You’ll live, work, learn and explore a different international city together each month. A shift is happening in the global work economy and it feels amazing to be at the forefront! We're seeing co-working spaces popping up in major cities across the world like wildfire, companies changing their outdated corporate work structures to accommodate the new generation of talent, we're seeing an increa
sing in outsourcing and a booming freelancer economy, and beyond all this, we're seeing technology connect us on a global scale unlike ever before,
It's these factors that make what we do at Venture Abroad possible. It's these factors that let us live a life of travel while building amazingly successful careers as entrepreneurs and freelancers. If you work for a company, your boss will no longer be your 'boss', he'll be a partner who values your skillset and pays you based on the value you give. If you're a freelancer you'll play on a global scale, using tech to connect you with companies that need your talent all over the world. And if you're en entrepreneur, well, you better hustle because you'll have some competition! At venture Abroad, our goal is to drive the future of work forward through connecting freelancers and entrepreneurs who want to travel the world and provide them with the training and resources they need to change it.