BDO Kosova

BDO Kosova BDO Kosova LLC, is a member firm of BDO International, the fifth largest accounting network worldwide. BDO Kosova provides audit, accounting, consultin tax

BDO Kosova provides audit, accounting, taxation and business advisory and support services to a wide range of businesses, financial institutions and non for profit organizations. BDO combines the knowledge of the local market and economic conditions with a high level of professionalism, technical background and international experience derived from its BDO membership and support of its global netw

ork. Our objective is to deliver our clients a consistently seamless service worldwide. Wherever you are in the world, we know that close and effective relationships matter to you and we are committed to long term relationship as your trusted adviser.

IFRS Illustrative Financial Statements (December 2024)

IFRS Illustrative Financial Statements (December 2024)

IFRS Illustrative Financial Statements (December 2024) IFRS Illustrative Financial Statements (December 2024) BDO has published its 31 December 2024 Illustrative IFRS Financial Statements. This update includes disclosures relating to the adoption of amendments to IAS 1, IAS 7 and IFRS 7 amongst othe...

Corporate Tax News for 2024-Lajmet per Tatimin ne Korporata 2024

Corporate Tax News for 2024-Lajmet per Tatimin ne Korporata 2024

BDO Corporate Tax News summarises recent tax developments of international interest across the world.

BDO Kosovo, in collaboration with BDO Turkey, is offering ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Information security, cybersecurity and p...

BDO Kosovo, in collaboration with BDO Turkey, is offering ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Information security management systems Lead Auditor Course in Pristina, January or February 2025.

This course will equip participants with the knowledge to plan and conduct internal and external audits in line with ISO 27001, covering audit techniques, managing audit programs, and team leadership. Upon successful completion, candidates can sit for the exam to apply for the IRCA/BSI Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor credential.

📍 This course is ideal for auditors, managers, consultants, and ISMS experts, as well as individuals responsible for maintaining ISMS compliance. Participants will thoroughly understand ISO/IEC 27001 principles and audit requirements and learn how to plan and conduct audits while managing audit programs effectively.

To register, contact BDO Kosovo (BDO Kosovo LinkedIn or đŸ“©

For more information, click the link

BDO Kosova, nĂ« bashkĂ«punim me BDO Turkey, ofron kursin ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Siguria e informacionit, siguria kibernetike dhe mbrojtja e privatĂ«sisĂ« — Sistemet e menaxhimit tĂ« sigurisĂ« sĂ« informacionit pĂ«r Trajnimin/Kursin Kryesor per AuditorĂ«, qĂ« do tĂ« mbahet nĂ« PrishtinĂ« nĂ« Janar ose Shkurt 2025.

Ky kurs do t’u ofrojĂ« pjesĂ«marrĂ«sve njohuri pĂ«r tĂ« planifikuar dhe kryer auditime tĂ« brendshme dhe tĂ« jashtme nĂ« pĂ«rputhje me standardin ISO 27001, duke mbuluar teknikat e auditimit, menaxhimin e programeve tĂ« auditimit dhe udhĂ«heqjen e ekipeve. Pas pĂ«rfundimit me sukses tĂ« kursit, kandidatĂ«t mund tĂ« marrin provimin pĂ«r tĂ« aplikuar pĂ«r certifikimin IRCA/BSI Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor.

📍 Ky kurs Ă«shtĂ« ideal pĂ«r auditorĂ«, menaxherĂ«, konsulentĂ« dhe ekspertĂ« tĂ« ISMS, si dhe individĂ« pĂ«rgjegjĂ«s pĂ«r ruajtjen e pajtueshmĂ«risĂ« me ISMS. PjesĂ«marrĂ«sit do tĂ« fitojnĂ« njĂ« kuptim tĂ« plotĂ« tĂ« parimeve tĂ« ISO/IEC 27001 dhe kĂ«rkesave tĂ« auditimit, si dhe do tĂ« mĂ«sojnĂ« si tĂ« planifikojnĂ« dhe kryejnĂ« auditime, duke menaxhuar nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ« efektive programet e auditimit.

PĂ«r t’u regjistruar, kontaktoni BDO Kosova (LinkedIn i BDO Kosova ose đŸ“©

Për më shumë informacion, klikoni në këtë link:

BDO Kosova në aktivitetin e organizuar nga Instituti AAB, së bashku me kolegët tanë të respektuar. Partneri Menaxhues i ...

BDO Kosova në aktivitetin e organizuar nga Instituti AAB, së bashku me kolegët tanë të respektuar.
Partneri Menaxhues i BDO Kosova, Amir Dermala, theksoi rëndësinë e krijimit të partneriteteve të forta midis industrisë dhe akademisë për të përgatitur brezin e ardhshëm për botën dinamike të kontabilitetit dhe auditimit.

Aktivitete si këto nënvizojnë angazhimin e BDO Kosova për ekselencë profesionale, inovacion dhe ndarjen e njohurive në sektorin financiar të Kosovës. Falënderime Institutit AAB për organizimin dhe kolegëve tanë për frymën e bashkëpunimit. Së bashku, po hapim rrugën për një komunitet financiar të qëndrueshëm dhe të kualifikuar në Kosovë.

BDO Kosova, nĂ« bashkĂ«punim me BDO Turkey, ofron kursin ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Siguria e informacionit, siguria kibernetike dhe mbrojtja e privatĂ«sisĂ« — Sistemet e menaxhimit tĂ« sigurisĂ« sĂ« informacionit pĂ«r AuditorĂ« tĂ« UdhĂ«hequr, qĂ« do tĂ« mbahet nĂ« PrishtinĂ« nĂ« janar ose shkurt 2025.

