Eternal Yemen

Eternal Yemen Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Eternal Yemen, Tour Agency, Sana'a, Street 50 (Close to Bank Sheba city), Sanaa.

Travel agency, offers various sustainable tours round Yemen mainland and Soqotra Island in order to discover the nature, culture, the heritage and to have fun !

Eid mubarak to everyone and especially to the kindest people in the world, to Yemenis!

Eid mubarak to everyone and especially to the kindest people in the world, to Yemenis!

Yesterday marked 5 years since the start of agression over Yemen. Planes from nine countries started to bomb this beauti...

Yesterday marked 5 years since the start of agression over Yemen. Planes from nine countries started to bomb this beautiful city, city of Sana, and soon after many Yemen regions were under attack as well. First day of bombing we were all in denial, we refused to believe that the war started, but on second day we realised that the tragedy has started.
Amazing Yemen artist Mazher Nizar is resisting this war through his amazing paintings and today I'm sharing one with you. He captures the spirit of Old Sana'a city that is unique and one has to experience it once in a life. Sooner or later.

Crystal waters of Kamaran Island!!!

Crystal waters of Kamaran Island!!!


Poetry everywhere:

photo: Matjaž Krivic

A place where a heart finds its peace...

A place where a heart finds its peace...

From the heart of the Old City of , a magic capture of the Grand Mosque

image provided by our friend عبدالله الشوافي


Huda lakota, pomanjkanje hrane in pitne vode, razširjenost bolezni, kot so kolera in ošpice, novačenje otrok v vojaške spopade ... vse to so posledice večletne vojne v Jemnu. V državi, ki je po štirih letih vojne popolnoma opustošena in obubožana, je na milijone ljudi na robu lakote.


Fw: Prošnja za sopodpis poziva vladi "Reševanje humanitarne krize v Jemnu"

podporo zbiramo na e-naslovu [email protected] do ponedeljka, 10. 12. 2018 do 13. ure.

Za vašo podporo se vam iskreno zahvaljujemo in vas lepo pozdravljamo.
Slovenska filantropija

V imenu človečnosti in humanizma, v imenu solidarnosti, v imenu odgovornosti do Splošne deklaracije človekovih pravic in spoštovanja svetosti življenja vas pozivamo, da se v okviru svojih diplomatskih in političnih mednarodnih dejavnosti, kolikor se da dejavno vključite v reševanje humanitarne krize v Jemnu. Navkljub vsem dosedanjim pozivom in opozorilom OZN in humanitarnih organizacij so žrtve jemenske vojne zaman trkale na vest neme mednarodne, tudi evropske (!) diplomacije. Zdaj pa je več kot triletni konflikt, ki so ga svetovni mediji poimenovali »pozabljena vojna«, jasno pokazal, da smo na pragu največje humanitarne katastrofe 21. stoletja. Zato se ta vojna ne sme nadaljevati! Zločine vojskujočih se sil in agonijo civilnega jemenskega prebivalstva je treba takoj ustaviti.
Za državljane in prebivalce Jemna je prekinitev vojne temeljno eksistencialno vprašanje. Za t. i. demokratični svet pa morda ena zadnjih priložnosti za potrditev človečnosti in dostojanstva. Absurd in cinizem našega časa sta namreč prišla že do skrajnega roba in čez! Namesto da bi človeštvo in izvoljeni politični voditelji reševali planet, se še naprej samouničujemo.
Kot civilna iniciativa in državljani Republike Slovenije zato uveljavljamo svojo civilno, moralno in civilizacijsko dolžnost. Opozarjamo na množično in nedopustno trpljenje prebivalcev Jemna, ki jim, če se krvava in nesmiselna morija ne bo takoj ustavila, grozi smrt nepredstavljivih razsežnosti. Številke so strašljive in nenehno naraščajo: danes je zaradi lakote akutno ogroženih že 5,2 milijona otrok, po statistikah je kronično podhranjenih 35 odstotkov tamkajšnjega prebivalstva, kolera je dosegla že skoraj vse province Jemna, po zadnjih podatkih organizacije Save the Children je v zadnjih treh letih zaradi vojne umrlo 85.000 otrok, mlajših od pet let, cele generacije otrok ne hodijo v šolo, nekaj milijonov ljudi je ostalo brez domov in so razseljeni. Skoraj že 21 milijonov prebivalcev Jemna potrebuje nujno humanitarno pomoč!
Zato pričakujemo,
1. da se diplomacija Republike Slovenije kot članice Evropske unije dejavno vključi v mirovna prizadevanja za končanje vojne v Jemnu;
2. da v okviru mednarodnih mirovnih pogajanj, načrtovane konference za dosego miru v Jemnu predlagate oziroma podprete prihod mirovnih sil OZN v Jemen, da bodo nadzorovale iztovarjanje in distribucijo humanitarne pomoči v pristanišču Al Hudayda;
3. da predlagate, naj Al Hudayda čim prej postane varovano območje, saj zdaj predstavlja edino humanitarno okno v svet;
4. da se prebivalcem Jemna zagotovi takojšnja in zadostna humanitarna pomoč, kar bo preprečilo lakoto in množično umiranje;
5. da se odpre letališče v Sani.

