Peopletravel - Tours to Uzbekistan

Peopletravel - Tours to Uzbekistan Welcome to Peopletravel's official page. We offer unforgettable Tours to Uzbekistan and Central Asia.

Peopletravel operates on Central Asian market and is based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Peopletravel offers a wide range of services, including adventurous, extreme, historical, and budgetary tours in Uzbekistan and particularly in Central Asia. Besides, Peopletravel is the first environmentally friendly touristic company in Uzbekistan to launch Bike Rental project in Samarkand and Bukhara. We are alw

ays ready to book hotels in Uzbekistan for our customers. And of course we have an online booking service on our web site to ease your tour to Uzbekistan and save your time.

🇬🇧 / 🇷🇺🇬🇧 The name of the mausoleum Uch-Ovliya in translation means "The Mausoleum of the three saints"-was erected in t...

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🇬🇧 The name of the mausoleum Uch-Ovliya in translation means "The Mausoleum of the three saints"-was erected in the second half of the XVI century.

🇷🇺 Название мавзолея Уч-Овлия в переводе означает «Мавзолей трёх святых»-был возведен во второй половине XVI века.

🇬🇧 / 🇷🇺🇬🇧 In 2016, UNESCO announced the inclusion of the Chatkal Nature Reserve in World Heritage sites. The territory i...

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🇬🇧 In 2016, UNESCO announced the inclusion of the Chatkal Nature Reserve in World Heritage sites. The territory includes the resorts of the capital region – Charvak reservoir, Beldersay, Chimgan and Amirsay mountain tracts, Urungach lakes recognized as a natural monument.

🇷🇺 В 2016 г ЮНЕСКО объявило о внесении Чаткальского заповедника в объекты всемирного наследия. Территория включает в себя курорты столичного региона – Чарвакское водохранилище, Бельдерсай ,горные урочища Чимган и Амирсай, признанные памятником природы Урунгачские озера.

🇬🇧 / 🇷🇺🇬🇧 The Poi-Kalyan means: “the foot of the great", complex consists of three main buildings of the XII-XVI centuri...

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🇬🇧 The Poi-Kalyan means: “the foot of the great", complex consists of three main buildings of the XII-XVI centuries: they are Kalyan Mosque, the Kalyan minaret and the Miri Arab madrasah.

🇷🇺 Комплекс Пои-Калян, в переводе “подножие великого”, состоит из трех сооружений XII-XVI веков: мечеть Калян, минарет Калян и медресе Мири Араб.

🇬🇧 / 🇷🇺🇬🇧 Residents of Tashkent have a great opportunity not only to see the deer live, but also to pet and feed them. Y...

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🇬🇧 Residents of Tashkent have a great opportunity not only to see the deer live, but also to pet and feed them. You can do this at the deer farm "Deer Hills", which is located in the Tashkent region, at an altitude of 1200 meters.

🇷🇺 У жителей Ташкента есть прекрасная возможность не только вживую увидеть оленей, но еще погладить и покормить их. Сделать это можно на оленьей ферме «Deer Hills»,которая находится в Ташкентской области, на высоте 1200 метров.


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🇬🇧 The exhibition dedicated to the work of one of the famous artists in the history of Western art, Vincent Van Gogh, will be held in Tashkent until February 15, 2023.

🇷🇺 Выставка, посвященная творчеству одного из известных художников в истории западного искусства, Винсенту Ван Гогу ,пройдет в Ташкенте до 15 февраля 2023 года.

🇬🇧 / 🇷🇺🇬🇧 The Zaamin Reserve is called "Uzbek Switzerland", located in the Jizzakh region, in the north of the Turkestan...

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🇬🇧 The Zaamin Reserve is called "Uzbek Switzerland", located in the Jizzakh region, in the north of the Turkestan ridge. It is famous for its unique and beautiful nature, as well as modern sanatoriums overlooking the coniferous forest.

🇷🇺 Зааминский заповедник назван «Узбекской Швейцарией», расположен в Джизакской области,на севере Туркестанского хребта. Славится своей уникальной и красивой природой ,а так же современными санаториями с видом на хвойный лес.

🇬🇧 / 🇷🇺🇬🇧 The Yangiabad tourist base is located in the town of the same name on the territory of the Chatkal Biosphere R...

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🇬🇧 The Yangiabad tourist base is located in the town of the same name on the territory of the Chatkal Biosphere Reserve, 120 km from Tashkent. It is famous for its picturesque nature and active recreation, such as skiing, hiking, bike jumping, zip-line.

🇷🇺 Туристическая база «Янгиабад» располагается в одноименном городке на территории Чаткальского биосферного заповедника, в 120км от Ташкента. Славится своей живописной природой и активными видами отдыха, такие как катание на лыжах, походы, байз джампинг, зип-лайн.

🇬🇧 / 🇷🇺  🇬🇧 The exhibition "The splendor of the oases of Uzbekistan. At the intersection of caravan Routes" will last un...

