Psychic Readings by Robin Sharee

Psychic Readings by Robin Sharee Do you have questions about where your life is heading?Do you have decisions to make and are unsure which way to go? Every client is treated with respect.

I am currently giving Skype Readings Whatt’s and Messenger and telephone readings. American Psychic Robin Sharee answering your questions about relationships, business ventures or partnerships, finances, family and reaching out to loved ones in spirit. I offer accurate, helpful information to put you on the path to good health, wealth and the happiness you deserve in your life. I am a recognised c

lairvoyant psychic with over 35 years of experience. I am equally effective in person or via Skype or telephone. Every client is treated with respect, confidentiality and kindness. I have worked for Adelaide's 5AA radio and Coast f.m. as their Psychic consultant, answering questions live on air. For your accurate professional reading call 011-582-2762 or email me at [email protected]. In North America 336-582-2762 You can also contact me on my page: Psychic Readings by Robin Sharee. I offer weekly forecasts. I can also be found on the Australian and International Psychic Association website.

The Strawberry Full Moon fills our lives with renewed Hope, Courage and Love. Everything is changing. Anything we choose...

The Strawberry Full Moon fills our lives with renewed Hope, Courage and Love. Everything is changing. Anything we choose to let go of moves us closer to living a life that supports us instead of drains us. To me, the most important gift this Moon is giving us is the opportunity to reunite with loved ones, to unite with new soulmates. Soulmates can be a new friend or partner, or a new addition to our family, child or rescue animal. Can we ever really have enough love in our lives? Many will choose to relocate, change careers, end relationships that no longer serve our needs. Buying property and travel plans are encouraged during this Moon.  To book your Psychic / Numerology / Tarot reading email [email protected] or in the US call 336-624-1546

The forecast; Earth signs: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Change is the only constant in our lives. How boring would our e...

The forecast; Earth signs: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Change is the only constant in our lives. How boring would our existence become with nothing changing? Let go of stale views of how things must be. Right now everything in your life is either moving towards you or away from you. Welcome the new and let go of the past. Change your views and reap the rewards of a happier future. An old lover may reappear. Keep in mind: Out with the old and in with the new. Air signs: Look inward and trust your intuition. Outside advice creates future problems. Plot your future course of action. Plenty of chaos may surround you, it has nothing to add to your life. Not your Circus, not your Monkeys. Water signs: Life can feel heavy and complex sometimes. To quote Winston Churchill, “When you’re going through hell, keep going.“ Unresolved issues need to be sorted. Reach out for help to trusted friends, Reiki healing or therapy. It’s time to feel lighter with a view to a brighter future, the future you deserve. Fire signs: Patience, not fear, moves people forward to finding their own path of greater success. If we wait before taking action, it gives the Universe a chance to align your goals with your Karma removing the heavy lifting and obstacles before you. Don’t let other people’s fears hold you back.  To book your Psychic / Numerology / or Tarot reading email [email protected] or in U.S. call/text 336-624-1546

May’s Beautiful Flower Moon in Sagittarius will cross the Red Star Antares blessing us all with confidence and a sense o...

May’s Beautiful Flower Moon in Sagittarius will cross the Red Star Antares blessing us all with confidence and a sense of calm and renewal especially benefitting water signs.  If you are empathic, listen for guidance from your spirit guides.  You gain strength from the Psychic realm and emotional power.  This moon gives us all the ability to communicate our needs, that’s the beauty of a Sagittarius Moon.  For some, there will be a bonus for you when hidden information that will benefit you comes to light.  To book your Psychic / Numerology / or Tarot reading contact [email protected] or call/text 336-624-1546

This week’s forecast is all about love and the power of love 💗 with several planets reflecting back to open our hearts ....

This week’s forecast is all about love and the power of love 💗 with several planets reflecting back to open our hearts . There is a healing force at work to free us from past trauma, opening the door to new pathways to love. Letting go of what does not serve our heart chakra is the key. Many of us will send our partners packing. To book your Psychic / Tarot reading email [email protected] or leave a private message. In North America call or text 336-624-1546.

As we welcome the Pink Full Moon in Scorpio, it’s not the time to wonder what other people think or feel about you. Yes,...

As we welcome the Pink Full Moon in Scorpio, it’s not the time to wonder what other people think or feel about you. Yes, you may very well be able to fix other people’s problems. I urge you not to. For the next 4 days, unresolved issues of your past may need your attention. Focus your mind . Open your heart. Let go of past trauma. Let the Pink Moon heal your heart. If you need help, I’m an advocate for you . To book your Psychic / Tarot reading email [email protected] or leave a private message . In North America call or text 336-624-1546

The Solar Eclipse invites us to step into our authentic selves. We can open our mind and heart and allow our intuition t...

