The Government Employees Fund is a defined fund that manages pensions and related benefits on behalf of government employees is South Africa. It is governed by the Government Employees Pension (GEP) Law (1996).
How does the GEPF work?
GEPF does not actually invest, it is a fund of funds. So, members make their monthly contributions to the fund, and GEPF sends the money to PIC (Public Investment Corporation – S.As fund manager) to be invested on its behalf.
It is a defined contribution benefit, meaning that members will never run out of money. However, you can’t get rich from this fund – comfortable, yes but not rich. And the reason for this is that the policy states that 90% of the funds must be invested locally (in S.A), not more than 5% in Africa and not more than 5% internationally. This means you can lose out on very good returns when other countries are performing well. GEPF members can only access funds when they exit the fund through retirement, ill health, discharge from service, or resignation in line with the rules as stipulated in the GEP Law.
When can members access the fund?
• Resignation:
The benefits apply to members who resign or are dismissed due to misconduct, an illness or injury caused by the member’s own doing. They can either be paid a once-off lump sum which may be subject to income tax or transfer their benefits to an approved retirement fund (an RA, Pension fund, provident fund or preservation fund). The money that is transferred is not taxed at this point and is only taxed when the member retires or withdraws and receives a lump sum from the new fund.
• Retirement The GEPF provides for normal and early retirement, as well as retirement for medical (ill health) reasons. Members whose employment have been affected by restructuring or re-organisation are also able to receive retirement benefits. Your GEPF can be transferred to another pension fund*
NORMAL RETIREMENT: Sixty (60) years is the normal retirement age for GEPF members. The benefits paid depend on whether a member has less than 10 years’ pensionable service, or 10 or more years of pensionable service. Members with less than 10 years’ service receive – a once-off cash lump sum that is equal to their actuarial interest in the Fund. Members with 10 or more years’ service receive a lump sum and a monthly pension annuity.
EARLY RETIREMENT: Under certain circumstances, members may retire early, that is before reaching the normal retirement age of 60 [between 55 & 60]. Again, the member’s years of pensionable service determine the benefits. Members with 10 or more years of service receive annuities and lump sum. These are calculated in the same way as for normal retirement, but with a reduction of a third of one percent (0, 33%) for each month between the dates of early retirement and normal retirement. Example: Retire at 55 and the monthly income is R15000 - You will get R15k in the first month - R14950.50 in the second month [R15000 less R15000*0.33%] - R14901.16 in the third month [14950.50 less R49950.50*0.33%] - This will go on until you reach normal retirement age. Once you make this decision, there is no turning back.
ILL HEALTH AND OTHER RETIREMENTS: Enhanced benefits are paid when members retire for medical reasons, when injured on duty, or when their posts are abolished through organisational restructuring. In these circumstances, members receive both annuities and gratuities if they have more than 10 years of pensionable service. For members with less than 10 years pensionable service, the benefit will be consistent with and not less than the resignation benefit.
• Death - Death while in service – your dependents will get the funds. - If survived by a spouse, spousal pension – you have the option to select 75% or 50% of your pension to be transferred to your spouse until they die. - Child pension for your minor beneficiaries or beneficiaries above the age of 18 but below the age of 22.
• Divorce The GEPF introduced the clean-break principle with effect from 1 April 2012. In order for the GEPF to deduct money from a member’s pension benefit, the divorce must comply with the Divorce Act. The decree of divorce must be issued as a valid court order specifically granting the former spouse a share of the member’s pension interest. If for example, the divorce order states that your spouse is entitled to 50% of the fund, the GEPF must comply. (The non-member / ex-spouse can get the funds almost immediately about 120 days) - ***. The right to a portion of the member’s pension interest is not automatic.
- Not affected by market fluctuations. The fund will always ensure security. - Once you get retired, your pension is guaranteed (DEFINED)
- Death and Disability benefit. - Employer (13%) contributes more than you do (7.5%)
THE DOWNSIDE: Retire either under a life annuity or a guaranteed annuity and once you choose, you’re locked on. No option to choose a living annuity. If you die prematurely (within the 5-year guarantee term, you forfeit your money).
We will continue with the GEPF next week (24 January 2023)
If you are (or know) a government employee and would like to learn more about the GEPF, please contact me:
Call/WhatsApp: 0711532276
Email: [email protected]