"The Secrets of Portland, Maine" available at Sherman's bookstore on Exchange St in Portland, Falmouth and Freeport as well as direct from my website, paperbackwriter.biz It was one of the best sellers last year in Sherman's Old Port store! It's a book about things in Portland that you drive by every day but weren't aware of the significance. Thousands drive through Morrill's Corner every day but who was Morrill? Did you know there's a cemetery in Portland the city rents out for weddings? What's the most haunted office building in Portland? (hint: it's a building that tells time!), what's hidden in plain sight in the globe in front of the Maine State Pier?
REMINDER: I will be giving a book talk Tuesday, March 5 at the New Gloucester Public Library, 6 to 7 pm See you there!
Certified Travel Consultant
Member, Cruise Lines International and
American Society of Travel Agents