Tefo Tours & Safaris

Tefo Tours & Safaris Tefo is the Sesotho word for “Reward”. Come and experience the world in one country and you will be rewarded with a holiday as a gift from Africa.

You are invited to come and experience a holiday of a life time in our diverse country South Africa. You will be rewarded with dramatic mystic mountains, golden beaches, wild animals, bushveld savanna, semi desert areas and warm hearted people. We specialise in TAILOR MADE PACKAGES to suit your needs with hands-on approach. We offer SCHEDULED FULLY ESCORTED TOURS which are conducted by registered

tour guides, game rangers and trackers. We also offer SELF DRIFE TOURS you can choose from. You can tailor make the self drive tour until it suit your needs. So reward “TEFO” yourself with a gift by experiencing our County and all it has to offer

The story behind the his-tory or African Folklore of HOW ELEPHANT GOT IT”S LONG NOSE. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina...

The story behind the his-tory or African Folklore of HOW ELEPHANT GOT IT”S LONG NOSE. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the storie and South African Celeste’s art will bring it to life. - Let’s start histouring around.

The Elephant used to only have a small snout in The Beginning. Elephant had to eat and drink a great deal in order to keep his great strength up. However, he did find it uncomfortable, because he had to go down on bended knees to reach anything.
One day, Elephant was at the river, and was kneeling down drinking from the fresh water. Crocodile swam past, and saw Elephant at the water's edge. Crocodile was feeling particularly hungry, and saw an opportunity for a good meal.
Listen to the story to find out what happened next.

The story behind the his-tory or African Folklore of HOW ELEPHANT GOT IT”S LONG NOSE. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the ...

The story behind the his-tory or African Folklore of HOW CHEETAH GOT IT’S TEARS. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magr...

The story behind the his-tory or African Folklore of HOW CHEETAH GOT IT’S TEARS. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the storie and South African Celeste’s art will bring it to life. - Let’s start histouring around.

This story about how cheetah got ‘it’s tears, comes from the Zulu people from South Africa.
According to the legend, these distinctive markings originate from one female Cheetah. Mother of three, she had to hunt constantly to feed herself and her cubs. When their mother went for a drink at the watering hole, a lazy Zulu hunter stole the cubs. The mother Cheetah cried for months on end and her tears formed two permanent Cheetah tear marks. Listen to the story and find out if she saw her cubs again.

The story behind the his-tory or African Folklore of HOW CHEETAH GOT IT’S TEARS. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the stori...

The story behind the his-tory of Shaka Zulu Part 2). Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you ...

The story behind the his-tory of Shaka Zulu Part 2). Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the story and South African Celeste’s art will bring it to life.

The story behind the his-tory of Shaka Zulu. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the story and South African Celeste’s art wil...

The story behind the his-tory of Shaka Zulu Part 1). Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you ...

The story behind the his-tory of Shaka Zulu Part 1). Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the story and South African Celeste’s art will bring it to life.

The story behind the his-tory of Shaka Zulu. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the story and South African Celeste’s art wil...

The story behind the her-tory of Doman the KhoiKhoi interpreter. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, wi...

The story behind the her-tory of Doman the KhoiKhoi interpreter. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the storie and South African Celeste’s art will bring it to life

Doman was a member of the Goringhaiqua, one of many Khoikhoi clans living in the Cape of Good Hope in the mid-1600s. Doman means ‘voice’ in the Khoikhoi language, a reference perhaps to his role as the interpreter of Jan van Riebeeck, colonial founder of Cape Town and its first Governor.
Doman led the Khoikhoi in the first Khoikhoi-Dutch war.

Linguistically Doman was a pioneer of the Afrikaans language. Xhore, Autshumao, Krotoa and Doman as interpreters were the earliest midwives in the birthing of the linguistic mixture that morphed into the Afrikaans language. They and the earliest slaves were the first to cross the borderline of suiwer-Nederlands (pure Dutch into the world of the patois Cape Dutch or the Creole Afrikaans.

The story behind the her-tory of Doman the KhoiKhoi interpreter. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the storie and South Afri...

Krotoa’s life is bound up with the hidden story of the people and events on the banks of the Camissa River of the 1650s ...

Krotoa’s life is bound up with the hidden story of the people and events on the banks of the Camissa River of the 1650s and 1660s. By looking at the life and times of Krotoa and her other indigene and slave contemporaries we are able to discover something of ourselves that has been lost in time.

The story behind the her-tory of Krotoa or Eva. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the storie and South African Celeste’s art...

The story behind the his-tory of Harry the “Strandloper” or Autshumato. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kru...

The story behind the his-tory of Harry the “Strandloper” or Autshumato. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the storie and South African Celeste’s art will bring it to life.

Autshumao also known as Herry the strandloper (beach walker), he was chief and interpreter of the Gorinhaikonas. In 1630 he was taken to Bantam by the English and returned to the Cape a year later.
He had learned to speak Dutch and English, which made him very useful to his people, and the European settlers who were engaged in a trading relationship. As result of his position as chief and interpreter of the Gorinhaikonas, he became a rich man.

The story behind the his-tory of Harry the “Strandloper” or Autshumato. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the storie and Sou...

Tannie Carina van Tefo-Kinderstories vertel die verhaal waar Zebra sy stepe kry. Lekker luister kinders, en groot mense....

Tannie Carina van Tefo-Kinderstories vertel die verhaal waar Zebra sy stepe kry. Lekker luister kinders, en groot mense.
Daar is sommer twee stories vir julle, net omdat Tannie Carina baie van julle hou.

