Thank you to all who have reached out. I have heard from family and friends as well as past Real Estate customers from the very beginning and some of our repeat renters.
What do we know about Rich Summit View Cabin Rental? Not a ton, we have had a neighbor drive by and say that what they could see from the road it looked ok but we are hoping to have a local from our road do a walk around inside and out for us and take some pics. No cellular just yet unless you go outside of the neighborhood or one of the mountain tops. We are so lucky to have the POA Interim Presidents husband up there with all his tools to grade the road, take down trees where he can and get it back in drivable shape. They run off caused alot of hazards. So we really don't know whats up until maybe later this week.
We want to head up but do not want to be in the way of recovery efforts. The best way to help right now, outside of flying your own helicopter with supplies or a 18 wheeler loaded down with stuff is to give to any of the many disaster companies. I know the Cajun Navy is down there doing a wonderful job. We send to them and Red Cross until we can find other direct local places to help.
Should we decide to go up I will be reaching out for supplies. I will keep you posted.
To anyone that has seen the devastation on TV and FB please know that Florida, GA, TN and NC are damaged beyond your wildest dreams. To hear someone today say they are starting to recover bodies out of the tree limbs from people that were washed away or to see a casket going down the river tumbling (idk where that was from) or to see a Lake Lure so covered with debris that you think its a field with trees down you just cant fathom it.
I am in some local groups that are rental specific as well as many that are just NC or Boone specific plus all the videos the Boone locals are sending us. Until the water recedes to its normal state and things dry out we will not truly be able to see how bad it was. The before and after images will be astounding.
As bad as Boone and surrounding High Country towns are, I think the Asheville, Hendersonville, Burnsville etc were hit worse as whole towns are missing or up to the roof with water.
Burnsville was a town we researched when looking for a second vacation rental and although we didn't go through with it I have kept an eye on that area. It surely did grow over the 11 years we have owned a vacation rentals. But now I will have to really re-think it. This area has some of the highest Mountains on the Eastern seaboard so that much rain in a short time just travels down so fast and nothing, not steel bridges, nothing stops that power.
We do not know what will happen going forward. We may have to turn our place into a mid term rental to house local people that have insurance as I just can't imagine there is even a winter season happening as the ski areas are torn up. Who knows...
But I ask you when we are back up and running to please help us get the word out. The mountains are still there and they are still beautiful. Things will turn around. The love and caring shown by neighbors not only in Silverleaf POA but all over has been truly amazing.
Theresa Casey Robertson