Setting a big flight for our group, after a detailed briefing, we arrived at Du Tiots Kloof pass, DTK. Planning to fly to Porterville and beyond jumping over to finally land in citrudal.
Clouds were looking good, launching one by one game was on, difficult to climb at first, but once above the mountains, it was easy and cloud stuck was a problem. Some anchious moments being sucked up at 5mps towards the dark puffy clouds. Going on bar and aiming for the blue holes. Reaching Gouda, the skies opened up with more blue, still some strong climbs but feeling safer. Once on Porterville Ridge, it was a high way with 24kms wsw winds, so one had to be very aware . At bumpy climbing to 1800m asl over we went, Andy and myself choosing to land in Citrudal, while Dave pushed on to constriction almost landing backwards. Flight distance of 125km, 129kms and 149km. What a beautiful flying day and big celebrations, with Andy doing his first 100+ kms.