Going to court can be a costly, time consuming and anxious time with the result that big decisions are made about your children which you may not agree with. On the basis that reaching solutions away from the court arena is preferable and puts you at the forefront of decisions, I offer a dispute resolution service which works to understand your position and that of your former partner to reach
an agreement in relation to who your children live with and who they spend time with. Dealing with contact and residence disputes can often be set against the landscape of money wrangles and anxieties over "losing" your children. I work on the basis that children have the basic right to enjoy and benefit from a loving relationship with both of their parents, and where this is problematic, there must be solutions which promotes co-operation in the best interests of your children. I work with parents either together or on a one-to-one basis to unpick the barriers that are preventing resolution and which ultimately has led you to seek third party support. When dispute resolution or mediation fails to resolve the issues and these non court methods have been fully explored, I can assist you in making an application to the single family court. Using my former CAFCASS work experience, I will assist you in the process and accompany you to court, and guide you through proceedings. Having previously worked for CAFCASS, I am aware of the significant expense incurred by instructing a solicitor to present your case and the emotional turmoil parents face in mounting legal costs against discharging legal help and support where it concerns your children. It is my view that I can assist you to represent your case to court and wherever possible, move towards resolving the difficulties you are experiencing; I can do this by sharing my understanding and knowledge of the court process. Legislation which came into force in April 2014 aims to shorten private law proceedings and introduced a new Child Arrangements Programme which works to ensure the process is focussed on the needs and wishes of the child and "contact" and "residence" terminology are no longer used in the court arena; it is also envisaged that proceedings, which historically can drag on for some years, are much shorter in duration - and on this basis a better outcome for your child who is in danger of becoming embroiled in court proceedings. It would be fair to say that the court process can be adversarial, with parties set against one another; therefore dispute resolution is preferable for all parties if they are willing to compromise and reach an agreement. For a free initial consultation, please call or text me on
07814 355748.