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🇬🇧 The exhibition "The splendor of the oases of Uzbekistan. At the intersection of caravan Routes" will last until March 6, 2023 at the Louvre Museum in Paris. In total, visitors can see 138 rare objects housed in the Richelieu Hall and the Islamic department of the museum and covering the period from the V—VI centuries BC to the reign of the Temurids.

🇷🇺 Выставка «Великолепие оазисов Узбекистана. На пересечении караванных путей» продлиться до 6 марта 2023 в парижском музее Лувра. Всего посетители могут увидеть 138 редких обьектов, размещенных в зале Ришелье и исламском отделе музее и охватывающих период с V—VI веков до н.э до эпохи правления Темуридов.

🇬🇧 / 🇷🇺🇬🇧 A bright event of last year - the Eternal City tourist center appeared in Samarkand, designed to become a new ...

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🇬🇧 A bright event of last year - the Eternal City tourist center appeared in Samarkand, designed to become a new symbol and tourist opportunities.
Tourists and visitors of the "Eternal City" will see the works of local craftsmen, enjoy national dishes, as well as get acquainted with tourist centers that combine objects of cultural, medical, business tourism.

🇷🇺 Яркое событие прошлого года - в Самарканде возник туристский центр "Вечный Город", призванный стать новым символом и туристических возможностей.
Туристы и посетители «Вечного города» увидят работы местных мастеров, насладятся национальными блюдами а так же ознакомятся туристическими центрами, соединяющие в себе объекты культурного, медицинского, делового туризма.

🇬🇧 / 🇷🇺🇬🇧 This is an amazing corner in Uzbekistan, where a beautiful winter view opens, traces of wild animals and the s...

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🇬🇧 This is an amazing corner in Uzbekistan, where a beautiful winter view opens, traces of wild animals and the silence of mountains and canyons, which hides half-frozen quiet waterfalls.

🇷🇺 Это удивительный уголок в Узбекистане ,где открывается красивый зимний вид, следы диких животных и тишина гор и каньонов, которая скрывает полузамерзшие тихие водопады.

🇬🇧In the last week of the outgoing year, we really want the coming year to be generous with good moments, lots of travel...


In the last week of the outgoing year, we really want the coming year to be generous with good moments, lots of travel and festive vibe.
On behalf of our entire team, we wish you happiness, prosperity and positive!

Thank you for being with us!
See you in the New Year!

Peopletravel Team


В последнюю неделю уходящего года нам очень хочется, чтобы грядущий год был щедр на удачные моменты и много путешествий, а ваше настроение было праздничным.
Мы от всей нашей команды желаем вам счастья, достатка и позитива!

Спасибо что вы с нами !
Увидимся в Новом году!

Команда Peopletravel

Die wahre Perle von Kokand und eine der wichtigsten historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt ist der Palast von Khudoya...

Die wahre Perle von Kokand und eine der wichtigsten historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt ist der Palast von Khudoyar Khan, der in Volksmund als auch „Kokand Urda“ genannt wird.

Margilan è un'antica città del soleggiato Uzbekistan, che conserva molte gloriose tradizioni nella sua storia. Margilan ...

Margilan è un'antica città del soleggiato Uzbekistan, che conserva molte gloriose tradizioni nella sua storia. Margilan è conosciuta in tutto il mondo per i suoi magnifici prodotti in seta e per i meravigliosi monumenti architettonici, che sono l'attrazione principale di questa città. Parlando delle attrazioni di Margilan, si intende innanzitutto il complesso architettonico Pir-Siddiq, costruito a metà del XVIII secolo. Questo è uno dei pochi edifici sopravvissuti ai continui terremoti che spesso si verificano a Margilan.

Lake Tuzkan is one of the three large endorheic brackish lakes of the Aidar-Arnasay system of lakes. It is located in th...

Lake Tuzkan is one of the three large endorheic brackish lakes of the Aidar-Arnasay system of lakes. It is located in the Farish district of the Jizzakh region. Initially, the lake was of natural origin and was small in size. But with the overflow of the Chardarya reservoir a few kilometers away, Lake Tuzkan connected with the flow of water in the Arnasay lowland.

The Gulkam Gorges (canyon) are located in the Ugam-Chatkal National Natural Park near the popular recreation area for Ta...

The Gulkam Gorges (canyon) are located in the Ugam-Chatkal National Natural Park near the popular recreation area for Tashkent residents and guests of the capital - the Chimgan ski resort, just 85 km from Tashkent. Such proximity allows you to change the bustle of the metropolis for the silence and comfort of the highlands in just an hour and a half.

Il lago di giada Urungach si trova a 160 km da Tashkent, nel territorio del Parco Nazionale Ugam-Chatkal ad un'altitudin...

Il lago di giada Urungach si trova a 160 km da Tashkent, nel territorio del Parco Nazionale Ugam-Chatkal ad un'altitudine di 1227 metri. Il lago è unico in quanto le sue acque hanno un ricco colore giada. Questi luoghi sono particolarmente belli in primavera, quando sbocciano bellissimi bucaneve circondati da sentieri e danno a questo luogo una vista ancora più bella. In estate, la temperatura dell'acqua permette di fare il bagno nel lago più pulito e prendere il sole sulla sua riva.