Nedopustno je, da v 21. stoletju nekatere ranljive države postajajo množična koncentracijska taborišča. Ko gledamo kot dih tanke okostnjake otrok, ki umirajo od lakote, in to tako rekoč pred očmi celotnega sveta, si ne moremo kaj, da ne bi pomislili na nekdanja taborišča smrti. Nekoč so ljudi vozili tja, kjer so jih potem množično ubijali, danes jih ubijajo tam, kjer so se rodili. Nedopustno in necivilizacijsko. Nevredno človeka je ubijati. Predvsem pa je zločinsko moriti otroke! In ti so danes na tem že pregretem planetu najbolj ogroženi. Največ jih je med begunci. Največ je po nedolžnem pobitih otrok! Zakaj umirajo? Zaradi pohlepa in človeške nizkotnosti. Zaradi povampirjenosti ljudi brez trohice človeškega dostojanstva.
Ne več!

Raw beauty of Yemen: Burra Mountain

Raw beauty of Yemen: Burra Mountain

It has been already 3 years since I took this photo...amazing spring skies of Sana'a, when will I feel your breeze again...

It has been already 3 years since I took this photo...amazing spring skies of Sana'a, when will I feel your breeze again?


Yemen Architecture


Yemen's Ministry of Tourism has called on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to stop destroying the Island of Socotra today, SABA reported. An official complaint was sent to the United Nation's Sec...

Ancient trees on ancient island that have many stories to tell. Dracaena cinnabari, Dragon's blood tree, Socotra Island,...

Ancient trees on ancient island that have many stories to tell.
Dracaena cinnabari, Dragon's blood tree, Socotra Island, Yemen

Sana'a and north of Yemen, as it was 50 years ago, just when the country started to open. Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italian f...

Sana'a and north of Yemen, as it was 50 years ago, just when the country started to open.
Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italian film director was impressed by rich cultural heritage of Yemen and appealed to UNESCO to turn the eye toward Yemen, incredible country that is, to protect the walls of Sana'a old city. He saw completely intact old town as it was centuries ago, surrounded by the clay wall, that locals, unaware of its beauty started to dismantle.
He spoke to UNESCO in the name of simple and pure people of Yemen.
Richezza dello Yemen e la sua bellezza.

Uno splendido documentario da uno Yemen che non c'è più, per il terremoto prima e le guerre poi. Merita ricordare che il Gan Eden (Giardino dell'Eden, in alt...

Juma'a mubaraka !!!Happy Friday !!!

Juma'a mubaraka !!!
Happy Friday !!!

Anyone interested in Yemen and anyone that cares about Yemen should watch this video about world's biggest humanitarian ...

Anyone interested in Yemen and anyone that cares about Yemen should watch this video about world's biggest humanitarian crisis at the American immigration attorney says: "It’s foreign intervention in Yemen that is causing the humanitarian crisis. And it can be stopped simply by demanding that our government doesn’t provide weapons and assistance to Saudi Arabia. We should say enough is enough..."

Thousands of civilians have died and millions more have been displaced in the ongoing hostilities in Yemen. What began as a civil war now extends far beyond ...


If you are in London anytime till 23 September, you just must visit exhibition about rich and unique Yemeni architecture: “Buildings That Fill My Eye “

Curated by Trevor H.J. Marchand, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, SOAS Date: 13 July 2017Time: 10:30 AM Finishes: 23 September 2017Time: 5:00 PM Venue: Brunei Gallery Room: Front Ground Floor Gallery Type of Event: Exhibition Yemen possesses one of the world’s finest treasure-troves of architectu...


I's always a doubt either to show the beauties and uniqueness of Yemen despite the war...or to show the suffering and mention the politics despite being a Yemeni tour operator...

