Speckled Bean

Speckled Bean A digital magazine covering social and environmental programs as well things to do.

Supporting our Pebbling Project in Clarens? Then here is your logo to put in your shop or pub, or on display stands. GB ...

Supporting our Pebbling Project in Clarens? Then here is your logo to put in your shop or pub, or on display stands. GB www.speckledbean.org

If you are a Pet Friendly B&B or restaurant here is your logo as used in August Speckled Beasn.

If you are a Pet Friendly B&B or restaurant here is your logo as used in August Speckled Beasn.

59 Views in 2-Days, on You Tube. Pebbling in Clarens. See for your self:

59 Views in 2-Days, on You Tube. Pebbling in Clarens. See for your self:

Clarens Sept 2024, visit us here in Clarens and leave a memory behind. One that you can come back to one day - and live the memory.

Roars and Reverent Respite in ClarensBaksteenIn the quiet, sheep-filled hills of Clarens, where the cows chew cud and me...

Roars and Reverent Respite in Clarens
In the quiet, sheep-filled hills of Clarens, where the cows chew cud and men chew over the state of the nation, Pieter's ancient Phillips transistor radio crackled like it was caught between a sermon and a storm.
The aerial, more rusted than the mayor's promises, stood tall with the dignity only "Blou Draad" can bestow.
Today, though, all ears were tuned not to politics, but to the real battle: Springboks vs. All Blacks. The tension in town was as thick as Ouma’s koeksisters, with the match promising either a day of glory or, heaven forbid, the kind of grief that makes grown men cry into their beer mugs.
Baksteen, nerves wound tighter than a springbok’s hindquarters, decided that a walk with Wagter was the only cure. Wagter, a dog with a family tree more tangled than a politician’s excuses, seemed equally on edge. They paced up and down the dusty road, Baksteen’s thoughts jumping from the game to whether the Dominee’s OB’s would calm the town’s nerves—or ignite a different kind of fire. And hell do we know about fires!
As for me, I puffed on my pipe and scribbled notes for the Daily Sjambok, capturing every twist of the match and every rumour from the Stoep. The rugby’s last minutes were so tense, you could hear a pin drop—if not for the Dominee rattling on about his OB’s like a salesman trying to flog a miracle cure.
Then came the moment. The Springboks triumphed with a final play so spectacular that even the cows in the veld looked up, possibly to applaud.
As Baksteen and Wagter returned, we gathered for a braai, the meat sizzling in harmony with our laughter.
Victory was sweet, seasoned not just with spices but with the kind of camaraderie that only Clarens, with its quirky characters and quiet strength, can offer.
Speckled Bean
Yes, the September Issue is there as well.

September Issue of Speckled Bean is Out Now!Dear Readers,The wait is over—the September issue of Speckled Bean  - all 70...

September Issue of Speckled Bean is Out Now!
Dear Readers,
The wait is over—the September issue of Speckled Bean - all 70 pages is live and ready for you at www.speckledbean.org! This edition is packed with hot articles, including Baxter's thoughts on pet-friendly spots, Mandy Nel's Pebbling project update, and Irene Rugheimer’.Township Talk, Kathryn Costello takes us on a cup of tea, as well an many other interesting things, Dave Walker update on Rhodes, Lommy Mokoena keeps us posted on her neck of the woods, and I’ve filled in the gaps to make this our biggest issue ever—an exciting 70 pages!
Happy reading!

Speckled Bean Magazine offers the reader articles written by South Africans. The articles cover; conservation, natural resources, adventure, tourism, history and places to stay.

"Clarens – Order of The Groot KLAP! AnnouncedJa, so there I was, puffing on my pipe like a steam train chugging uphill, ...

