Mucangchai Ecolodge

Mucangchai Ecolodge Mucangchai Ecolodge tại Nậm Khắt là khu nghỉ dưỡng sinh thái có 12 phòng riêng và 1 Warmly welcome you to our Spirit. Ecolodge Mu Cang Chai.

We are nothing more honor to show you around all the facilities, made by love and the hospitality, with 7 rooms, included 4 doubles, 3 twins. Surrounding by the pure of mountains, birds, butterfly...and the incomercial of the local. In the hustle life, it would be the nicest time for you to hear the silent sounds with feeling and piece. Real experience, Real feeling. Hear the silent sounds in peace

Dear beloved guests,Today, with colorful souls and grateful hearts, we would like to send out a call to those who have e...

Dear beloved guests,

Today, with colorful souls and grateful hearts, we would like to send out a call to those who have experienced wonderful moments at Ecolodge Mucangchai. We hope to receive sincere reviews from you, reviews that truly reflect the value of the service we provide.

The experience at Ecolodge Mucangchai is an adventure that takes you into the embrace of beautiful nature and lush green meadows. From the traditional wooden houses that reflect the essence of the Mù Cang Chải highland, you will immerse yourself in a peaceful space and indulge in the pristine beauty of the mountains, forests, and breathtaking terraced fields.

Our dedicated and professional staff are always ready to welcome you with sincerity and devotion. From warm greetings to thoughtful advice on exploring the Mù Cang Chải region, we are committed to providing you with a memorable and impressive travel experience.

Because we believe in the honesty and impact of each review, we would like to invite you to take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences with the community on Google. Through the link below, you can directly access and write your review:

For your Facebook friends who haven't had the opportunity to visit Ecolodge Mucangchai and experience our services, please extend an invitation from the bottom of our hearts. We hope that you will soon have the chance to come and let us welcome and serve you as our most special guests.

Together, we can share with the world the unforgettable experiences at Ecolodge Mucangchai and create unforgettable memories. By writing reviews and sharing on Google, you not only help us improve our services but also bring joy and anticipation to those seeking a place worth visiting

"Mucangchai Ecolodge - Tổ Ấm Uyên Ương Tại Vùng Đất Hoa Tớ Dày"🌺 Bước vào thế giới đầy cảm xúc tại Mucangchai Ecolodge, ...

"Mucangchai Ecolodge - Tổ Ấm Uyên Ương Tại Vùng Đất Hoa Tớ Dày"
🌺 Bước vào thế giới đầy cảm xúc tại Mucangchai Ecolodge, nơi những căn Bungalow độc đáo mang dấu ấn truyền thống của người bản địa chào đón bạn. Kiến trúc kiểu Nhà người Thái, Mái người Mông và sự tinh tế trong thi công do người Kinh thực hiện, tạo nên không gian ấm cúng và đậm chất văn hóa. 🌺
🏡 Tại đây, nhân viên người dân tộc thiểu số chào đón bạn với sự nhiệt tình và tận tâm. Dễ thương và mộc mạc, họ tạo nên không khí gia đình, mang đến cho bạn cảm giác như đang được chăm sóc và yêu thương như tại nhà. 🏡
🍽️ Mỗi bữa ăn tại Mucangchai Ecolodge là một trải nghiệm tuyệt vời. Hãy thưởng thức những món ẩm thực bản địa đặc trưng, được chế biến với tình yêu và tâm huyết. Bạn sẽ thấy như đang thưởng thức những hương vị chân thực và độc đáo, làm say đắm vị giác của mình. 🍽️
🌿 Tận hưởng sự thư giãn sau ngày làm việc mệt nhọc và khám phá vẻ đẹp tuyệt vời tại Mucangchai Ecolodge. Du khách sẽ được chiêm ngưỡng Mâm Xôi, Rừng Trúc và Sống Lưng Khủng Long - những điểm tham quan nổi tiếng. Đặc biệt, mùa đông đang đến và bạn sẽ được ngắm hoa Tớ Dày, biểu tượng nổi tiếng của Mù Cang Chải, với màu đỏ rực rỡ như những chiếc xiêm y hồng trên bầu trời. 🌿
💫 Hãy đến và khám phá kỳ tích ấm áp tại Mucangchai Ecolodge - nơi bạn sẽ được đắm mình trong một câu chuyện lãng mạn với vẻ đẹp hoang sơ và tình yêu chất phác của người dân bản địa. Đây là nơi bạn sẽ tìm thấy sự thư giãn và tận hưởng những khoảnh khắc đáng nhớ trong lòng vùng đất hoa Tớ Dày. 💫

