Basic Facts
How does the Premium Vacations membership work? This is a truly unique and exciting product. It will certainly suit everyone's holiday budget and is extremely easy to use. No contracts holding you to ransom, no price increases at any time over the term of your membership and no interest rate worries or management fees.
• You pay a registration fee of R750.00.
• 96 month membership - m
onthly subscription is R385.00.
• Subscription fees are fixed for the full term of your membership.
• After the 3rd successive subscription, you will receive your username and password allowing you to access various websites as shown via links on this page.
• Should you wish, you may pay the 3 months subscriptions upfront. This will enable you to obtain your username and password sooner allowing you to make use of the products.
• An agency Administration fee may be applicable.
• Once in the website, you simply choose the country, area and resort you wish to visit.
• The accommodation Bonus Price will be shown next to the resort of your choice.
• These Bonus Prices can vary from as little as R700.00 per week to R3300.00 per week.
• The Bonus Price is per Chalet for a full week, incredible isn't it.
• Click on "Book Now" and make the required payment to the service provider. The only other cost to you is your transport to your chosen self-catering resort.
*Please note all prices are quoted in South African Rands. Privacy Policy
Premium Vacations recognise the importance of protecting the privacy of information or data collected about our members and prospective members. You can rest assured that we will keep your personal information safe and secure at all times. Premium Vacations support the Promotion of Access to Information Act and will not make your details available to any other company or organisation, with the exception of Dial an Exchange, without your permission. We will continue to send you Premium Vacations and Dial an Exchange communication that may be of benefit and interest to you. If you prefer not to receive any particular communication from Premium Vacations please notify us in writing. Premium Vacations Terms & Conditions
This document proves that the member agrees that he/she understands the conditions of membership of Premium Vacations (or "Premi-Vac")
1. The membership is according to the rules of the holiday accommodation exchange organisations "Dial an Exchange” and “Trade Uni-Point”, as set out on their websites ( and Premi-Vac, as a member of Dial an Exchange, will make holiday accommodation stock available if necessary to these organizations to validate the reservation.
2. Premium Vacations will usually use instant (or “bonus”) bookings, and bargain holiday rental accommodation. Members’ bookings are at all times subject to availability.
3. A Member's subscriptions will be a deposit (a registration fee and the first instalment) at the beginning of the period of the agreement, and afterwards monthly subscription payments. These payments will remain the same for the full period of the Agreement. Interest will not be charged on these payments.
4. A Member may not make bookings for anyone else or sell the right to holiday accommodation which he/she is buying in this agreement.
5. The Member will receive his/her password and Dial an Exchange user name after payment of their deposit (registration fee and first instalment), and then the member can make bookings.
6. No other fees are payable apart from the instalments. However, all bookings through the exchange organizations Dial an Exchange and Trade Uni Point will be charged for according to their rules.
7. Gold advantage benefits are included for the first 36 months at no extra cost.
8. If a Member doesn’t pay two monthly payments over any 12-month period (or the deposit) the membership will immediately end. The Member will not be able to make any more bookings, and no refunds will be made.
9. If a Member makes the overdue payment/s mentioned in Point 8 (above) in full within 30 days after the missed due date/s, his/her membership will continue as if the member had not missed a payment.
10. If a Member doesn’t make the missed payment within 30 days, and wants to use their bookings and booking rights again, he/she will have to re-apply for membership.
11. After at least half of a Member’s membership period, a Member whose payments are up to date will be able to buy life-time holidays through African Club Innovations ("ACI") at a lower price than usual.
12. Nobody in the club’s or Company’s marketing department may book any accommodation for any Member. All bookings must be done by Members themselves via the various websites or through our call centre.
13.A Member may cancel his/her membership at any time by not making any more monthly payments. There will be no more money payable, and no refunds.