What We Do...
Waypoint Adventures is a husband and wife team based in the Helderberg, Cape Town, South Africa, with an operational offices in Somerset West.
Our philosophy: To provide comfortable, more personal and interactive, holidays. Waypoint Adventures has positioned itself to provide their customers with a product they require, whether it’s a budget or an upmarket holiday, catering for those who are looking for a value-for-money experience.
Our guide is a qualified Generic Adventure Site Guide (TG/ADVSITEGD/4/0080) as accredited by CATHSSETA. He is accredited by the Department of Labour as a Wilderness First Responder and completed First Aid training DOL Level 3 (WMX Wilderness First Responder). He is also a 4x4 Trails guide and TETA Accredited as per SAQA standards to “Apply the techniques for operating four wheel drive (4WD) vehicles, in on-road and off-road conditions” (SAQA U254135).
He is registered as a tourist guide with the Department of Tourism.