"Clarens – Order of The Groot KLAP! Announced
Ja, so there I was, puffing on my pipe like a steam train chugging uphill, when I got wind of this latest saga. You won’t believe it, but here in Clarens—of all places—things are happening that would even make the Dominee shake his head in disbelief. Remember his job is to prepare these poor souls for their long walk to judgement day.
Just yesterday, at the Clarens Rate Prayers meeting (where the only thing more fervent than the prayers is the gossip), Tant Sarie, bless her dear soul, gets up and blurts out that she overheard something about a new initiative called KLAP.
And before you think this has anything to do with Oom Koos’s infamous backhand, let me set you straight. Apparently, KLAP stands for Kindness, Love, Acceptance, and Peace. Ja, right here in our dorp. As if anyone around here is going to sign up for such a thing!
Now, picture this: I’m sitting with my pipe in one hand and a jug of Moer Coffee in the other, trying to process this madness. "Bliksem," I thought, "is this really happening in Clarens?" I wondered if our local rag, the Daily Sjambok, had caught wind of this, because you know they’re always scratching for stories like a chicken in a dirt patch.
And then, just when I thought it couldn’t get more ridiculous, Pieter pipes up to say they’ve announced the winner of the ‘Order of the Groot KLAP.’
Now, this isn't just any KLAP, mind you—this is the granddaddy of all klaps. The kind that leaves a mark for generations to come.
Word on the street is that the lucky recipient never answers his phone, or one of his three his cell phones, never returns messages, is always at the clinic (probably hiding from Tant Sarie), and eats at least two chickens a day.
Ja, the man’s a legend in his own lunchtime. And for all this, he’s about to get a ‘Groot KLAP.’ Makes you wonder if it comes with a packet of fries.
Now, it’s Friday again, and with a cold front moving in like a boerbul on a mission, I reckon it’s time for a few ‘Klippies and Coke’ while we make fire for our evening braai. Because, after all, when the world’s gone mad, at least we’ve got our braai and a good klap to keep us sane.
Speckled Bean

The Art of Cash-Washing and Ducking Baksteen’s SwingPieter sat on the stoep, fiddling with his ancient Phillips transist...

The Art of Cash-Washing and Ducking Baksteen’s Swing
Pieter sat on the stoep, fiddling with his ancient Phillips transistor radio, now a relic of the past with an aerial long replaced by a “Stukkie Blou Draad.” The radio crackled like a distant veld fire, and Pieter, with the expression of a man who’d seen too much, listened intently. You know that look.
Meanwhile, Wagter, after chasing guineafowl with all the enthusiasm of a sloth on a Sunday, collapsed onto his favourite spot, paws in the air as if felled by fate itself. His contribution to the afternoon’s hunt was a solid nap.
In a misguided attempt to assert authority, Pieter decided to shout at Wagter. But, as fate would have it, he forgot that Baksteen was within earshot. Now, Baksteen wasn’t one to let foolishness slide. With a swift and decisive “One Skat,” she klapped Pieter “One Time Shoeshine” to the head, leaving him blinking in the sun.
“Ja,” Pieter mumbled, nursing his wounded pride, “while this is happening, everyone in South Africa is busy washing.”
“Washing what?” Baksteen barked back, her voice sharp as a farmer’s plough. “We’ve got no water, boggerall, niks! Just empty pipes and hollow promises.”
“Ja, maar Baksteen,” Pieter persisted, his voice dripping with news-induced despair. “You don’t listen like I do. Electricity’s going up again, rates too, food—Alles gaan op! Hoor jy my?”
And that’s when Pieter made the fatal mistake. Baksteen, with the precision of a woman who’s had enough, took a swing at him. But old Pieter, well-practiced in ducking Baksteen's temper, avoided her wrath better than a tax dodger.
I sat there, lighting my pipe, the smoke curling lazily like a politician’s promise. “Bliksem, Baksteen,” I said, puffing thoughtfully, “you trying to kill the man, or just remind him who’s boss?”
As the sun dipped low, painting the burnt veld of Riemland with its last rays, I thought, A dop or two can’t go wrong.
“Pieter, maak braai,” Baksteen declared, as if that would solve the world’s problems. And perhaps, in her mind, it did.
But Pieter wasn’t done. “Ja, Baksteen, all these big companies, the corporates, SOEs—they’re in on it. Prices go up, but they don’t spend a cent on maintenance or social services—nothing! It’s A.I. money laundering, Bakkies. Some months, they pocket more. Others, they pocket even more.”
“Don’t Bakkies me – Klein Bliksem,” snorted Baksteen. “Phew,” she sighed, shaking her head. “They must be the cleanest people in the country with all that washing going on.”
And with that, friends, I bid you good luck in this land of ours. Keep your heads low and your humor high—like Pieter.
You have a great week further.
Speckled Bean

E-WaterIt was one of those mornings when you could almost feel the universe smirking at you, like it knew what kind of d...

It was one of those mornings when you could almost feel the universe smirking at you, like it knew what kind of day you were about to have.
The sun was barely creeping over the large mountain, and the early spring air had that bite that reminds you winter’s still got one foot in the door. It was peaceful them.
And then Baksteen, fresh back from Clarens, leaned in close like she was about to spill state secrets. Pieter was off-loading the bakkie, muttering under his breath about how much heavier the groceries seemed these days—gravity must be increasing, or maybe it was just Baksteen’s shopping list.
I sat there, nursing my cup of moer coffee, when my phone buzzed with a message from the Bank of all Banks. Seems an electric cable blew up somewhere inside their vault, taking all my precious files with it.
“Gone, gone, gone,” they said, as if singing the chorus of a bad breakup song.
And to top it off, they expect me to replace them. Ja, right. That’s like asking a chicken to lay another golden egg after you’ve waited ten odd years for the first one.
But Baksteen had her own tale of woe. The water had gone "KaPoof!"—rotten and undrinkable. Pieter, who fancied himself a bit of a poet, was shaking as he lifted the last of the groceries.
“And which poet are you reading now?” I asked, expecting something profound.
She waved her phone at me, tiny letters bouncing around on the screen like they were doing the cha-cha.
She quoted Coleridge—"water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink."
Fitting, considering our current situation. I asked if she’d passed this gem of knowledge on to the authorities.
Pieter snorted. “Why bother? They don’t drink water. They prefer that mielie meal beer they have in Parliament during tea breaks.”
By now, Wagter had found a cozy spot to settle in, knowing full well it was Friday and nothing productive would happen until Monday, if at all.
But the water problem loomed over us like a dark cloud. Another E-Meeting was called in Clarens, and let me tell you, the people are "Gatvol." With "E-Meetings, E-Water, E-Electricity—where’s the E-Solution?" Baksteen was fuming, and I couldn’t help but raise my cup of E-Moer Coffee in solidarity.
I bid you a good weekend further.
From the land of the hammered.



Speckled Bean welcomes Mandy Nel as the Pebbling Project Champion.Speckled Bean has a new Ambassador to co-ordinate an e...

Speckled Bean welcomes Mandy Nel as the Pebbling Project Champion.

Speckled Bean has a new Ambassador to co-ordinate an exciting new initiative - the Pebbling Project.
Mandy Nel, a proud resident of our charming village, has been appointed as the “Champion” of the project. With her excellent experience in the corporate world and her deep love for Clarens, Mandy sees this initiative as a wonderful opportunity for the community and its people.

The Pebbling Project isn’t just about painting stones; it’s about fostering community spirit, creativity, and giving local artists - our “Pebblers” - a platform to shine.

Mandy’s role will be to coordinate the programme, ensuring that the shops, bars, and street vendors involved are well-guided, making the most of this vibrant movement.

Send Mandy a WhatsApp message at 0636063273.

As part of her role, Mandy will be penning a monthly column in Speckled Bean magazine, keeping everyone updated on the latest developments and adding her unique flair to the project. We at Trsm invite you to join us in welcoming Mandy to the programme.

After all, if it’s not fun, it’s not Speckled Bean!

Baksteen’s Burning Ears and the Scandal in ClarensAs I sat with my pipe, coaxing the last embers of yesterday’s braai ba...

Baksteen’s Burning Ears and the Scandal in Clarens
As I sat with my pipe, coaxing the last embers of yesterday’s braai back into the fire, Baksteen arrived in her pale blue bakkie, with Pieter trailing behind like a sleepy calf following its mother.
Wagter, our dog of dubious parentage, lay snoozing under the old blue gum tree, as indifferent to the world's troubles as a leopard to a mouse.
“Ja well no fine,” Baksteen began, her voice crackling like a veld fire at noon, “you won’t believe the news I’ve brought from town. It’s enough to make a woman's ears burn like a roast on a Sunday!”
I took a leisurely puff on my pipe, knowing that when Baksteen gets to spinning tales like this, it’s best to listen. The wind carried with it the familiar scent of wood smoke and the promise of rain.
“Tant Sarie says ESKOM’s in a right muddle over the Dominee’s OB’s,” Baksteen continued, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “They reckon his holy brews are heating up the congregation so much that it’s cutting into their new campaign of “Shiver or Shell it out!” Electricity campaign.
Can you believe it? The Dominee, caught in the crossfire!”
I knocked the ash from my pipe, figuring it was time to get back to my column and the publisher’s hopeful predictions of sales.
But Baksteen had more. Leaning in as if the koppies around us were eavesdropping, she whispered, “And that’s not all. JuJu’s old mate, Flakkers—you know him—has left his party and is off to Natal to peddle dodgy coal to you know who!”
I chuckled as Wagter rolled over, likely dreaming of chasing phantom game. Baksteen shook her head, exasperated. “Here I am, back from town with my ears still burning, and my dog’s got more fathers than sense. What a world we live in.”
I nodded, watching the embers glowing. I took one small one and dropped it into my coffee, “Hell man, Baksteen,” I agreed, “what a world indeed.


Folks I looking for contact details for,cheri and forrest Lane as well as The Platform. Required for an article in Speckled Beasn, re Pet Friendly places. Credit will be given. GB


I'm looking for a few pictures of a pet friendly restaurant and B&B, This is for an article to go into Speckled Bean. Clear crisp inspiring, Credit will be geven. GB

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEClarens Residents Take a Leap of Faith with the Clarens Rate Prayers AssociationCLARENS, 14 August ...

Clarens Residents Take a Leap of Faith with the Clarens Rate Prayers Association
CLARENS, 14 August 2024 — In the serene expanse of the Eastern Free State, where sandstone cliffs rise like ancient guardians and the streets brim with timeless charm, the resilient folk of Clarens have embarked on a new form of community action. Introducing the Clarens Rate Prayers Association—an alliance of residents who, after trying all worldly remedies, have decided that prayer might be the town’s best hope.
With electricity prices soaring, the internet playing hide and seek, and water as reliable as a summer downpour, the people of Clarens, ever practical, have turned to divine intervention.
"Well, when the municipality pulls one of its disappearing acts, we figure a prayer might just keep things ticking," remarked Mrs. Hettie Botha, a woman who once guided her pumpkins through a winter that would’ve made a lesser gardener hang up his ‘shoffel’.
The association gathers monthly in the old stone church, raising prayers for everything from reliable services to peace, honesty, and—let’s not forget—fewer potholes.
At last month’s gathering, the prayers for a consistent water supply were so heartfelt that rumours are already circulating about the tap water looking a tad less murky.
But don’t mistake these meetings for solemn affairs. True to the hearty spirit of Clarens, the gatherings also feature a jug or two of the now-famous triple-blessed OB’s, enough to bring warmth to even the chilliest of nights.
One particularly cheeky member even suggested adding a prayer for the return of honesty, starting with whoever’s been sneaking an extra cookie or two at Sunday’s post-service ‘skinner-break’.
Mrs. Botha captured the essence of the group with her usual wisdom: "It’s about coming together as a community. Whether we’re praying for a bustling tourist season or just hoping the internet sticks around long enough to catch the daily doomsday update."
So, if you’re in need of a good laugh or a touch of divine assistance, the Clarens Rate Prayers Association is where you want to be.
As Mrs. Botha finished up by confirming the corporate motto is “PRAY."