🌺 Hãy đặt chân đến Mucangchai Ecolodge và trải nghiệm kỳ tích ấm áp tại vùng đất hoa Tớ Dày - nơi tạo nên những kỷ niệm đáng yêu và cuốn hút trong trái tim của bạn. 🌺
Sale Manager– Mu Cang Chai Ecolodge
Mobile: +(84) 0352.263.995 or (+84) 0396. 106.106
Skype: Ecolodge Mucangchai
Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Add: Hua Khat Village – Nam Khat Commune – Mucangchai Dist – Yen Bai Province

"Thiên Đường Mù Cang Chải: Khi Mùa Hoa Tớ Dày Hòa Quyện Với Sắc Đỏ Lãng Mạn Của Tình Yêu"❤️ Trong vòng tay êm ái của núi...

"Thiên Đường Mù Cang Chải: Khi Mùa Hoa Tớ Dày Hòa Quyện Với Sắc Đỏ Lãng Mạn Của Tình Yêu"
❤️ Trong vòng tay êm ái của núi rừng Mù Cang Chải, một cánh đồng hoa tuyệt đẹp mở ra như một trái tim đỏ lửa thắp sáng nơi thế giới này. Đó là mùa hoa Tớ Dày, mùa của tình yêu và lãng mạn vô tận. ❤️
🌸 Hãy cùng Ecolodge Mù Cang Chải lắng đọng trong chuyến hành trình lãng mạn đến "Thiên Đường Mùa Hoa". Bước vào một thế giới mà sắc đỏ Tớ Dày len lỏi khắp nơi, như đang chờ đón cặp đôi yêu nhau bước vào câu chuyện của riêng họ. 🌸
🌿 Khi bạn bước vào Ecolodge Mù Cang Chải, những căn phòng ấm áp và hoàn hảo sẽ là nơi trú ẩn cho tình yêu và sự kỳ diệu của mùa đông. Mỗi chi tiết được chăm chút tỉ mỉ, tạo nên không gian lãng mạn và đầy cảm hứng để bạn và người thương yêu tận hưởng những khoảnh khắc đáng nhớ. 🌿
🍃 Hãy đắm chìm trong khung cảnh thiên nhiên tuyệt đẹp, với cánh đồng hoa Tớ Dày trải dài đến tận chân trời. Đây là thời khắc để bạn cùng người đặc biệt của mình lạc vào mê cung của tình yêu và lãng mạn. 🍃
🌟 Hãy tận hưởng những bữa ăn đậm chất không gian truyền thống của người Hmong bản địa. Vị ngon tinh tế, hương thơm quyến rũ sẽ đưa bạn vào một cuộc hành trình ẩm thực đầy trái tim. 🌟
💫 Đến với Ecolodge Mù Cang Chải và trải nghiệm mùa hoa Tớ Dày, nơi mà tình yêu và lãng mạn đan xen trong từng hơi thở. Dành thời gian này để tạo ra những kỷ niệm đáng nhớ và chạm đến trái tim người thương yêu. 💫
Sale Manager– Mu Cang Chai Ecolodge
Mobile: +(84) 0352.263.995 or (+84) 0396. 106.106
Skype: Ecolodge Mucangchai
Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Add: Hua Khat Village – Nam Khat Commune – Mucangchai Dist – Yen Bai Province

❤️ Hãy để Mù Cang Chải trở thành điểm đến của những câu chuyện tình yêu lãng mạn và khám phá vẻ đẹp kỳ diệu của mùa hoa Tớ Dày trong dịp Tết Dương Lịch. ❤️