The Solar Eclipse invites us to step into our authentic selves. We can open our mind and heart and allow our intuition to guide us on a new path. As we open all our chakras and let them be healed by this energy we are Integrating and empowering our mind, body and soul.  In my practice I am an advocate for you. To book your Psychic / Tarot reading leave a private message . Email me or outside of North America txt 011366-582-2762 in North America drop the 011.

Are you ready for eclipse season? 🌒The first full moon lunar eclipse occurs March 25th. Libra’s influence encourages us ...

Are you ready for eclipse season? 🌒The first full moon lunar eclipse occurs March 25th. Libra’s influence encourages us to look inward and focus on our own mind, body, and soul balance. Bask in Libra’s calming influence. The lunar eclipse creates anxiety, restlessness and the impulse to make swift and powerful changes that impact our income and relationships. At this time, whatever you find lacking in your life, you don’t have the information to make constructive choices, yet. Come April 8th, the Solar Eclipse illuminates all complex issues revealing paths of positive change, gifts of new employment, love interests and greater wealth. Be patient .
To book your Psychic / Tarot reading, private message me or email at [email protected]

What a week! The change of Seasons combined with outside unexpected demands on our time. Makes this an uncomfortable wee...

What a week! The change of Seasons combined with outside unexpected demands on our time. Makes this an uncomfortable week . Good week to say “No “ . Double check all contracts and outgoing payments. Computer systems are not our friend this week. It’s complex and at times frustrating. You’re gonna be just fine. To book your Psychic or Tarot reading with me . Private message me here. Robin Sharee

This year The Dragon encourages us to take better care of ourselves. Our own personal gardens need to be tended to, nurt...

This year The Dragon encourages us to take better care of ourselves. Our own personal gardens need to be tended to, nurturing our mind body and soul. I will be devoting the next few posts with information to help you achieve your goals. ✨ The Dragon year is an excellent year to buy property, have a child and increase your wealth.
To book your Psychic / Tarot reading in the USA: text or call 336-624-1546. Austral Asia: email [email protected] or leave a private message.

The beautiful Snow Moon challenges you to reflect on your current commitments. Drop the ones that no longer facilitate g...

The beautiful Snow Moon challenges you to reflect on your current commitments. Drop the ones that no longer facilitate growth , joy and passion. Relationships can end abruptly. It’s let go . Family gatherings are not encouraged. Personal growth is not a group sport . To book your Psychic/ Tarot reading with me. Email [email protected] or leave a private message .

With the new energy of The Green Male Wood Dragon upon us. Combined with Valentines Day. Love is all around us. Love of ...

With the new energy of The Green Male Wood Dragon upon us. Combined with Valentines Day. Love is all around us. Love of nature and all sentient beings. Everything begins and ends. With your perception of yourself. Love and like yourself. The Universe will send blessings to support your vision for your life. I’m here to advocate for you . To book your reading with me . Leave a private message here . Robin Sharee

It’s time to wake up! Let this beautiful full moon work its magic! Fire signs it’s time to let go of all of 2023’s frust...

It’s time to wake up! Let this beautiful full moon work its magic! Fire signs it’s time to let go of all of 2023’s frustrating moments. Let your light shine. Water signs this moon has the power to transform your life. It opens windows of truth for you to gaze upon. Come on Water signs 2 2 really does equal 4. Let 2024 be the year you speak truth to power. Air signs it’s been a heavy year with one closed door after another. Creating many problems you didn’t create , but are pressured by others to fix. 2024 should be the year of telling people No! Simple fix. There are many wonderful adventures ahead for you. Earth signs. It’s an action packed year ahead. Opportunity knocks and you must act to secure them. You can’t fix the world. You can enjoy it. Love comes a knocking in 2024. To book your reading with me leave a private message in messenger.

The retrogrades were hard on all of  us. Towards the end of December until last week. Getting anything moving forward wa...

The retrogrades were hard on all of us. Towards the end of December until last week. Getting anything moving forward was heavy lifting. With extra pressures blindsiding us. Now it’s the opposite. We don’t have to build up our courage to take a peek outside. Opportunities will open up a window allowing us to move forward in our lives. Most importantly we will begin to feel lighter with everything more easily managed. There’s a chance of real connections that bring you wealth and Love. To book your reading with me. Email [email protected] or leave a private message . All readings Psychic / Tarot are given using Whatts app Messenger FaceTime . RobinSharee

As we Welcome the new Full Moon. Think Abundance. I accept abundance . Understanding abundance is an energy source .It i...

