Global Connect Tour Company

Global Connect Tour Company The official page for everyone who loves Uzbekistan, bringing you travel ideas, offers, attr

Visa Support to Central Asian Countries: • Uzbekistan • Kazakhstan • Kyrgyzstan • Tajikistan • IranWe offer our visa ser...

Visa Support to Central Asian Countries:
• Uzbekistan
• Kazakhstan
• Kyrgyzstan
• Tajikistan
• Iran

We offer our visa services to 5 destinations. Some countries require an invitation letter to get a visa (it could be different for various nationalities).

Contact us for more information:
WhatsApp/Telegram: +998944783232

Kalyan Minaret in Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Kalyan Minaret in Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Sudochye Lake, Uzbekistan

Sudochye Lake, Uzbekistan

Check your passport ranking in 2024:

Check your passport ranking in 2024:

Henley Passport Index is a global ranking of countries according to the travel freedom enjoyed by the holders of that country's ordinary passport for its citizens.

Samarkand’s most moving and beloved site is this stunning avenue of mausoleums, which contains some of the richest tilew...

Samarkand’s most moving and beloved site is this stunning avenue of mausoleums, which contains some of the richest tilework in the Muslim world. The name, which means ‘Tomb of the Living King’, refers to its original, innermost and holiest shrine – a complex of cool, quiet rooms around what is probably the grave of Qusam ibn-Abbas, who is said to have brought Islam to this area in the 7th century. The most stunning Timurid-era tilework dates from 14th and 15th centuries. ~ by LonelyPlanet.

Our company provides travel services and visa support along the Central Asian countries.Travel with us to:• Uzbekistan• ...

Our company provides travel services and visa support along the Central Asian countries.

Travel with us to:
• Uzbekistan
• Kazakhstan
• Kyrgyzstan
• Iran
• Tajikistan

Contact us for more details. Let the experts guide you!

Explore ancient cities of Uzbekistan →

Explore ancient cities of Uzbekistan →

Uzbekistan Tour Package from UAE

Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new pr...

Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.
We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new project for travelers.
Year by year Central Asia becomes more and more famous among the travelers and one of the best countries to visit. New countries offer many new experiences and memories. Our team wants to add another memory to your trip.
If you will use a promo-code before requesting the service we will be happy to provide a discount for you (for all services we have different discounts).
However, using the promo-code is not enough to get a discount. After sending us the promo-code, we will send you an instruction about how to get the discount. We want to make your trip to Central Asia more memorable and mysterious. ( WhatsApp )
#туризм #тур #турагентство #путешествие #путешествия

GLOBAL CONNECT provides to get a Letter of Invitation ( LOI ) to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Ira...

GLOBAL CONNECT provides to get a Letter of Invitation ( LOI ) to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Iran.
GLOBAL CONNECT provides visa support to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Iran.
Let professionals guide you! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us: (WhatsApp)

Mobile: +998944873232 (WhatsApp/Telegram)

Let professionals guide you!

Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new pr...

Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.

We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new project for travelers.

Year by year Central Asia becomes more and more famous among the travelers and one of the best countries to visit. New countries offer many new experiences and memories. Our team wants to add another memory to your trip.

If you will use a promo-code before requesting the service we will be happy to provide a discount for you (for all services we have different discounts).

However, using the promo-code is not enough to get a discount. After sending us the promo-code, we will send you an instruction about how to get the discount. We want to make your trip to Central Asia more memorable and mysterious. ( WhatsApp )

#туризм #тур #турагентство #путешествие #путешествия


Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.

We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new project for travelers.

Year by year Central Asia becomes more and more famous among the travelers and one of the best countries to visit. New countries offer many new experiences and memories. Our team wants to add another memory to your trip.

If you will use a promo-code before requesting the service we will be happy to provide a discount for you (for all services we have different discounts).

However, using the promo-code is not enough to get a discount. After sending us the promo-code, we will send you an instruction about how to get the discount. We want to make your trip to Central Asia more memorable and mysterious. ( WhatsApp )

#виза #туризм #тур #турагентство #центральнаяазия

ग्लोबल कनेक्ट के साथ मध्य एशिया की यात्रा और भी सस्ती।

हमारे पास आपके लिए एक बड़ी खुशखबरी है! हमारी टीम ने यात्रियों के लिए एक नया प्रोजेक्ट तैयार किया है.

साल दर साल मध्य एशिया यात्रियों के बीच अधिक से अधिक प्रसिद्ध होता जा रहा है और घूमने के लिए सबसे अच्छे देशों में से एक बन गया है। नए देश कई नए अनुभव और यादें प्रदान करते हैं। हमारी टीम आपकी यात्रा में एक और स्मृति जोड़ना चाहती है।

यदि आप सेवा का अनुरोध करने से पहले प्रोमो-कोड का उपयोग करेंगे तो हमें आपके लिए छूट प्रदान करने में खुशी होगी (सभी सेवाओं के लिए हमारे पास अलग-अलग छूट हैं)।

हालाँकि, छूट पाने के लिए प्रोमो-कोड का उपयोग करना पर्याप्त नहीं है। हमें प्रोमो-कोड भेजने के बाद, हम आपको छूट कैसे प्राप्त करें, इसके बारे में एक निर्देश भेजेंगे। हम आपकी मध्य एशिया यात्रा को और अधिक यादगार और रहस्यमय बनाना चाहते हैं। (व्हाट्सएप)

#यात्रा #यात्राएं #यात्रा #पर्यटन #वीसा #एविसा #एशिया #उज्बेकिस्तान #सेंट्रलासिया #समरकंद #बुखारा #पहाड़ #समुद्र #दुबई #виза #туризм #тур #турагентство #центральна яазия #बिजनेस #बांग्लादेश #यूएसए #ग्लोबलकनेक्ट #उज्बेकिस्तान

Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new pr...

Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.
We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new project for travelers.

Year by year Central Asia becomes more and more famous among the travelers and one of the best countries to visit. New countries offer many new experiences and memories. Our team wants to add another memory to your trip.
If you will use a promo-code before requesting the service we will be happy to provide a discount for you (for all services we have different discounts).

However, using the promo-code is not enough to get a discount. After sending us the promo-code, we will send you an instruction about how to get the discount. We want to make your trip to Central Asia more memorable and mysterious. ( WhatsApp )

#виза #туризм #тур #турагентство #центральнаяазия


GLOBAL CONNECT provides Visa Support to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Iran.

For further details contact us: ( WhatsApp )

Let professionals guide you!

Citizens of the following countries can obtain Uzbekistan e-visa:

1. Albania
2. Algeria
3. Angola
4. Bahrain
5. Bangladesh
6. Bolivia
7. Bhutan
8. Cambodia
9. China (including Hong Kong)
10. Colombia
11. Cote d'Ivoire
12. Ecuador
13. Egypt
14. Fiji
15. Guyana
16. India
17. Iran
18. Jordan
19. Kiribati
20. Kuwait
21. Laos
22. Lebanon
23. Macedonia
24. Maldives
25. Marshall Islands 26. Mauritius
27. Micronesia
28. Morocco
29. Nauru
30. Nepal
31. Oman
32. Palau
33. Paraguay
34. Peru
35. Philippines
36. Qatar
37. Samoa
38. Saudi Arabia
39. Seychelles
40. Solomon islands
41. Sri Lanka
42. Suriname
43. Thailand
44. Tonga
45. Tunisia
46. Uruguay
47. USA
48. Vanuatu
49. Venezuela
50. Vietnam


Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.

We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new project for travelers.

Year by year Central Asia becomes more and more famous among the travelers and one of the best countries to visit. New countries offer many new experiences and memories. Our team wants to add another memory to your trip.

If you will use a promo-code before requesting the service we will be happy to provide a discount for you (for all services we have different discounts).

However, using the promo-code is not enough to get a discount. After sending us the promo-code, we will send you an instruction about how to get the discount. We want to make your trip to Central Asia more memorable and mysterious. ( WhatsApp )

#виза #туризм #тур #турагентство #центральнаяазия

You can also follow on Instagram to see more.

You can also follow on Instagram to see more.


Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.

We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new project for travelers.

Year by year Central Asia becomes more and more famous among the travelers and one of the best countries to visit. New countries offer many new experiences and memories. Our team wants to add another memory to your trip.

If you will use a promo-code before requesting the service we will be happy to provide a discount for you (for all services we have different discounts).

However, using the promo-code is not enough to get a discount. After sending us the promo-code, we will send you an instruction about how to get the discount. We want to make your trip to Central Asia more memorable and mysterious.

-visa #виза #туризм #тур #турагентство #центральнаяазия

Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new pr...

Travel around Central Asia with GLOBAL CONNECT even cheaper.

We have a great news for you! Our team has prepared a new project for travelers.

Year by year Central Asia becomes more and more famous among the travelers and one of the best countries to visit. New countries offer many new experiences and memories. Our team wants to add another memory to your trip.

If you will use a promo-code before requesting the service we will be happy to provide a discount for you (for all services we have different discounts).

However, using the promo-code is not enough to get a discount. After sending us the promo-code, we will send you an instruction about how to get the discount. We want to make your trip to Central Asia more memorable and mysterious.

GLOBAL CONNECT provides Visa Support to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Iran.Let professionals guide...

GLOBAL CONNECT provides Visa Support to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Iran.
Let professionals guide you! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us: (WhatsApp) (Telegram)

GLOBAL CONNECT provides Visa Support   to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Iran.For further details c...

GLOBAL CONNECT provides Visa Support to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Iran.
For further details contact us: +998944783232 (WhatsApp/Telegram)

Let professionals guide you!


