Instagram: .art
Hugh Byrne is a visual artist currently residing and working in Cape Town, South Africa where he was born in 1983. He completed an honours degree in Fine Arts from the University of Pretoria and has only recently returned to South Africa two years ago after extensive travel.Although currently focusing on painting, his work includes; film, sculp
ture and photography and has been largely influenced by the city and society and on a more personal level, architecture and the individual. His current work is a series of hard-hitting, vibrantly coloured paintings created by layering various medi- ums; these include household paints and industrial resins. Hugh simplifies the lines and shapes of buildings, shadows, roads and other geometric structures within the city and in doing so finds new forms, shapes and the relationships between them.By taking these discovered forms and colouring them with bright contrasting hues he is able to give the viewer an entirely different experience of the envi- ronment in which he/she walks through and interacts everyday. He selectively chooses to leave brush marks and other defining characteristics in the otherwise smooth surface. This adds a certain human element to the work.