Although not all statements are correct, this video at least gives an insight into what's happening in Yemen.
Numbers of dead are underestimated, I don't like the religious description of the rebel group. If the government employees of the north are not paid for a year, you can not blame rebels for piling of garbage....
But they say it right, innocent civilian and kids are paying the price: lost lives, lost childhood, lost future....


Saudi Arabia's crown prince has donated $66.7 million to combat a cholera epidemic in Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition is fighting in a war blamed for causing a humanitarian disaster.

How UAE stole Yemeni Socotra Island, one of most unique islands in the world

How UAE stole Yemeni Socotra Island, one of most unique islands in the world

Manal Abdulkarim

Can't help, but to share with you this link about one of my favorite regions in Yemen, epic Hadramawt...where world's ol...

Can't help, but to share with you this link about one of my favorite regions in Yemen, epic Hadramawt...where world's oldest skyscrapers, made entirely of earth/hay/water, still touch the blue skies of Yemen.....Freya Stark described it 80 years ago, and with exception of mobile/car/motorbike, everything else stays the same in this place: people, mud brick palaces, animals, sounds of azzans from mosques, calm daily routine intervene in pious Hadramis.

Can still hear all the mosque's sound, all the children's voices, all the domino slaps on a wooden tables, I can smell the chapatis, can smell the too strong tea of Shibam, can hear the motorbike of the tourist police boss, which comes to great us always...

Modesty, simplicity, pureness.

Epic Hadramawt.

Yemen’s Old Walled City of Shibam is the oldest metropolis in the world to use vertical construction.


The glimpse of Yemen, by amazing Hisham Al-Omeisy that haven't lost it's spirit during the last 2 difficult years in Sana'a - the city under the rain of bombs

For my newer friends in Slovenia that are asking me about Yemen....Yemen is a country of many this film you'l...

For my newer friends in Slovenia that are asking me about Yemen....Yemen is a country of many this film you'll see the beautiful Hadramawt region in the eastern part of Yemen and a bit of the of my favorite places, eternal, immortal, epic... But that's only a part of Yemen...the rest will follow...

The Yemenis consider themselves the "original" Arabs from whom all the other Arabs are descended. Indeed according to ancient scriptures,Quran and some sugge...

Still, I think the most impresive and popular photo of Jabal Shogruf (Yemen) taken by amazing Slovenian photographer Mat...

Still, I think the most impresive and popular photo of Jabal Shogruf (Yemen) taken by amazing Slovenian photographer Matjaž Krivic.... Yeah, the place is simply amazing...

Chaque semaine, un photographe décrypte l’une de ses images qui l’a marqué. Cette semaine, Matjaz Krivic replonge dans ses souvenirs du Yémen.

This is why I love Yemen....Amazing Burra Mountain, where goats use the hiking sticks, but locals jump from stone to sto...

This is why I love Yemen....Amazing Burra Mountain, where goats use the hiking sticks, but locals jump from stone to stone ...

You wouldn't believe that still now we regularly have requests about visiting Yemen with our agency. It just shows the d...

You wouldn't believe that still now we regularly have requests about visiting Yemen with our agency. It just shows the distorted image of mainstream media about what is going on in Yemen and in what extent. There is still war in Yemen, bloody one. Life goes on, somehow...yesterday afternoon this long road was full of people celebrating Prophet Mohammed birthday. During the night the same road was hit by 10 airstrikes (from coalition bombing Yemen). This morning people continue driving along it although it's been bombed again, just now.

Join us: copy, paste, tweet, Make the difference!Here We expect to crash Twitter.!!!24 hours marking    Tweetstorm    No...

Join us: copy, paste, tweet, Make the difference!

Here We expect to crash Twitter.!!!
24 hours marking
November 13th - starting at 17.00 UTC
Global campaign to pressure the western "competent authorities" to stop bombing Yemen, to Stop Arming Saudis - urge the media to cover the situation fairly & ask to lift the murderous blockade.
It's a 24h-tweets campain so anyone can join at anytime, but the more we are in the first hours, the better.
You will find below 6 links with lists of tweets.
We targeted US & UK govs, the media, countries selling weapons to KSA / UN / France's gov.
We invite you to copy and post any of those tweets, or write your own, but don't forget to add .
(on a pastebin, to select a line, you have to click on it 3 times they copy - paste - tweet !)
Rather than RTing, we invite you to "steal" any tweet in 's timeline.
thank you !


Sana'a, Street 50 (Close To Bank Sheba City)

Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 21:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 21:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 21:00
Thursday 08:30 - 21:00
Friday 14:30 - 21:00
Saturday 08:30 - 21:00
Sunday 08:30 - 21:00


+967 1 680 855


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