Our numbers are nowhere near Fiji at the moment but careful planning and an orchestrated effort by all of our people can help us reach the same levels.
Piki I luga le lapisi ae tuu I lalo le isu!
Over 80,000 pax arrived into via cruise ships in 2024. This is in addition to the 980,000+ counted and announced each month who arrive via the airport. So, in 2024 we will have welcomed 1.06M tourists - a huge effort and fantastic for our visitor economy. 2025 is off to a great start as we hit peak cruising season.
This week we welcomed the Crown Princess and MS Europa to Fiji. Significantly MS Europa visited Taveuni. Over 5K pax are onboard these vessels. The significant koro that springs up around the ships, and the work that goes into shore excursions does not happen by chance. A large team of hard working people across various organisations in Fiji ensures guests have a safe and wonderful time in Fiji, and as much spend as possible comes into Fiji from these shore excursions, tours, shopping and visits. Its a significant industry for Fiji, and great to see the benefits flowing out to more of our beautiful islands and villages, and tourism businesses.