Updated list:
I’ve done Berlin, Germany by both water and land, and I loved it. The city offered some great lessons for the packing tourism products, and Vuka Africa Tours. I’ve also encountered London, United Kingdom, but didn’t see much as I didn’t have enough time to spare for the empire city.
In the City of Cape Town I’ve done most of the main tourist attractions and the city is definitely on a par with most of the global cities around the world ( I studied global cities as part of my international studies major- so I understand a bit what makes a city great lol).
As a history enthusiast, Rome, Italy is definitely in my bucket list together with the most romanticised city: Paris in France. I’m also fascinated by TokyoLife, particularly the rebuilding of the city several times after some catastrophic events. NewYork City is a must visit city of the world to confirm if it doesn’t sleep for real lol! Africa my beginning, Africa my ending: top 20 African cities before I die 💪🏽!
Global cities are architecturally designed to showcase not only the development prowess of a country/state/province, but also tell the historical stories of a land and its development aspirations.
I’m tempted to glorify other great cities I’ve encountered like Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Los Angeles, California, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, Kigali, Rwanda, Pataya, Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, Indianapolis, Indiana, Amsterdam City, Leuven, Belgium, Tilburg, Netherlands, but I’m afraid that I’d run out of ink ✍️. So another day awaits for the life changing encounters with these marvellous cities.- Including laidback Durban, KwaZulu-Natal and fast paced Johannesburg, and other homeland cities that boast of history worth sharing.