La saison des fleurs To Dzay à Mu Cang Chai : Une beauté époustouflante dans l'espace froid
Dans la région montagneuse de Mu Cang Chai, un coin de paradis caché dans le nord du Vietnam, existe une histoire colorée sur la saison des fleurs To Dzay. Ces fleurs, connues localement sous le nom de Pang To Dzay, ont des pétales d'un rouge vibrant et des étamines d'un violet profond, particulièrement remarquables par temps froid. Chaque année, de novembre à fin janvier, Mu Cang Chai est plongée dans une mer de fleurs To Dzay, créant une vue à couper le souffle qui apporte de la chaleur au paysage montagneux glacial.
La beauté des fleurs To Dzay ne peut être décrite en mots. Alors que la brume matinale recouvre les vastes champs de Mu Cang Chai, les fleurs To Dzay en pleine floraison apparaissent comme des traits rouges vifs à travers le ciel gris. La lumière éthérée se mêlant à la brume crée une peinture magique, apaisant l'âme et plongeant dans l'exquise beauté de la nature. Les fleurs délicates effleurent doucement les champs, créant des mouvements gracieux rappelant des cerfs-volants dansant dans le ciel d'un bleu profond.
Pendant le crépuscule hivernal glacial, Mu Cang Chai se pare d'une beauté différente. La lumière douce et tamisée projette une teinte dorée chaleureuse, remplissant l'espace de romance et de rêves. Les fleurs To Dzay d'un rouge vif se démarquent contre le ciel d'un bleu profond, créant un contraste harmonieux et captivant. Les derniers rayons de soleil scintillent à travers les pétales, formant des points rayonnants tels des diamants dans le ciel sombre. Cette scène évoque de merveilleuses émotions, faisant fondre les cœurs des âmes romantiques en quête de véritable beauté.
La saison des fleurs To Dzay n'apporte pas seulement de la chaleur à l'espace froid de Mu Cang Chai, mais enchante également les gens par la beauté brute et délicate de la nature. Chaque fleur est comme un joyau précieux et pur, apportant tranquillité et sérénité à tous ceux qui les croisent. Ce spectacle offre également une occasion remarquable de savourer et d'explorer des moments inoubliables dans la vie, trouvant l'épanouissement au plus profond de chaque cœur.
Pour les passionnés de voyage et les explorateurs, Mu Cang Chai avec sa saison des fleurs To Dzay est une destination incontournable. Ce n'est pas seulement une expérience panoramique magnifique, mais aussi une chance d'apprécier et de chérir la beauté naturelle unique de cette terre. En pénétrant dans Mu Cang Chai pendant la saison des fleurs To Dzay, vous ressentirez l'harmonie entre les humains et la nature, une connexion profonde et un amour pour la patrie.
Prenez le temps d'admirer la beauté des fleurs To Dzay dans la brume du matin et le crépuscule hivernal glacial. Laissez votre cœur dériver le long des sentiers forestiers verdoyants, des vastes champs, et permettez à votre âme de se détendre dans l'espace tranquille des montagnes. La saison des fleurs To Dzay à Mu Cang Chai sera un voyage non seulement pour découvrir la beauté de la nature, mais aussi pour vous explorer, redécouvrir la paix intérieure et profiter de moments précieux au milieu des fleurs époustouflantes.

Sale Executive– Mu Cang Chai Ecolodge
Mobile: +(84) 0352.263.995 or (+84) 0396. 106.106
Skype: Ecolodge Mucangchai
Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
Add: Hua Khat Village – Nam Khat Commune – Mucangchai Dist – Yen Bai Province

Thông báo chuyển nhượng lại phòng:📣📣📣📣 Có chị Khách muốn chuyển nhượng lại 5 giường cộng đồng ngày 22/09 và 23/09. Các B...

Thông báo chuyển nhượng lại phòng:📣📣📣📣 Có chị Khách muốn chuyển nhượng lại 5 giường cộng đồng ngày 22/09 và 23/09. Các Bác nào chưa đặt được phòng liên hệ trực tiếp chị Dương SDT 0912.322.028 để phòng trực tiếp ạ Ecolodge Mucangchai

Khi nào có người yêu bước vô nhà mới nhiều điều dễ thương 🥰🥰   Thông tin liên hệ đặt phòng nhanh qua điện thoại:A Chua: ...

Khi nào có người yêu bước vô nhà mới nhiều điều dễ thương 🥰🥰

Thông tin liên hệ đặt phòng nhanh qua điện thoại:
A Chua: 0352.263.995 hoặc A Dũng 0396.106.106 hoặc A Trung 0888.88.67.67
Hoặc liên hệ:
Skype: Ecolodge Mucangchai
Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Add: Hua Khat Village – Nam Khat Commune – Mucangchai Dist – Yen Bai Province

483 lượt thích, 13 bình luận. “Chào mừng em đến với nhà của bọn anh”

🌾🍃 Khám phá Mùa Lúa Chín tại Mù Cang Chải - Hãy Đắm Mình trong Vẻ Đẹp Tuyệt Vời! 🌾🍃🌾🍂 Tháng 8 đến hết tháng 10, Mù Cang ...

