Give a gift with purpose. Please support us in getting Crush back home. Donate R200 or more and receive a gift card/certificate for yourself or a loved one and join in on her release either in person or via live feed.
Email [email protected] with pop and for more info.
Sound file used to make the video: Jingle Bells 7 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Graphics|Video: Graham Timms Creative Design and Layout
#fela #greenturtle #creativedesignlayout
Celebrate World Turtle Day!
You can support our Ocean Life Line Project by emailing [email protected] and making a donation.
Treatment Loggerhead Turtle
The Loggerhead turtle receives her daily treatment (water changes, cleaning the eye and eye medication) at the East London Aquarium.
If you would like to donate to help towards her care and the care of other stranded animals like her you can do so through the Ocean Lifeline Project which is run by the friends of the East London Aquarium (FELA)
The banking details are: Standard Bank | Account Number: 15318850 or email us at [email protected]
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