Amazing birding tour in northeastern Uruguay. A four-day tour through different natural environments. Beautiful prairies, forests, ravines, wetlands and hills, together with Margaret Poethig, a very friendly and responsible bird watcher, and we were able to spot more than 150 species of birds.. One night at the “Bichadero Establishment”, where we were received by a very kind and friendly family, committed to the conservation of the environment, and two nights in the Valle del Lunarejo Protected Area.
Nacunda Nighthawks, Firewood Gatherers, Cliff Flycatchers, Diademed Tanagers, a Blue-tufted Starthroat, Smooth-billed Ani, Squirrel Cuckoo, Long-Tufted Screech Owl, Gray-hooded Gull, Crested Black Tyrant, Red-legged Seriema, Streamer-tailed Tyrant, Greenish Elaenia and many others.
Increíble recorrido de observación de aves en el noreste de Uruguay. Un recorrido de cuatro días por diferentes entornos naturales.
Hermosas praderas, bosques, quebradas, humedales y cerros, junto a Margaret Poethig, una observadora de aves muy amable y responsable, pudimos avistar más de 150 especies de aves. Una noche en el “Establecimiento Bichadero”, donde fuimos recibidos por una familia muy amable y amigable, comprometida con la conservación del medio ambiente, y dos noches en el Área Protegida Valle del Lunarejo.
Ñacunda, Espinero, Viudita Colorada, Cardenal Azul, Picaflor de Barbijo, Pirincho Negro Chico, Pirincho de Monte, Tamborcito Grande, Gaviota Capucho Gris, Viudita Negra Copetona, Seriema, Yetapá Grande, Fiofío Verdoso y muchos otros.