Cape Town Tourism seeks to maintain a community full of Cape Town fans with a variety of perspectives, through its Love Cape Town social media platforms.
We encourage and welcome your comments and participation in order to create a community that is lively, welcoming and full of love for all things Cape Town. We do however ask Love Cape Town followers to please abide by the following simple guidelines.
Everyone deserves respect. Whether you agree with them or not, respect is necessary. Any personal insults or negative comments directed at a specific individual will be removed. In other words, please refrain from engaging in personal attacks, posting inflammatory language, or antagonizing other Fans and Followers.
We cannot take responsibility for the content or opinions posted by our users. Not all posts on our social networking sites necessarily reflect the opinions of our organisation, nor do we confirm their accuracy. By engaging with our social networks, you grant Love Cape Town and its affiliates the right to utilise all posted content in any media without any legal of monetary obligation to the poster or author. We do reserve the right to reject or remove posts that violate the rules, at our sole discretion and without prior notice. In certain circumstance where a Fan or Follower has attacked or spammed our social sites we will ban them without notification
NB: We are not responsible for the privacy practices of sites linked to from our social media sites. Remember that your posts are visible to the general public. Protect your privacy and don’t give out any personal information.
Fans and Followers may not post messages that are threatening, abusive, harassing, intimidating, libellous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, indecent, illegal or unlawful. Spam is not allowed; we define spam as posting the same message over and over or posts related to commercial promotion.
Love Cape Town reserves the right to report unlawful behaviour and vandalism of our communities to your Internet service provider or to law enforcement. In addition, we retain sole discretion to reject posts, delete existing posts, or block users from further participation at any time and without prior notice.
Monitoring & Contacting Us:
We work hard to monitor all of our social media channels daily, during the hours of 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. You can also give our team a call on 0861 322 223. While we sometimes might respond after normal business hours, we cannot guarantee we will be able to resolve issues until close of the following business day. If you have a specific social media issue we ask that you email our team at [email protected] their box is monitored Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm.