An equal and integrated South African society, which begins with citizens – children, their parents-carers, and their wider communities – learning how to live together, through the provision of education that is high quality, diverse and accessible (proximal & affordable).
Research shows that quality education requires a child-centred inquiry-based approach to learning where children can develop 21st Century skills in the foundational literacies like science, technology, math, and languages – not just ‘spoken’ languages, but through a variety of medium, such as ‘…drawing, painting, building clay and wire sculpture, shadow play, collage, dramatic play, music, and emerging writing, to name a few’ (Edwards et al, 2012:7).
Children develop 21st Century competencies by responding to complex challenges creatively, critically and collaboratively, all within a context where character qualities of curiosity, initiative, adaptability and leadership are valued (The World Economic Forum, 2015).
We are committed to being a school where the capabilities, creativity, curiosity and intelligence of every child is recognized and encouraged, as they actively participate in their education and development; voicing, shaping, forming and creating their future (Cagliari 2012:195). Quality education involves making space to unlock the potential that all children possess to be the co-creators of a future South Africa that is equal and integrated.
In 2018, approximately 300 stakeholders were consulted as to what they would like the children who are currently being taught in schools to be like as adults: the most common themes included critical thinkers / creative problem-solvers, collaborative, and culturally and socially aware. Very few highlighted skills in language, numeracy, science, ICT, or finance.
Diverse Education:
Facilitating diversity within the classroom is central to a school’s ability to offer quality education. Studies show that, ‘Diverse groups do best at complex problems and innovation when the facts aren’t clear: each individual’s perspective allows him or her to tackle challenges differently, and, when stuck, rely on others’ differing points of views to progress’ (The World Economic Forum, Why diversity is more important than Talent, 2018).
We are therefore committed to establishing an approach to education that is intentionally inter-cultural, in a school where children, educators and parent-carers develop deeper understanding, appreciation and respect for all cultures through the mutual exchange of ideas about the past, present and future (Spring, 2016). “We will find the future in places where new forms of human coexistence, participation, and co-participation are tried out....It is necessary for us to learn this unity in diversity, and this diversity in unity’ (Rinaldi, 2001. Making Learning Visible). As we seek, celebrate and embrace diversity, no one is left unchanged, because we all learn from one another (Spring, 2016).
Accessible Education
As one of the world’s top 10 culturally and ethnically diverse countries, at the tip of the most diverse continent on the planet, South Africa has one of the most sought after resources to facilitate the world’s best education system – diversity. To facilitate a diverse, quality education accessible across South Africa’s socio-economic divides – which currently dictate that, ‘…if you’ve got money, you have a better education’ (Gallie 2015) – requires proximity to diverse communities and an innovative fee structure (for example, see right). Calculating school fees on an income-based sliding scale increases access to quality and diverse education, which nurtures the foundational literacies in a character building context that develops the competencies that every child requires to thrive in the 21st Century.
In 2016 one hundred local parent-carers were surveyed to gauge whether they’d be prepared to pay school fees calculated based on their household income; 86% of parent-carers said ‘Yes’ – they would – provided that the education their child received was ‘high quality’.
The image of the child
Every child is a unique individual who is capable, intelligent, creative and curious. To fulfil their potential children need to be active participants in their learning and development. In our school, educators will work alongside / with students to determine what should be learnt and how best to learn it. A child-centred inquiry-based approach ensures greater involvement and sustains interest; learners discover for themselves in authentic situations, constructing knowledge with others. Our approach will enable children to develop knowledge, understanding and skills which are necessary to fulfil their aspirations and relevant for today’s society; competencies such as critical thinking / problem-solving, creativity, communication and collaboration.
Staff posture
In order to believe, encourage, and support children – as they fulfil their potential – educators, like students, need to see themselves as capable, creative, curious, intelligent and active participants as they teach, learn and develop. Educators model what it means to be life-long learners as they dialogue, listen, observe, provoke learning, research, respect thinking, welcome questions, and work with each students’ unique cultural experiences, ideas and views. To ensure an intercultural context of exploration, teaching and learning, staff plan, teach, review, reflect and re-plan collaboratively.
The Environment
The school environment provokes learning and discovery by making space for children to express and explore their creativity. Learning environments will be adaptable, changing, emerging, full of possibilities, interconnected, limitless, open, always varied, with different levels, perspectives and points of view. Children will be encouraged to use various learning spaces, and move freely between disciplines, both inside and outside (see example, right). The built-environment will be conducive to the cognitive, physical, spiritual and socio-emotional development of 21st Century character qualities such as curiosity, initiative, persistence, adaptability, leadership and social / cultural awareness.
In 2018, more than 20 different schools facilitating child-centred inquiry based education in Italy, the US, the UK, Israel, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, were visited as part of a desire to learn about what the world has to offer in terms of innovative built-environments, child-led learning, parental-carer participation, and the role of leadership / the staff team.
Relationships with parent-carers
Establishing, sustaining and developing quality, diverse and accessible education is the shared responsibility of the school’s leadership, staff, child, and their parent-carers / wider community. Research shows that where parent-carers are committed to co-learn and contribute to a child's education, children are more motivated (Okeke, 2014). As leaders and staff of a quality, diverse and accessible school, we’re intentional about developing genuine, meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships with parent-carers, and the communities they represent, by prioritising practices, rhythms, and ‘ways of being’ that accommodate, celebrate and promote relationships that are welcoming, inclusive and life-enriching for all.