Dear FB’ers,
I trust this letter finds you well and in good spirits. I must say, the new Speckled Bean has landed on its feet like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs—against all odds, and with a grace that comes from knowing just how much thought, care, and a fair bit of risk-taking went into its creation. We ventured far from our usual path, like a traveller who takes the dusty road less travelled, only to discover a hidden valley brimming with unexpected delights.
But as the old folks used to say, "You don’t change horses midstream," and so it was with our reader base. They’re our bedrock, the trusty oxen pulling the Plow, and we couldn’t afford to let them stray. So, we’ve found ourselves crafting a magazine that offers both the sweeping vistas and the little treasures—a quick read, yes, but one that leaves the reader with something valuable tucked in their pocket for the journey ahead.
Now, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get back to the work we do best. As a vital part of this endeavour, I’m counting on you to gather your editorial, select a few pictures that speak louder than words, and help us push on with the business of keeping our market thriving. In other words, the sun is rising, and it’s editorial time again.
The best as always,




.Friday the 09th, Womans Day guys, dont forget. Speckled Bean.


Friday the 09th, Womand DAy guys, done forget. Sppeckled Bean.

Welcome to the New Era of Speckled Bean Magazine!After weeks of hard work, sweat, and even a few tears, we are thrilled ...

Welcome to the New Era of Speckled Bean Magazine!
After weeks of hard work, sweat, and even a few tears, we are thrilled to welcome you to the brand-new online home of our lifelong friend and champion of all things tourism—Speckled Bean Magazine! The new look, feel, pictures, and layout have all been completely refreshed.

Please visit www.speckledbean.org, kick back with a jug or two, and enjoy the experience. Your feedback is invaluable to us. And yes, you can easily adjust the page size, view it vertically or horizontally, and even download a print copy if you wish.

With love and light,
The Speckled Bean Team

It is said, as follows Leo. Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac, is represented by the lion and is ruled by the Sun. Peopl...

It is said, as follows
Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac, is represented by the lion and is ruled by the Sun. People born between July 23 and August 22 fall under this sign. Here are some common characteristics often attributed to Leos:

Confident and Ambitious: Leos are known for their confidence and ambition. They often have a strong sense of self and are not afraid to pursue their goals.

Generous and Warm-hearted: Leos are often generous and warm-hearted, enjoying helping others and making them feel special.

Natural Leaders: Leos tend to be natural leaders, often taking charge in situations and inspiring others with their enthusiasm and determination.

Charismatic and Charming: Leos are typically charismatic and charming, easily drawing people to them with their magnetic personality.

Creative and Enthusiastic: Leos are often creative and enthusiastic, with a love for the arts and a flair for the dramatic.

Loyal and Protective: Leos are usually very loyal and protective of their loved ones, often going to great lengths to ensure their well-being.

Stubborn and Proud: Leos can sometimes be stubborn and proud, finding it hard to admit when they are wrong or to accept criticism.

Passionate and Energetic: Leos often approach life with a great deal of passion and energy, making them lively and dynamic individuals.
And there are a few in Clarens, I'm told. Anyway, Now you all have a great week. GB


Good day this August month. New Speckled Bean hitting the presses in no time, so you lot have a cracker of a weekend – Yours in tourism and tales, The Speckled Bean Team!


A Call to Unity and Responsibility
Lately, I’ve taken to posting a few questions on social media. One such inquiry touches upon the responsibilities of a local magazine. In my humble opinion, a magazine carries an enormous responsibility, akin to a mighty ox bearing a laden cart. It can't simply churn out pretty pictures or peddle wishful thinking. The same holds true for our local industries, be it B&Bs, catering, guiding, and the like.
And so, once more, the Speckled Bean folks is confronted with this challenge: we must be better than we've been. This sentiment applies equally to all our local enterprises. We are, each one of us, representatives of this small valley. The good news is that at the Speckled Bean, we are in a constant state of self-examination, even to the point of questioning our very existence.
Our magazine needs to look special, compelling, of exceptional quality, inviting, and leaving the reader wanting more. However, we face major predators eating away at every cent we earn. That has to end forthwith, as profit in any democracy is a sign of good health, and right now, we are in the ICU. You cannot be profitable while being looted, and profitable companies reinvest in themselves. How much more does it need for the authorities to see that?
There’s been some talk of late, suggesting that our magazine is tailored for the privileged and upper class, not for the folks of Lower Clarens. How can such thinking even be possible? Is it white-anting, or what? Regardless, be on the lookout for our new look. And folks, let’s pull together. Divided, we will fall. Let’s not venture down that path.


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