🌾🍃 Khám phá Mùa Lúa Chín tại Mù Cang Chải - Hãy Đắm Mình trong Vẻ Đẹp Tuyệt Vời! 🌾🍃

🌾🍂 Tháng 8 đến hết tháng 10, Mù Cang Chải chìm đắm trong mùa lúa chín, tạo nên một khung cảnh tuyệt đẹp khó cưỡng. Hãy cùng tôi khám phá vẻ đẹp hùng vĩ của những thửa ruộng bậc thang, nơi màu sắc vàng óng của lúa chín xen lẫn với màu xanh biếc của núi rừng, tạo nên một bức tranh thiên nhiên tuyệt diệu.

🍃🌾 Mù Cang Chải không chỉ là một điểm đến du lịch, mà còn là một thiên đường nghỉ dưỡng sinh thái với Ecolodge Mucangchai - nơi mang đến sự bình yên và giản di nhưng đầy chất thơ.

🌿 Bước vào Ecolodge Mucangchai, bạn sẽ bị cuốn hút bởi sự ấm cúng của các bungalow được thiết kế tỉ mỉ, tạo nên không gian riêng tư và thoải mái để bạn thư giãn sau một ngày khám phá. Hãy dạo chơi trong khuôn viên xanh mát, thả hồn vào không gian yên tĩnh và thư thái.

🍽️ Bữa ăn tại Ecolodge Mucangchai là một trải nghiệm tuyệt vời. Với sự nhiệt tình và niềm nở đón khách của đội ngũ nhân viên, bạn sẽ được thưởng thức những món ăn ngon lành, được chế biến bởi đầu bếp bản địa. Hương vị tinh túy của ẩm thực địa phương sẽ làm say đắm bạn, mang đến trải nghiệm ẩm thực đáng nhớ.

🏞️ Và xung quanh Ecolodge Mucangchai, bạn sẽ được trải nghiệm cảnh đẹp hoàn toàn tự nhiên và hài hòa. Với khí hậu trong lành, không khí trong lành và thiên nhiên tươi mát, bạn sẽ cảm nhận được sự hòa quyện hài hòa giữa con người và thiên nhiên.

🌾🍃 Hãy đến với Mù Cang Chải và trải nghiệm mùa lúa chín tuyệt vời cùng Ecolodge Mucangchai. Đắm mình trong cảnh đẹp hùng vĩ của thửa ruộng bậc thang và hòa mình vào không gian bình yên và giản di của nơi này. Đặt ngay để khám phá và tận hưởng trọn vẹn vẻ đẹp thiên nhiên tại Mù Cang Chải!

🌾🍃 Discover the Ripe Rice Season in Mù Cang Chải - Immerse Yourself in the Marvelous Beauty! 🌾🍃

🌾🍂 From August to October, Mù Cang Chải enters the season of ripe rice, creating an irresistible and breathtaking landscape. Join me in exploring the majestic beauty of the terraced fields, where the golden hue of ripened rice blends with the serene blue of the mountains, forming a magnificent masterpiece of nature.

🍃🌾 Mù Cang Chải is not only a tourist destination but also an eco-resort haven known as Ecolodge Mucangchai, where tranquility and simplicity intertwine with poetic charm.

🌿 As you step into Ecolodge Mucangchai, you'll be captivated by the cozy and meticulously designed bungalows, providing a private and comfortable space for you to unwind after a day of exploration. Stroll through the lush green surroundings and immerse yourself in the tranquil and serene ambiance.

🍽️ Dining at Ecolodge Mucangchai is a delightful experience. With the warm and welcoming hospitality of the staff, you'll savor delicious local cuisine prepared by skilled local chefs. The essence of authentic local flavors will enchant your taste buds, creating a memorable culinary journey.

🏞️ Surrounding Ecolodge Mucangchai, you'll encounter a pristine and harmonious natural landscape. With fresh and pure air, you'll embrace the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature, as the serene atmosphere and breathtaking scenery blend seamlessly.