Speleologists and adventurers know that the caves are the most mysterious. Therefore, researchers are always faced with ...

Speleologists and adventurers know that the caves are the most mysterious. Therefore, researchers are always faced with a difficult task, feasible only for the brave ones. This is what happens with the study of the Cave of Amir Timur. They say that treasures are hidden at the very depths of such a cave.

Karakiyasay originates from the numerous tributaries of the Minbulak mountain, which is located at an altitude of 2823 m...

Karakiyasay originates from the numerous tributaries of the Minbulak mountain, which is located at an altitude of 2823 m above sea level.

The word Mingbulak means "thousand springs". In the upper reaches of the Karakiyasay there are natural monuments - petroglyphs - rock paintings. Even higher there are places "Kul", where a whole gallery of ancient artists is located. Here you can clearly see the history of human presence in these places.

The legend says that in ancient times the pagan Turks attacked the Ferghana Valley, and the holy Pir-Siddiq hid from the...

The legend says that in ancient times the pagan Turks attacked the Ferghana Valley, and the holy Pir-Siddiq hid from the infidels. He managed to hide in one of the caves. Soon, pigeons flocked to the cave and made many nests at its entrance. The Turks passing by this cave thought that a person could not hide in such a place, and did not examine it. So, in memory of this miraculous salvation of the saint, a whole complex was erected around the tomb of Pir-Siddiq, and pigeons became especially revered among the Margilans. Among the people, this architectural landmark has a second name - "Kaptarlik" "Pigeon"

The tomb of Khoja Daniyar, as Muslims call him, or the biblical prophet Daniel, as Christians call him, or Daniel, one o...

The tomb of Khoja Daniyar, as Muslims call him, or the biblical prophet Daniel, as Christians call him, or Daniel, one of the four great Jewish prophets, is located next to the Siab River, between the hills of Afrasiab. .

Suhoor and iftar are two concepts that are closely related to the process of eating during the fast of Ramadan. Suhoor i...

Suhoor and iftar are two concepts that are closely related to the process of eating during the fast of Ramadan. Suhoor is the Muslim morning meal, while iftar is the evening meal. Suhoor and iftar during the holy month of Ramadan replace Muslims with three meals a day, consisting of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In the historical center of Samarkand, near the Registan Square and the Sherdor Madrasah, there is the Chorsu National A...

In the historical center of Samarkand, near the Registan Square and the Sherdor Madrasah, there is the Chorsu National Art Gallery. The gallery building has an original hexagonal shape and domes - one large central and six small ones above each of the entrances. The building is old, it was built in the 15th century.

The Bibi-Khanym Mosque is an architectural monument of 1399-1404 in Samarkand, the grandiose cathedral mosque of Tamerla...

The Bibi-Khanym Mosque is an architectural monument of 1399-1404 in Samarkand, the grandiose cathedral mosque of Tamerlane, richly decorated with tiles, carved marble and paintings. Rebuilt from ruins at the end of the 20th century.

The first large oceanarium opened in Tashkent . Visitors are waiting for the magic of the underwater world, where everyo...

The first large oceanarium opened in Tashkent . Visitors are waiting for the magic of the underwater world, where everyone can discover hundreds of amazing creatures. .

Novruz acquired official status in the Achaemenid Empire as a religious holiday of Zoroastrianism. It continues to be ce...

Novruz acquired official status in the Achaemenid Empire as a religious holiday of Zoroastrianism. It continues to be celebrated everywhere after the Arab conquests, up to the present. In modern times, it is celebrated on the days that fall on the spring equinox.

The climate in the protected area is sharply continental, most precipitation falls in October, January and April. Even i...

The climate in the protected area is sharply continental, most precipitation falls in October, January and April. Even in the summer months, the air temperature here does not rise above 33°C, and in December-January it can drop to -34°C. Characterized by sharp temperature changes between day and night.

The Surkhan State Reserve is located in the Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan, 60 km from the city of Termez. The reserv...

The Surkhan State Reserve is located in the Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan, 60 km from the city of Termez. The reserve was created in 1986 by merging the Kugitangsky state reserve with the Aral-Paygambar reserve in order to preserve and restore the population of rare plant and animal species. The territory of the Surkhansky reserve is located at an altitude of 1500 to 3150 m above sea level on the southwestern slopes of the Gissar Range of the Pamir-Alai mountain system.

La Fortezza quadrangolare di Guldursun, con una superficie totale di 35 ettari, fu originariamente costruita in epoca an...

La Fortezza quadrangolare di Guldursun, con una superficie totale di 35 ettari, fu originariamente costruita in epoca antica, ma fu distrutta intorno al V secolo d.C. Molto più tardi, in epoca medioevale, ne venne eretto uno nuovo sul sito dell'ex fortezza, con doppie mura e torri- feritoie. Sul territorio dell'insediamento di Guldursun, gli archeologi hanno scoperto monete, oggetti in ceramica e bronzo, gioielli dell'era dell'antichità e del Medioevo.


47/4 Dagestanskaya Str

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00




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