Tailess Forest elephant bull mining his last minerals before the day starts. First elephants here usually perform this activity at night & early morning. Lango Bai, Odzala-Kokoua, Republic of Congo.
Came across this rare sighting of a sub-adult Black Rhino cow having a good ol rock rub, unperturbed by us.
Bacon for breakfast anyone ππ₯
Weve seen lions on different warthog kills every morning for the past 4 days now.. this place is cooking, literally as well ππΎππΌ
#africanguideacademy #guidetrainingcourses #selindareserve #greatplainsconservations #lions #botswana #selindaspillway #wildlife #keentobecomeasafariguide?#
Elephant sightings on foot are the best way to wake up in the morning after sleeping out in the bushπ
#africanguideacademy #guidetrainingcourses #kwapatrainingcamp #bqa #fgasa #botswana #okavangodelta #trailsguiding #elephant #sleepout
Be aware the wrath of a protective mother.
#africanguideacademy #okavangoguidingschool #kwapatrainingcamp #hiddenlagooncamp #guidetrainingcourses #afrika #africageographic #botswana #okavangodelta #NG30 #savanna #elephant #warningcharge
Stillness in motion..
Testing out the new fireplace at Hidden lagoon Camp on a beautiful & starry winter's night.
#africanguideacademy #okavangoguidingschool #kwapatrainingcamp #hiddenlagooncamp #fire #storytelling #wildcamping #unfenced #wilderness #truewilderness #africageographic #getawaymagazine #northernbotswana #botswana #okavangodelta #kwapa #ng30
Believe it or not but this is real time!!! As i sit & observe in amazement.... My mind struggles to process the coordination & speed at which these ants go about their businessπ€― Organised chaos at its utter best.
#castesystem #thesumofthewhole #selflessness #thesmallthings #smallisbig #ants #okavangodelta #okavangoguidingschool #africanguideacademy
Up close & personal with the resident wild dog pack. They ended up treeing a leopard & causing a stampede from a group of buffalo bulls. All of this in a 2 hour drive! Gotta love the delta
#okavangoguidingschool #africanguideacademy #okavangodelta #wilddogs #paintedwolf #africanhuntingdog #natureguidetraining #sanctuaryretreatguides
Eternal Enemies!!! PLAY THIS LOUD
#madikwegamereserve #madikwesafarilodge #safariguide #naturerules #fieldguide #lion #hyena #ethology
Chillin with Elies @madikwesafarilodge
This is the view from a sun bed at the swimming poolπ Not too shabby
#safari #fieldguiding #elephant #chilling
Predator interaction at its best
Precision stalking of wildebeest
#madikwesafarilodge #cheetah #coalition #stalking #kalahari