🌾🍃 Come and experience the remarkable ripe rice season in Mù Cang Chải with Ecolodge Mucangchai. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of the terraced fields and indulge in the peaceful and simplistic ambiance of this place. Book now to explore and fully embrace the natural beauty of Mù Cang Chải!

hotline: 0352.263.995
Mobile: 0888.88.67.67
Skype: Ecolodge Mucangchai
Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


A Trip to the Hidden Villages of Vietnam
In 2013, when I wandered to Mucangchai, I was overwhelmed by the breathtaking terraced rice fields that looked like a man-made masterpiece carved into nature. I fell in love with this land because of its stunning scenery. I was captivated by the sunset fading over the majestic terraced fields, and I was mesmerized by the morning sunbeams peeking through the white clouds surrounding the distant mountains. Everything was truly amazing, like a magnet drawing me back for a second time in 2016.

This time, I decided to stay longer to find a piece of land for myself. Fortunately, I found a hill nestled in the vast valley of terraced rice fields. These fields have been the cracks on the space for hundreds of years. During my stay here, besides the beautiful scenery, I also learned about the customs and traditions of the Hmong people. These humble people wake up early in the morning to work on the high mountains, harvesting rice and corn. They live in mostly cold weather with bare feet and cracked hands, but they always have a cheerful and optimistic attitude, with innocent and happy eyes far away from the smoky and dusty city life. I admire them a lot!

However, I also saw some real injustices in their lives, caused by customs and habits. Especially for the young girls here, 14-15 years old, they have become wives, daughters-in-law, and mothers while those skills have not been carefully taught. In my opinion, they should have been studying at school and playing with their friends at this age. I witnessed the fate of these young girls and the young mothers who were too young to become wives and mothers. I also saw the injustice and inequality within their families, where women and young girls often suffer. This gave me the motivation to build the Mucangchai Ecolodge. I wanted to do something small for them. Apart from business, this is an opportunity for young Hmong mothers to work and learn from tourists. They can have a more stable income, and gradually, their role in the family will be more respected. Later, the female staff, who are young Hmong mothers, knew more about the meaning of International Women's Day (March 8th) and Vietnamese Women's Day (October 20th) when receiving flowers and gratitude from their male colleagues and especially from their husbands!

So what about the Mucangchai Ecolodge? In fact, the style of the Mucangchai Ecolodge is rustic and simple, minimizing everything to save energy. We try to reuse old houses and use local materials for construction. We value the natural scenery and try to keep it intact. We try to minimize the use of heavy concrete blocks for construction. We mainly offer tourists an open space with nature, openness, and privacy. Therefore, we usually advise against noisy tour groups, parties, and gala dinners. Besides the terraced fields during the water pouring season from April to May, tourists can also enjoy the changing scenery from June to October, from the young green rice to the light yellow rice to the ripe golden rice under the warm sunshine. If tourists think that they have only experienced Mucangchai during the rice harvest season, they are missing out on many other activities. For example, the flower seasons in Mucangchai, visiting the Tớ Dày (Mai Anh Đào) flower forest in La Pán from December to January, the Phai Blossom season in February with pink petals and purple buds, the Apple Blossom season in July, visiting the Sunday market in the town, and conquering the Lùng Cúng mountain peak over 2900m for adventure lovers and hikers!
Here, I have walked many times in the forest, on paths that only hunters know, I have crossed the poor villages hidden in the hills where only the locals know. Many times, I have taken foreign guests to their villages, and I cannot forget when the children thought they were giants and ran away to hide behind the doors but still curious, peeking through the cracks to see who those big-nosed, blue-eyed, white-skinned people were and where they came from! After a few times, they gradually learned how to interact with the strange Westerners. After some hesitation to the intimate handshakes, the refreshing laughter echoed in the corner of the village, and of course, the cups of corn wine made us forget our steps back.

After a day conquering high mountain peaks, wandering through terraced rice fields and crossing dreamy streams, we will have an evening around a warm campfire, listening to soothing music and maximizing our relaxation, so that we wake up the next day feeling completely re-energized.

Every moment here brings me a state of being myself, no longer struggling with the suffocating hustle and bustle of city life. And in me, a song suddenly rings out: "Go away to come back..."

Discover the Breathtaking Terraced Rice Fields of Mu Cang ChaiMu Cang Chai's terraced rice fields are a natural wonder t...

Discover the Breathtaking Terraced Rice Fields of Mu Cang Chai

Mu Cang Chai's terraced rice fields are a natural wonder that will take your breath away. The majestic beauty of the rugged topography, combined with the perfection of rice cultivation, creates a stunning landscape of rare harmony and serenity. Each season brings a new color to this landscape: the tender green of early spring, the golden yellow of harvest, the warm brown of autumn, and the pure white of winter.