As we Welcome the new Full Moon. Think Abundance. I accept abundance . Understanding abundance is an energy source .It is always available to anyone and everyone. Fill the last few days of 2023 loving yourself. Rest and eat healing foods keeping in mind. That by taking care of your mental and physical health . You are directing every cell in your body to heal all old wounds. Allow yourself to cherish your choices. Own them . The Chinese New year is nearly upon us. It will start with a bang . Literally. To book your 2024 reading with me. Email [email protected] or leave a private message in messenger. RobinSharee

Now what exactly is so important that you forgot to look after your own mental health? It’s a busy time for sure. Lots o...

Now what exactly is so important that you forgot to look after your own mental health? It’s a busy time for sure. Lots of family obligations , or wrapping up end of the year work responsibilities, basic living maintenance . It all adds up. In 7 weeks time The Dragon Year begins. The Dragon will be breathing fire all around the world. New energy and a burning desire to embrace change. Rest up . Be kind to yourself. Book a massage for the New Year. Change things up. Life will move at a record speed pace next year. I will be here to support you . To book your Psychic or Tarot Past Present or Future Forecasts. Email [email protected] or leave a private message in messenger. Happy Holidays !

As we welcome the Holiday Season. Keep in mind this week it’s important to stay true to our values. This is a time peopl...

As we welcome the Holiday Season. Keep in mind this week it’s important to stay true to our values. This is a time people will ask for you to take on additional tasks. To make their own situation easier to manage. It’s simply not the time to make big changes to your schedule. You could make very costly mistakes. Even fall ill. Think of your own responsibilities. Just for the next week. Then we enter the true time of giving. To book your Psychic or Tarot reading email [email protected] or leave a private message on messenger. Robin Sharee

The Beaver full moon asks us to prepare ourselves for the next Season of our lives. To restock and restore our personal ...

The Beaver full moon asks us to prepare ourselves for the next Season of our lives. To restock and restore our personal space. To structure and restructure our financial position wth a view to long term security. Before making any big purchases or travel plans. Due your homework . People can be short tempered and irrational . Ignore them . To book your psychic or Tarot reading email [email protected] a message on messenger.

The changing of the seasons can have a profound effect on our emotional well being. That bleeds into our physical health...

The changing of the seasons can have a profound effect on our emotional well being. That bleeds into our physical health. Fortunately this week the planets give us strength , encouringing us to change direction and move to make changes. That increase our finances but more importantly our outlook and ability to heal ourselves. There is great joy to be discovered inside of you. Open your eyes and heart. To book your Psychic or tarot reading with me . Email [email protected] or leave a private message here. All readings are given by FaceTime Whatts app Mobile & Messenger.

Hunters Full Moon in Eclipse Ta**us creates a desire to reorganise our lives. On every level . To create a more stable l...

Hunters Full Moon in Eclipse Ta**us creates a desire to reorganise our lives. On every level . To create a more stable life , emotionally , financially and physically. Clearing out old habits, possessions and even relationships that no longer full-fill our needs. Balance in our material world and spiritual practice is the key. To book your psychic reading with me. Email [email protected] or leave a private message here.

The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse brought with it anxiety, high emotion, and perplexing responses from loved ones. When ask...

The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse brought with it anxiety, high emotion, and perplexing responses from loved ones.

When asked “How are you?” the proper response in modern culture is “I’m fine“...

In Norway, the response is “up and not crying".

If this week, you are up and not crying, this is a good week to go out and play!

The Hunter Full Moon will soon be upon us.

It’s a strict taskmaster.

To book your Psychic / Tarot reading, leave a private message here or email [email protected].

I would like to Thank Mystic Magazine and Peter Vojinovic for featuring me in their magazine. Tap on photo to read. Than...

I would like to Thank Mystic Magazine and Peter Vojinovic for featuring me in their magazine. Tap on photo to read. Thank you to Christina for her editing skills💜. Israel is at War and there have been 3 Major Earthquakes around the world since my last post. The next 3 months are volatile for the planet and for established Governments. To book your Psychic Reading with me leave a private message here. Email [email protected] readings given Whatts app Messenger Face Time Zoom.

Robin specializes in a range of mystical and intuitive practices, including psychic readings, clairvoyance, numerology, astrology, and divination. She extends a

I am sadly being spammed with ridiculous reviews ! For now I have had to block all reviews. To the 42 lovely clients tha...

I am sadly being spammed with ridiculous reviews ! For now I have had to block all reviews. To the 42 lovely clients that left nice reviews. Thank you ! In the meantime . Here’s a lovely photo of Miss Dottie chilling on the couch. Her s*x life is fine. She’s not married. She doesn’t need anyone to cast Voodou Spells ( Miss Dottie doesn’t have any enemy’s) . I have reported these ridiculous reviews. I do not endorse Dr. Zumbacca🤷🏻‍♀️or Dr. O booze 😹

With the fourth Super Moon in Aries arriving on the 29 th . Combined with Pluto’s year long influences narrowing our cho...

