirit, the world would be a much better place.
So, how can we practice the Christmas spirit all year round?
It's simple – we can start by being kinder to others. We can take the time to listen to someone who is struggling or offer a helping hand to someone in need. We can donate our time or resources to a local charity or simply smile and say hello to a stranger. These small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life.
We can also practice generosity all year round. Instead of only giving gifts during the holiday season, we can give our time, talents, and resources to others throughout the year. We can volunteer at a local shelter, donate to a food bank, or simply lend a helping hand to a neighbor in need. By giving of ourselves, we can make a positive impact on the world around us.
Finally, we can practice love and compassion all year round. We can be more forgiving, more understanding, and more empathetic towards others. We can strive to see the good in everyone, even those who may be difficult to love. By practicing love and compassion, we can create a more peaceful and harmonious world.
So, let's embrace the Christmas spirit, not just during the holiday season but every day of the year.