The terraced rice fields are nestled in small traditional villages, where locals are friendly and welcoming to visitors. Local markets offer a variety of fresh produce, such as corn, potatoes, nuts, and green vegetables, all carefully cultivated on the surrounding lands.

If you are a nature and beauty lover, a visit to Mu Cang Chai is a must. You will be amazed by the perfect balance between man and nature, and you will leave with a renewed understanding of how agriculture can be practiced sustainably and environmentally friendly.

Make your stay at Mu Cang Chai even more unforgettable by choosing Mucangchai Ecolodge - an ecolodge that offers a comfortable and sustainable stay amidst the stunning natural beauty of the area. The resort provides well-equipped rooms with full amenities, exciting entertainment activities and experiences, and cultural exchange activities with local people. Moreover, Mucangchai Ecolodge is committed to sustainability and eco-friendliness, using solar power, recycling waste, and sourcing its food from local suppliers.

Book your stay at Mucangchai Ecolodge and explore the breathtaking beauty of Mu Cang Chai. With its stunning landscapes, friendly locals, and sustainable practices, Mu Cang Chai is a destination you won't want to miss

I am delighted to be able to write a message of thanks to Mr Peuss and Pierrick Bnnf for visiting the Mucangchai Ecolodge resort. I would like to express my deep gratitude to them for showing their affection towards the Ecolodge Mucangchai and sharing the most beautiful images of Mù Cang Chải.

Thanks to Mr Peuss's video, we hope that many people will come to discover the breathtaking landscapes and indigenous culture of Mù Cang Chải. Moreover, we hope that the images in the video will help local residents become aware of the value of their heritage and develop it sustainably.

Once again, I would like to warmly thank Mr Peuss for visiting the Mucangchai Ecolodge resort and sharing his exciting experiences with us. I wish him happiness and good health to continue exploring and sharing wonders with everyone.

Best regards,

The terraced rice fields of Mù Cang Chải are a breathtaking natural wonder. The majestic beauty of the rugged topography, combined with the perfection of rice cultivation, creates a stunning landscape of rare harmony and serenity. Each season brings a new color to this landscape: the tender green of early spring, the golden yellow of harvest, the warm brown of autumn, and the pure white of winter.

The terraced rice fields are nestled in small traditional villages, where the locals are friendly and welcoming to visitors. Local markets offer a variety of fresh produce, such as corn, potatoes, nuts, and green vegetables, all carefully grown on surrounding land.

If you are a nature and beauty lover, a visit to Mù Cang Chải is a must. You will be amazed by the perfect balance between man and nature, and you will leave with a renewed understanding of how agriculture can be practiced sustainably and environmentally friendly.

Je suis ravi de pouvoir écrire un message de remerciement à Mr Peuss and Pierrick Bnnf pour avoir visité le complexe hôtelier Mucangchai Ecolodge. Je tiens à exprimer ma profonde gratitude envers lui pour avoir témoigné de l'affection pour l'Ecolodge Mucangchai et partagé les plus belles images de Mù Cang Chải.
Grâce à la vidéo de Mr Peuss, nous espérons que beaucoup de gens viendront découvrir les paysages grandioses et la culture autochtone de Mù Cang Chải. De plus, nous espérons que les images de la vidéo aideront les habitants locaux à prendre conscience de la valeur de leur patrimoine et à le développer de manière durable.
Encore une fois, je tiens à remercier chaleureusement Mr Peuss pour avoir visité le complexe hôtelier Mucangchai Ecolodge et partagé ses expériences passionnantes avec nous. Je lui souhaite beaucoup de bonheur et de santé pour continuer à explorer et partager les merveilles avec tout le monde.

Mucangchai Ecolodge - an Eco-friendly Resort in the Heart of Yen Bai ProvinceMucangchai Ecolodge is a beautiful eco-frie...

Mucangchai Ecolodge - an Eco-friendly Resort in the Heart of Yen Bai Province
Mucangchai Ecolodge is a beautiful eco-friendly resort nestled amidst the stunning terraced rice fields in the highlands of Yen Bai Province, Vietnam. With its breathtaking location surrounded by lush greenery and a cool, refreshing climate, Mucangchai Ecolodge is an ideal destination for those seeking a peaceful and close-to-nature vacation.
The resort boasts 12 cozy bungalows designed with a simple and rustic style, featuring natural materials sourced from the local area. Each bungalow offers spectacular views of the surrounding terraced rice fields and the mountains, providing guests with unforgettable moments during their stay.
In addition to the beautiful accommodations, Mucangchai Ecolodge offers a range of outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, visiting local villages ,farms, and more. The resort also features a restaurant serving delicious local cuisine made with fresh ingredients.
With its stunning natural surroundings and charming accommodations, Mucangchai Ecolodge is a perfect choice for those seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse themselves in the beauty of the northern highlands of Vietnam

The season of water pouring over Mu Cang Chai is one of the most beautiful times of the year. When streams and rivers fl...