With the fourth Super Moon in Aries arriving on the 29 th . Combined with Pluto’s year long influences narrowing our choices. The Super Moon’s gravitational pull on the Earths Teutonic plates. It’s very possible the Earth could experience Volcanic activity , Earthquakes , Unusual Weather Patterns . To my mind the human possibilities are a bigger worry. Revolution and War are in The Stars . The next three months we could see rapid change that impacts our lives. If you have people in your life that are impulsive in a negative capacity. Stay clear. We will all be aware of choices that need to be considered. In regards to relationships , employment , where we live and how we move forward. To book your Psychic / Taror reading with me. Email [email protected] or leave a private message here. All readings are given on Messenger Whatts app FaceTime Mobile or Zoom.

This week is very blessed with abundance for all of us. Long held questions will be answered. Issues of wealth or health...

This week is very blessed with abundance for all of us. Long held questions will be answered. Issues of wealth or health can be resolved to our satisfaction. New beginnings for those seeking a new job, home or partner. Blocks in our path will be removed . To book your Psychic / Tarot reading . I also use Numerology and Astrology in my practice. Leave a private message or email [email protected] all readings given on Whatts app Messenger FaceTime Mobile .

This is a week that everyday issues can really drag us down. With the effects of the Super Moon leaving our lives.Season...

This is a week that everyday issues can really drag us down. With the effects of the Super Moon leaving our lives.Seasons are changing and can bring a restless energy into our lives. Health issues can rise up. It’s one issue after another. With in one weeks time most issues will be resolved to your satisfaction. Let go of those hats your wearing and don’t pile other peoples responsibilities into your life. To book your Psychic or : Tarot reading with me .Leave a private message in messenger. Email [email protected]

As we welcome the Super Blue Moon in Pisces. Allow your senses to expand and connect with the Spiritual Power this Moon ...

As we welcome the Super Blue Moon in Pisces. Allow your senses to expand and connect with the Spiritual Power this Moon emanates. It gives us many gifts. The veil is very thin during this time. Our loved ones in spirit can reach us. Our Angels and Spirit Guides can heal and protect us. Long held dreams can manifest. Good time to Sage our homes. Put your stones in a Chrystal bowl or glass with water and a pinch of Himalayan pink salt . Set the bowl outside under the moonlight to be cleansed. Make a list of desires carefully burn it under the Blue Moon. Make a list of who or what you don’t want in your life. Put it in the freezer overnight . Burn that list carefully under the Blue Moon . I release these messages into the Universe . To book your Psychic/ Tarot reading email [email protected] or leave a private here on messenger. Readings given on Whats app FaceTime Zoomand messenger.

Saturn in Retrograde from June 30th. to December 6 th makes it difficult for us to go along to get along. We are compell...

Saturn in Retrograde from June 30th. to December 6 th makes it difficult for us to go along to get along. We are compelled to tell our truth. To structure our lives as we see fit . Compromise isn’t going to sit well with us. Our Mental Health is just as important as , our work , partner , kids, friends and extended family. As we change . Everyone must change also, if their going to remain in our lives. To book your Psychic / Tarot reading with me. Email [email protected] or leave a private message here. Readings given on Whatts App Messenger FaceTime.

Guess what? Retrogrades can impact our lives. In a positive way. Once you can wrap your head around. Forced change can m...

Guess what? Retrogrades can impact our lives. In a positive way. Once you can wrap your head around. Forced change can move you forward. Neptune in Retrograde June 30 th to December 6 th . During this period “ empathy challenged people really can upset you”. Self love , self talk , is very important . Be mindful . Be kind. It’s o.k. to keep your thoughts to yourself.

Have you every wished for all areas of your life , past ,present and future to be under a microscope ? Thanks to Jupiter...

Have you every wished for all areas of your life , past ,present and future to be under a microscope ? Thanks to Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto . Mercury, Neptune, Venus & Saturn in Retrograde . It’s Buckle upButtercup time.To book your Psychic / Reading with me leave a private message here. Email me at [email protected]

Thanks to this beauty. Venus in Retrograde forces us to to take a deep dive into our past. It includes finances , relati...

Thanks to this beauty. Venus in Retrograde forces us to to take a deep dive into our past. It includes finances , relationships and what we consider beauty . If we do the work , face our fears or renew or refocus on our relationships. There is much to be gained during this time. It’s 40 days and nights of intense self reflection. This is one of seven retrogrades occurring over the summer/ winter seasons. Depending on where you live. To book your Psychic/ Tarot reading with me. Email [email protected] or private message me .


Winston-Salem, NC


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