Did you know that the little village of Nieuwoudtville on the Bokkeveld Escarpment in the Northern Cape and on the border with the Western Cape, is known as the Bulb Capital of the World and that when the weather gods cooperate with Mother Nature, about once every ten years and send the correct amount of rain at the right time, then Nieuwouldville has two flower seasons. The first one is now February, March and April and then again in August and September. If you recall last August and September the flowers were spectacular and now bulbs that haven't flowered for years are sending up their flowers by the thousands. Species such as Boophone haemanthoides (Gifbol), Brunsvigia bosmaniae (Maartbloom), Haemanthus barkerae (Bokkeveldkwas) are coming into their own. I have arranged a trip after Easter to see this spectacle but am looking at arranging a further trip from 12th. to 15th. April depending on the state of the flowers at that time so I will only be able to confirm the dates around the 2nd April. I intend to keep the group small, 8 is the maximum number. Accommodation is in a self catering guest house. I attach photographs of some of the flowers some of which have been taken over the past few days (the Gifbol and Bokkeveldkwas)and some (the Maartbloom) a few years ago and they were all taken by Hendrik van Zijl a long time resident of Nieuwoudtville and an absolute expert on the flora of the Knersvlakte and Bokkeveld. He will, I hope, give us a talk or talks on the flora of the region and Namaqualand.
Should you want to make a provisional booking for this once in a lifetime experience please send me an email on [email protected] or Whatsapp on 0834004451.
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