The season of water pouring over Mu Cang Chai is one of the most beautiful times of the year. When streams and rivers flow down from the high mountains, creating vast rice paddies. At dawn, the sight of a blue sky, pure white clouds, and morning sunlight creates a dreamy and mystical atmosphere.
The lush green rice fields with narrow strips of silk and vast farmlands create a stunning painting amidst the Northwest mountainous forest. The houses of the Hmong people, built of earth and stone, are scattered over the surrounding hills. Hmong girls, dressed in colorful attire, add to the breathtaking scenery that is almost too beautiful to believe.
As the sun sets, the last rays of sunshine touch the distant mountain ranges, creating a mystical atmosphere. The twilight scenery with the curves of the hills creates a space full of charm and emotion.
During the season of water pouring, the Hmong people work hard on their farms and prepare for the new season. They are levelling and plowing the soil on the hills, preparing for a new season of warmth and plenty. With energetic rice fields and crops, the Hmong people hope to bring life to their land and bring joy to the community.
While working on the farm, the Hmong people still maintain their traditional customs. They wear traditional costumes and handmade jewelry to create a beautiful picture amidst the lush green rice fields. This is part of the cultural beauty of the Hmong people, and it has become an important part of their lives.
In summary, the season of water pouring over Mu Cang Chai is a colorful, emotional, and hopeful time. It is a time for the Hmong people to show their respect for nature and to overcome difficulties to create a bountiful harvest season.
In addition to farming, the Hmong people also showcase their cultural beauty through annual activities such as the water pouring festival. During this festival, the Hmong people wear traditional costumes and participate in cultural activities such as dance, singing, and playing traditional musical instruments. This is a time for all members of the Hmong community to come together and celebrate.
The season of water pouring over Mu Cang Chai is also a time for tourists to explore the magnificent beauty of this region. Tourists can participate in activities such as trekking and mountain climbing to admire the panoramic views of the land and its people
The season of water pouring over Mu Cang Chai is also the time for tourists to explore the magnificent beauty of this region. Visitors can participate in activities such as hiking and mountain climbing to admire the panoramic view of the land and the picturesque scenes of the lush green rice terraces. Especially, when the sun sets, tourists can enjoy the eerie beauty of Mu Cang Chai.
In summary, Mu Cang Chai and the season of water pouring are a great destination for nature and culture lovers. This place is not only beautiful during the water pouring season but also attractive all year round with its pristine beauty, diverse culture, and friendly people

When you visit Mù Cang Chải, you will be amazed by the stunning landscapes that stretch out before your eyes. The lush g...

When you visit Mù Cang Chải, you will be amazed by the stunning landscapes that stretch out before your eyes. The lush greenery of the rice fields creates a surreal scene that seems to go on forever. The view is breathtaking, especially during the harvest season when the fields turn into a golden carpet that covers the entire valley.
The natural beauty of Mù Cang Chải is truly a sight to behold, and it's a paradise for nature lovers. The fresh mountain air, the gentle breeze, and the sound of the rustling leaves all contribute to the serene atmosphere of this place. In addition to the scenic beauty, there are also many cultural and historical sites to explore, such as the traditional houses and the local markets.
Overall, Mù Cang Chải is a must-visit destination for anyone who loves nature and wants to experience the authentic beauty of Vietnam


Hua Khat/Nam Khat/Mu Cang Chai/Yen Bai
Mu Cang Chai


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Our Story

Warmly welcome you to our Spirit. Ecolodge Mu Cang Chai. We are nothing more honor to show you around all the facilities, made by love and the hospitality, with 9 rooms, included 4 doubles/triples, 5 twins/double. Surrounding by the pure of mountains, birds, butterfly...and the incommercial of the local. In the hustle life, it would be the nicest time for you to hear the silent sounds with feeling and piece. Real experience, Real feeling. Hear the silent sounds in peace