Welcome to Uzbekistan! Discover the great history and incredible heritage of Uzbekistan. Visit the ancient cities of Uzbekistan - Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent. Explore Uzbekistan's culture and traditions and enjoy the hospitality of local people →

Whatsapp: + 8 94 180 00 01

Citizens of the following countries can obtain Uzbekistan e-visa:

1. Albania
2. Algeria
3. Angola
4. Bahrain
5. Bangladesh
6. Bolivia
7. Bhutan
8. Cambodia
9. China (including Hong Kong)
10. Colombia
11. Cote d'Ivoire
12. Ecuador
13. Egypt
14. Fiji
15. Guyana
16. India
17. Iran
18. Jordan
19. Kiribati
20. Kuwait
21. Laos
22. Lebanon
23. Macedonia
24. Maldives
25. Marshall Islands 26. Mauritius
27. Micronesia
28. Morocco
29. Nauru
30. Nepal
31. Oman
32. Palau
33. Paraguay
34. Peru
35. Philippines
36. Qatar
37. Samoa
38. Saudi Arabia
39. Seychelles
40. Solomon islands
41. Sri Lanka
42. Suriname
43. Thailand
44. Tonga
45. Tunisia
46. Uruguay
47. USA
48. Vanuatu
49. Venezuela
50. Vietnam

-visa #виза #туризм #тур #турагентство #центральнаяазия [not allowed]vel #виза #туризм #тур #турагентство #центральнаяазия #путешествие #путешествия #путешествиепороссии #путешествияпороссии #путешествияпомиру #путешествияэтожизнь #путешествиясдетьми #путешествиемечты #путешествиенамашине #путешествиеврождество #путешествиесдетьми #путешествиепоевропе #путешествиепомиру #путешествиесребенком #путешествиеэтожизнь #путешествияпоевропе #путешествиянамашине #путешествиепокрыму #путешествиямояжизнь #путешествиенаавто #путешествияпокрыму #путешествиепобеларуси #путешествие2023 #путешествияпобеларуси #путешествиесемьей #путешествиепогрузии #путешествиясосмыслом #путешествиессемьей #путешествиессобакой #путешествиевлето #путешествиедуши #путешествиепоазии #путешествиепоамерике #путешествие2018 #путешествие2017 #турист #туристы #туристическоеагентство #туристическаякомпания #туристская #туристическаяфирма #туристка #туристыроссии #туристуназаметку #туристический #туристическиепутевки #туристическийнож #туристам #туристическиеуслуги #туристи #туристическийжурнал #туристическаяфирмакурорт #туристамназаметку #туристер #туристическая #туристическиймаршрут #туристическаяполиция #туристичнафірма #туристическое #туристическиеножи #туристичнеспорядження #туристическоеагентствоуфа #туристическийсувенир #туристическоеагентство #туристическийрюкзак #туристическиемаршруты

Visa support to Uzbekistan → + 998 94 180 00 01http...

Visa support to Uzbekistan →

Whatsapp: + 998 94 180 00 01

Citizens of the following countries can obtain Uzbekistan e-visa:

1. Albania
2. Algeria
3. Angola
4. Bahrain
5. Bangladesh
6. Bolivia
7. Bhutan
8. Cambodia
9. China (including Hong Kong)
10. Colombia
11. Cote d'Ivoire
12. Ecuador
13. Egypt
14. Fiji
15. Guyana
16. India
17. Iran
18. Jordan
19. Kiribati
20. Kuwait
21. Laos
22. Lebanon
23. Macedonia
24. Maldives
25. Marshall Islands 26. Mauritius
27. Micronesia
28. Morocco
29. Nauru
30. Nepal
31. Oman
32. Palau
33. Paraguay
34. Peru
35. Philippines
36. Qatar
37. Samoa
38. Saudi Arabia
39. Seychelles
40. Solomon islands
41. Sri Lanka
42. Suriname
43. Thailand
44. Tonga
45. Tunisia
46. Uruguay
47. USA
48. Vanuatu
49. Venezuela
50. Vietnam

-visa #виза #туризм #тур #турагентство #центральнаяазия [not allowed]vel #виза #туризм #тур #турагентство #центральнаяазия #путешествие #путешествия #путешествиепороссии #путешествияпороссии #путешествияпомиру #путешествияэтожизнь #путешествиясдетьми #путешествиемечты #путешествиенамашине #путешествиеврождество #путешествиесдетьми #путешествиепоевропе #путешествиепомиру #путешествиесребенком #путешествиеэтожизнь #путешествияпоевропе #путешествиянамашине #путешествиепокрыму #путешествиямояжизнь #путешествиенаавто #путешествияпокрыму #путешествиепобеларуси #путешествие2023 #путешествияпобеларуси #путешествиесемьей #путешествиепогрузии #путешествиясосмыслом #путешествиессемьей #путешествиессобакой #путешествиевлето #путешествиедуши #путешествиепоазии #путешествиепоамерике #путешествие2018 #путешествие2017 #турист #туристы #туристическоеагентство #туристическаякомпания #туристская #туристическаяфирма #туристка #туристыроссии #туристуназаметку #туристический #туристическиепутевки #туристическийнож #туристам #туристическиеуслуги #туристи #туристическийжурнал #туристическаяфирмакурорт #туристамназаметку #туристер #туристическая #туристическиймаршрут #туристическаяполиция #туристичнафірма #туристическое #туристическиеножи #туристичнеспорядження #туристическоеагентствоуфа #туристическийсувенир #туристическоеагентство #туристическийрюкзак #туристическиемаршруты


Nodirabegim 6/22

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00




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