Ky kurs do t’u ofrojĂ« pjesĂ«marrĂ«sve njohuri pĂ«r tĂ« planifikuar dhe kryer auditime tĂ« brendshme dhe tĂ« jashtme nĂ« pĂ«rputhje me standardin ISO 27001, duke mbuluar teknikat e auditimit, menaxhimin e programeve tĂ« auditimit dhe udhĂ«heqjen e ekipeve. Pas pĂ«rfundimit me sukses tĂ« kursit, kandidatĂ«t mund tĂ« marrin provimin pĂ«r tĂ« aplikuar pĂ«r certifikimin IRCA/BSI Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor.

📍 Ky kurs Ă«shtĂ« ideal pĂ«r auditorĂ«, menaxherĂ«, konsulentĂ« dhe ekspertĂ« tĂ« ISMS, si dhe individĂ« pĂ«rgjegjĂ«s pĂ«r ruajtjen e pajtueshmĂ«risĂ« me ISMS. PjesĂ«marrĂ«sit do tĂ« fitojnĂ« njĂ« kuptim tĂ« plotĂ« tĂ« parimeve tĂ« ISO/IEC 27001 dhe kĂ«rkesave tĂ« auditimit, si dhe do tĂ« mĂ«sojnĂ« si tĂ« planifikojnĂ« dhe kryejnĂ« auditime, duke menaxhuar nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ« efektive programet e auditimit.

PĂ«r t’u regjistruar, kontaktoni BDO Kosova (LinkedIn i BDO Kosova ose đŸ“©

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BDO Transfer Pricing News Issue 48

BDO Transfer Pricing News Issue 48

Tax authorities around the world have recently stepped up their scrutiny of intercompany financial transactions, in what they see as another front in their efforts to curb abusive transactions. Germany, for example, recently introduced comprehensive changes to its intercompany financing rules, effec...

BDO Kosova Barcellona staff retreat 2024

BDO Kosova Barcellona staff retreat 2024

Excellent opportunity to start your career in BDOMundësi e shkëlqyer për të filluar karrierën tuaj në BDO

Excellent opportunity to start your career in BDO
Mundësi e shkëlqyer për të filluar karrierën tuaj në BDO

BDO has published a new IFR Bulletin on the status of hyperinflationary jurisdictions as at 31 October 2023:https://www....

BDO has published a new IFR Bulletin on the status of hyperinflationary jurisdictions as at 31 October 2023:

A number of new jurisdictions are expected to become hyperinflationary in 2023, including Ghana, Haiti and Sierra Leone. We do not expect Sri Lanka to become hyperinflationary in 2023, though its status remains under monitoring.

BDOs view on the application of IAS 29 to jurisdictions as at 31 October 2023.

The IASB is expected to issue a new IFRS Accounting Standard (expected to be IFRS 18) in the first half of 2024, which w...

The IASB is expected to issue a new IFRS Accounting Standard (expected to be IFRS 18) in the first half of 2024, which will significantly update the requirements for financial statement presentation. This new standard will introduce requirements for how the statement of profit or loss is presented, as well as introduce requirements for some entities to disclose ‘management performance measures’ in the financial statements. BDO’s IFR Bulletin summarises the expected requirements of this standard, including the expected effective date. The IFRB may be accessed here:

The IASB is expected to issue a new IFRS Accounting Standard (expected to be IFRS 18) in the first half of 2024, which will significantly update the requirements for financial statement presentation. This new standard will introduce requirements for how the statement of profit or loss is presented,....

BDO has released IFR Bulletin 2023/07 30 June 2023 Period-end IFRS Accounting Standards Update. This IFR Bulletin summar...

BDO has released IFR Bulletin 2023/07 30 June 2023 Period-end IFRS Accounting Standards Update. This IFR Bulletin summarises the activities in standard setting as they relate to entities that apply IFRS Accounting Standards. It also includes summaries of standards that have been issued but are not yet effective. This IFR Bulletin also contains summaries of recent publications and resources issued by BDO, which may assist entities in preparing their financial statements in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards.

BDO releases IFRB 2023/07 30 June 2023 Period-end IFRS Accounting Standards Update

BDO has released IFR Bulletin 2023/06 Implications of IFRS 17 for Non-insurers. While IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts has fu...

BDO has released IFR Bulletin 2023/06 Implications of IFRS 17 for Non-insurers. While IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts has fundamentally changed how insurance contracts are accounted for by insurers, non-insurers may also be affected if they issue contracts that are within the scope of IFRS 17’s requirements, which may not always be readily apparent. The IFR Bulletin sets out several examples of implications of IFRS 17 for non-insurers in areas such as warranty contracts, fixed-fee service contracts, financial guarantee contracts issued, indemnifications issued by a seller in a business combination.

The publication may be accessed here:

BDO releases IFRB 2023/06 Implications of IFRS 17 for Non-insurers

We are proud to announce that we have won the 2023 Microsoft Partner of the Year Award for our achievements in Security....

We are proud to announce that we have won the 2023 Microsoft Partner of the Year Award for our achievements in Security.
Learn more here:


BDO Kosova , mundësi e mirë për të filluar karrierën!

BDO Kosova , mundësi e mirë për të filluar karrierën!

BDO Kosova dreka e sezonit 2022 👏👏👏

BDO Kosova dreka e sezonit 2022 👏👏👏


Str. Ukshin Hoti Nn

Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday 08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00


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