17 year old taking heads! Great yellowfin fishing the past few days! Book a day to go SOV before it's too late!
#fishing #fishcapecod #tunafishing #regulatormarine #capecodliving #dayboatsushi #yellowfintuna #capecod #nantucket #tuna #fishlife
Our offshore season has kicked off! Checking the spots a little too early this year but a great day to deal with mammals migrating rather than humans! Can't beat it.
Was able to call our shots all morning on the rips. Nice day to be on the water. Hal Herrik on the bow making it look easy, legendary captain out of Nantucket.
Steaming home from a night out on Paradise our new 21 Pair Marine.
Nights likes these are ones for the books!
Book a sunset cast and cruise!
The early birds get the worm! Alex getting first dibs of some early top water. 7 fish in 2 hours for him! Book your early morning bass trips today!
Don't miss out on striped bass madness! Fly Guys or Spin Gear! Book now for half day or full day striper trips off Cape Cod! Booking all summer long.
Can't beat the North East Bluefin spin bites! These battles with beast is an experience of a lifetime! Don't miss out!