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Here are some other reasons to use a Travel Agent for any vacation:
Cruises are probably my favorite vacation. I just love traveling to different destinations and then coming back to one place for an amazing dinner some great shows and then having days relaxing at sea. It’s definitely something my family and I have loved doing for the past 25 years.
Now, let’s chat about the thing I don’t love, booking and planning for the cruise. I am sorry, but it’s A LOT of work and if it’s your first few cruise, it can also be a bit overwhelming. (by a bit, I mean very overwhelming)
You would think, as I did, how hard it can be. All you have to do is choose a cruise and choose a room. Everything else is provided by the cruise…….Sure, but then you also have to….
Know if you want upgraded dining
Know which restaurants to book
Figure out if you want my time dining or a set dining time.
Figure out what the heck is “my time” dining
Know which excursions to plan.
Know which deck you should choose your room on, because let me tell you it matters (tip, front of the ship does rock more)
Know to reserve show times in advance.
Figure out the drink package options
Don’t forget about the internet packages.
Figuring out how to use Cruise apps
Plus a million other questions……. it’s honestly endless.
It’s pretty much a full-time job, plus add on my real job and oh yeah the responsibilities of raising my kids and putting food on the table.
A few years back, I decided it was time to pass the torch and get some expert help. To my surprise, I learned that travel agents were absolutely FREE! If only I had known earlier, I would’ve saved myself a lot of time and stress.