Sail Fast!
We were flying yesterday!
11.5 mph (10 knots) in 13-knot wind becuz we were sailing with about a 2-knot current.
Flying Gurnard
Another funny fish!
(Still shot in separate post)
Flying Gurnard
It's a bottom dweller, when excited it spreads it's "wings" which have phosphorescent blue tips.
I thought it looked like a lizard with wings!
Sorry for the cloudy image. My lens is fogging up--don't know why, maybe humidity. I'll spray with mask no-fog spray, maybe that will help.
Jim looking for lobsters
Lobsters everywhere!!
(Here's the video to pair up with the still shot from last post)
They know it's off-season now and just like to torment us. We counted 7 of them in one hole yesterday, all begging for some hot butter;-)
The video makes me laugh. Anyone who has dove with Jim will agree, he spends more time upside down (poking his head into crevices) than right side up!
Bait ball
I love getting caught up in a bait ball!
I had already been in the midst of these zillions of minnows for about a minute when I thought to turn on the camera.
Later we saw a tuna chasing the bait so we hopped into our dinghy and trolled a couple lures to no avail. Probably a good thing cuz using a sharp gaff in an inflatable boat not a good idea;-)
A beautiful Green Turtle. At least I think it's a Green Turtle and not a Hawksbill (turtle people, feel free to school me:-)
Still shots in separate posting.
Wind died down so we headed offshore to try our parasailor.
It's a lightweight sail for low winds/downwind conditions. Today the wind was almost non-existent (could of used some more!) but we got it to sail quite well.
It always went at least half the true wind and often more --which is great for dead downwind. Our mainsail & jib would've been too heavy to fill in these light winds.
And it's a pretty sail, too:-)
Still shots in separate post
Slithering sharptail eel
Here's the video of the sharptail eel....blow it up to get a good look at this snake-like creature
Sailing into Grenada (view from stern)
Made it to our summer stomping grounds: Grenada.
Dodged storms today. It'd be really pleasant for a while (like video), then a squall would kick up and all hell would break loose.
We hit 10 mph several times today, yippee!
Grabbed a ball in Moliniere Marine Park. Will do a little snorkeling & diving then onto St. George's.
Mason on the loose
Mason gets to run off-leash!!
First time in many, many months. Deserted island so no chance for stray dogs or people.
He even had a case of the zoomies but I didn't capture that. MaryLu Kinlaw thought you'd enjoy seeing he still kicks his back legs out!
God has a sense of humor.
We took off early today for a 24-hr sail. Offshore fishing has been SO tough with so much sargassum (floating weeds) fouling hooks.
I prayed today for a big dolphin. Meaning dolphinfish (mahi mahi).
I could use it mentally after getting beat up by this weed.
Instead, we are treated to a pod of maybe a dozen dolphins frolicking off our bow for around 45 minutes. So fun!
I mentioned to Jim that God must be trying to make a point (sending me dolphin mammals over dolphinfish).
He said I need to be thankful for the gift we were just given and maybe be more specific with my I related those words onto the big guy.
Shortly afterwards I caught this dolphinfish. You can't make this stuff up, folks!! (Fish pix in separate post)
Mangrove trail
Dinghy ride means adventure!
Thru the mangroves in Le Marin, Martinique
Pure bliss!
Swimming through a crevice filled with easily over a hundred HUGE yellowtail snappers--most were 2' long and thick! A couple of big mutton snappers at the end, too.
We just became part of their school; I love it when that happens. It's so peaceful.
Yellow trumpetfish. We used to see alot of brown ones in Florida but we see alot of yellow and blue ones in the Caribbean.