BDO Kosovo, in collaboration with BDO Turkey, is offering ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection â Information security management systems Lead Auditor Course in Pristina, January or February 2025.
This course will equip participants with the knowledge to plan and conduct internal and external audits in line with ISO 27001, covering audit techniques, managing audit programs, and team leadership. Upon successful completion, candidates can sit for the exam to apply for the IRCA/BSI Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor credential.
đ This course is ideal for auditors, managers, consultants, and ISMS experts, as well as individuals responsible for maintaining ISMS compliance. Participants will thoroughly understand ISO/IEC 27001 principles and audit requirements and learn how to plan and conduct audits while managing audit programs effectively.
To register, contact BDO Kosovo (BDO Kosovo LinkedIn or www.bdokosovo.com) đ©
For more information, click the linkhttps://www.bdo.com.tr/getattachment/0a1af829-08ae-41b3-8ac6-c79ce986f212/BDO-Kosov_2025.pdf
BDO Kosova, nĂ« bashkĂ«punim me BDO Turkey, ofron kursin ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Siguria e informacionit, siguria kibernetike dhe mbrojtja e privatĂ«sisĂ« â Sistemet e menaxhimit tĂ« sigurisĂ« sĂ« informacionit pĂ«r Trajnimin/Kursin Kryesor per AuditorĂ«, qĂ« do tĂ« mbahet nĂ« PrishtinĂ« nĂ« Janar ose Shkurt 2025.
Ky kurs do tâu ofrojĂ« pjesĂ«marrĂ«sve njohuri pĂ«r tĂ« planifikuar dhe kryer auditime tĂ« brendshme dhe tĂ« jashtme nĂ« pĂ«rputhje me standardin ISO 27001, duke mbuluar teknikat e auditimit, menaxhimin e programeve tĂ« auditimit dhe udhĂ«heqjen e ekipeve. Pas pĂ«rfundimit me sukses tĂ« kursit, kandidatĂ«t mund tĂ« marrin provimin pĂ«r tĂ« aplikuar pĂ«r certifikimin IRCA/BSI Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor.
đ Ky kurs Ă«shtĂ« ideal pĂ«r auditorĂ«, menaxherĂ«, konsulentĂ« dhe ekspertĂ« tĂ« ISMS, si dhe individĂ« pĂ«rgjegjĂ«s pĂ«r ruajtjen e pajtueshmĂ«risĂ« me ISMS. PjesĂ«marrĂ«sit do tĂ« fitojnĂ« njĂ« kuptim tĂ« plotĂ« tĂ« parimeve tĂ« ISO/IEC 27001 dhe kĂ«rkesave tĂ« auditimit, si dhe do tĂ« mĂ«sojnĂ« si tĂ« planifikojnĂ« dhe kryejnĂ« auditime, duke menaxhuar nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ« efektive programet e auditimit.
PĂ«r tâu regjistruar, kontaktoni BDO Kosova (LinkedIn i BDO Kosova ose www.bdokosovo.com) đ©
Për më shumë informacion, klikoni në këtë link:https://www.bdo.com.tr/getattachment/0a1af829-08ae-41b3-8ac6-c79ce986f212/BDO-Kosov_2025.pdf