When You Place Your Self...
In the Pure And Untamed Places Of this Beautiful World...
All Life's Mundane Worries Dissolve....
And All that Remains...
Is the Feeling...
That Everything Is Just As It Should Be...
And In these Moments...
Of Presence...
Beyond the Minds Conditioning of Captivity...
We Feel Within Ourselves...
This Peace...
#adventuretravel #swimwithdolphins #mozambique #humpbackwhales #africa #barefootluxury #love #wilderness #dolphins #souljourney #innerpeace
#Mozambique #adventuretravel #nature #swimwithdolphins #africa #barefootluxury #humpbackwhales
Come Back to Your Self...
Your Essence..
Your Truth.
Let The Power Of Mother Nature...
Bring You Back to the Magnificence...
Of the Present Moment.
Book One of Our Two Self Catering Villas or message us to find put about our Retreat in August.
Great Journeys...
With the Choice...
To Make the First Step...
The Call Of the Wild...
Is the Call Of Your Soul...
Calling To You...
From Beyond...
The Known...
And Comfortable...
Of the Past...
To Step Into...
The Expanse...
Of the Liberation...
From Your Own Limitation...
Is Perhaps the Best Kept Secret...
Where Time Has Stood Still...
And Kept Hidden Within Its Heart...
A True Wilderness...
And Vast...
And Untamed...
Free From the Comfort Of Our Suburban Conformity...
Where the Soul Remembers...
It's Eternal Legacy...
That It Is Free...
And Vast...
And Wild...
And Beautiful...
And Magnificent...
In these Places...
Something Within Us...
Our True Nature...
To Place Oneself In this Untamed Wilderness...
Is to Feel Once More...
The Vastness...
Of the Eternal Heartbeat...
Of Ones Soul
Still some spaces available for November and December...
Stay tuned for some beautiful retreats in this beautiful space
#Mozambique #Aloha #PontaMamoli #Wilderness
Mt. Sinai
A Place Between Places...
A Time Beyond Time
A Space Of Being...
In All Space And Time...
A Part Of Every Thing...
Belonging to None..
The Quest Od the Heart...
The Vision Of the Soul...
In A Place...
I Become...
All that I AM
"...I see that White Light will only return to the planet when every human being recognizes every other human being as an individualized frequency of the White Light. As long as we keep eliminating or devaluing other human beings we have decided we don't like, ie., destroying frequencies of the spectrum, we will not be able to experience the White Light. Our job is to protect and nurture each human frequency so that the White Light can return."
#brucelipton #biologyofbelief #collectiveconsciousness #new_earth #collapsing_timelines #epigenetics #createyourreality #unifiedfield #quantumfield #joedispenzia #PSYCH-K #the_shift #multidimensional
A moment filled with love,
A day filled with love,
A life filled with love,
It's always a choice
Each moment, Each day
Choose love
#infinitepossibilities #quantumreality #quantumfield #newearth #highvibration #infinitelove #unlimitedpotential #lovefrequency #ascension #higherself #higherlove