At 48 metres high, on top of a 100 metre hill, the African Renaissance Monument in Dakar is the tallest statue in Africa. Get to the top of the monument for stunning views of Dakar.
📸 Beautiful shot by @chewstoexplore
📍 Dakar | Senegal 🇸🇳
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It’s World Lion Day today 🦁
This day aims to spread awareness of lions and the urgent need to strive toward their conservation.
📹 Beautiful video by @hshphotos
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The Table Mountain National Park in South Africa has a new honorary patrol member: this majestic ostrich! Spotted walking the empty roads at Cape Point, this video is making the rounds on social media, bringing us much needed joy!
Did you know that this flightless bird is the fastest runner of any bird and can sprint at up to 70km/hour? With only two toes and very sharp nails they pack a fierce kick. While humans are staying indoors to keep safe, this amazing bird is making sure that everything is above board on the outside! 😊
📍 South Africa 🇿🇦
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Where it’s not safe for us to go outside, the African penguins certainly feel well and safe to waddle around the streets of Simon’s Town in Cape Town South Africa! 🐧
While most of South Africa is busying itself indoors, it’s currently peak penguin hatching season. The penguin rangers have had to keep a watchful eye as these endangered penguins enjoy a leisurely stroll down the streets of the beautiful coastal village of Simon’s Town. The African penguins, also referred to as the “jackass” penguins, are usually quite shy when humans are too close, but as there are a lot less vehicles and people about, they are enjoying exploring new territory in peace.
You can meet and even swim with these amazing animals at Boulders Beach on your next visit to Cape Town!
📍 South Africa 🇿🇦
#cityzenguide #visitsouthafrica #travel #penguins
One of the most MOVING and powerful messages ever - from a gameranger in #Londolozi -a message from the African bush - and a message about listening- rather than judging
📍South Africa 🇿🇦
#cityzenguide #travelexperiences #lockdownsouthafrica #exploresouthafrica #visiterlafrique #travel
As soon as things normalize, make sure to put Johannesburg South Africa on top of your travel itinerary! Johannesburg is an African city full of life. From the hustle and bustle of Maboneng, the tribal beats of Soweto, to the exciting nightlife – this city is a definite addition to your South African tour schedule!
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This is South Africa!!!
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Johannesburg is an African city full of life. From the hustle and bustle of Maboneng, the tribal beats of Soweto, to the exciting nightlife – this city is a definite addition to your South African tour schedule.
Plan your visit to the city with us by clicking the link in our bio, and follow us for a great dose of travel inspiration!
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