Heritage Day 2024
WHAT MAKES US......US? - by Steuart Pennington
We sing rhythmically, no matter the occasion
We humour collectively, no matter the circumstance
We befriend sincerely, no matter the who
We braai generously, no matter the when
We appreciate beauty, no matter the where
We engage diversity, no matter the differences
We share our democracy, no matter the contradictions
We grieve united, no matter the cause
We resent corruption, no matter the perpetrator
We loathe crime, no matter the miscreant.
We find faith together, no matter the religion
We strive to love, no matter the barriers
We oppose racism, no matter the colour
We readily forgive, no matter the shortfalls
We share generously, no matter the limitations
We persevere in adversity, no matter the challenge
We vasbyt resiliently, no matter the hardship
We clean up, no matter the carnage
We work to serve the less fortunate, no matter government distance
We yearn for equal access to good education, no matter DoE indifference
We share the dignity of meaningful work, no matter obstructive legislation
We support our national sports men and women, no matter their code, race or gender
We accept our Election results, no matter the outcome
We have high hopes for our future, no matter the setbacks