As a professional, my goal is to teach my clients more about catching muskies, tools to do so and proper handling techniques. My ability to put my clients on Muskies is the direct result of my association with some of the great Musky guides of our sport and thousands of hours on the water. Guides like Tony Rizzo and Bill Tutt are partially responsible for my success on the waters of Vilas and Onei
da Counties, most notably the Turtle Flambeau. In addition, my experience as a consultant to many lure and rod manufactures brings a perspective to your guide trip that makes a difference to success on the water. Today, most of my guide activities are directed toward Sawyer County's Chippewa Flowage and the surrounding area waters, where I have guided for years. My responsibility as a hired guide is to put my clients onto fish. I cannot effectively do that if I am fishing with my clients. My 16' 6" Tuffy is outfitted with oars so I can stealthily maneuver the boat to allow my clients to fish a spot clean.