Tannie Carina van Tefo-Kinderstories vertel die verhaal waar Zebra sy stepe kry. Lekker luister kinders, en groot mense.Daar is sommer twee stories vir julle...

Tefo histouri channel While Chatarina Magrietha Kruger has the flu Celeste the artist of Tefo his touri channel wil ente...

Tefo histouri channel
While Chatarina Magrietha Kruger has the flu Celeste the artist of Tefo his touri channel wil entertain you.
We will be back with more stories behind the his-tory or her-story of people, places and animals.
See you on Friday 12 Nov 2021 at 12:00 pm.

Tefo histouri channel While Chatarina Magrietha Kruger has the flu Celeste the artist of Tefo his touri channel wil entertain you.We will be back with more s...

Tannie Carina van Tefo-Kinderstories vertel die verhaal waarom seekoei gras eet en nie vis of vleis nie. Lekker luister ...

Tannie Carina van Tefo-Kinderstories vertel die verhaal waarom seekoei gras eet en nie vis of vleis nie.
Lekker luister kinders, en groot mense.

Tannie Carina van Tefo-Kinderstories vertel die verhaal waarom seekoei gras eet en nie vis of vleis nie. Lekker luister kinders, en groot mense.Starring: ...

Tefo his-Touri channel: Catharina Magrietha Kruger tells you the story behind the his-tory or their-story - Why Hippo ea...

Tefo his-Touri channel: Catharina Magrietha Kruger tells you the story behind the his-tory or their-story - Why Hippo eat grass and not fish!
South African Celeste's art brings the story to life. Get yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy his-touring around.

The story behind the his-tory or African Folklore of WHY HIPPO EAT GRASS AND NOT FISH. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the...

Join Tefo hisTouri channel this Friday 22 Oct. 2021 @ 12:00. Listen to the story behind the his-tory and African folklor...

Join Tefo hisTouri channel this Friday 22 Oct. 2021 @ 12:00. Listen to the story behind the his-tory and African folklore WHY HIPPO EATS GRASS AND NOT FISH.

Tefo his-Touri channel: Catharina Magrietha Kruger tells you the story behind the his-tory or their-story of The Flying ...

Tefo his-Touri channel: Catharina Magrietha Kruger tells you the story behind the his-tory or their-story of The Flying Dutchman and Bartolomeo Dias, Both rounding the Cape of Storms.
South African Celeste's art brings the story to life. Get yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy his-touring around.

The story behind the his-tory or her-story of The Flying Dutchman and Bartolomeo Dias rounding the Cape. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger,...

Tannie Carina van Tefo-Kinderstories vertel die eeu oue verhaal van Racheltjie de Beer, wat haar en haar boetie se “troe...

Tannie Carina van Tefo-Kinderstories vertel die eeu oue verhaal van Racheltjie de Beer, wat haar en haar boetie se “troetelkalf” Frikkie in sneeuweer gaan soek het, en toe self verdwaal.
Racheltjie de Beer (1831 - 1843) is 'n heldin uit 'n Volksverhaal. Volgens oorlewering het sy op 12-jarige ouderdom haar lewe opgeoffer om haar boetie s'n te red.

Tannie Carina van Tefo-Kinderstories vertel die eeu oue verhaal van Racheltjie de Beer, wat haar en haar boetie se “troetelkalf” Frikkie in sneeuweer gaan so...

Join Tefo hisTouri channel this Friday 15 Oct. 2021 @ 12:00. Listen to the story behind the his-tory of The Flying Dutch...

Join Tefo hisTouri channel this Friday 15 Oct. 2021 @ 12:00. Listen to the story behind the his-tory of The Flying Dutchman and Bartolomeo Dias, both rounding the Cape of Sorms or shall we say the Cape of Good Hope.

Join Tefo hisTouri channel this Friday 15 Oct. 2021 @ 12:00. Listen to the story behind the his-tory of The Flying Dutchman and Bartolomeo Dias, both roundin...

Tefo his-Touri channel: Catharina Magrietha Kruger tells you the story behind the his-tory or her-story of Racheltjie De...

Tefo his-Touri channel: Catharina Magrietha Kruger tells you the story behind the his-tory or her-story of Racheltjie De Beer.
South African Celeste's art brings the story to life. Get yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy his-touring around.
Celeste Steyn

The story behind the his-tory or her-story of Racheltjie De Beer. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the storie and South Afr...

Join us this Friday 8 Oct. 2021 @ 12:00. Listen to the story behind the his-tory or her-story of Jan van Racheltjie De B...

Join us this Friday 8 Oct. 2021 @ 12:00. Listen to the story behind the his-tory or her-story of Jan van Racheltjie De Beer.
Celeste Steyn

Join Tefo hisTouri channel this Friday 8 Oct. 2021 @ 12:00. Listen to the story behind the his-tory of Racheltjie De Beer

Tefo his-Touri channel: Catharina Magrietha Kruger tells you the story behind the his-tory of Jan van Riebeeck (part 2)....

Tefo his-Touri channel: Catharina Magrietha Kruger tells you the story behind the his-tory of Jan van Riebeeck (part 2).
South African Celeste's art brings the story to life. Get yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy his-touring around.
Celeste Steyn

The story behind the his-tory of Jan van Riebeeck. Tefo his Touri channel’s Catharina Magrietha Kruger, will tell you the storie and South African Celeste’s ...




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