Holyland Tours


Holyland Tours is a registered tour operator that specializes in arranging pilgrimage tours to the land of the Bible, including visits to Israel, Jordan, Petra, Egypt, Turkey and Italy [Rome]. Our intense interest in the "Holy Bible" and my love for the land and people of The Bible qualifies us to introduce you to the land of the Bible. Our representative is available on a countrywide basis to meet with any group that has an interest in joining a pilgrimage tour to Israel.

In two months we will be in Israel again!

In two months we will be in Israel again!

TABGHA(Afrikaanse teks onder Engelse teks)Church of the Primacy of Saint PeterTabgha (Arabic: al-Tabigha; Hebrew: Ein Sh...

(Afrikaanse teks onder Engelse teks)

Church of the Primacy of Saint Peter
Tabgha (Arabic: al-Tabigha; Hebrew: Ein Sheva which means "spring of seven") is an area situated on the north-western shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. It is traditionally accepted as the place of the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes (Mark 6:30-46) and the fourth resurrection appearance of Jesus (John 21:1-24) after his Crucifixion. The site's name is derived from the Greek name Heptapegon ("seven springs"). The name was later shortened to "Tapego", and was eventually changed to "Tabgha" in Arabic, since Classical Arabic has no p, g and o sounds and replaces these sounds by b, gh and a or u.

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand (Matt 14:13-21)
Matt 14:13 When Jesus heard the news about John, he left there in a boat and went to a lonely place by himself. The people heard about it, and so they left their towns and followed him by land. v.14 Jesus got out of the boat, and when he saw the large crowd, his heart was filled with pity for them, and he healed their sick. v.15 That evening his disciples came to him and said, "It is already very late, and this is a lonely place. Send the people away and let them go to the villages to buy food for themselves." v.16 "They don't have to leave," answered Jesus. "You yourselves give them something to eat!" v.17 "All we have here are five loaves and two fish," they replied. v.18 "Then bring them here to me," Jesus said. v.19 He ordered the people to sit down on the grass; then he took the five loaves and the two fish, looked up to heaven, and gave thanks to God. He broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. v.20 Everyone ate and had enough. Then the disciples took up twelve baskets full of what was left over. v.21 The number of men who ate was about five thousand, not counting the women and children.

Follow in the footsteps of Jesus!
Join us on tour to Israel, Jordan, Egypt & Turkey from South Africa
Travellux (Pty) Ltd.
t/a Holyland Tours, South Africa
Ps. Theo & Kathy Swart
+27799499967 (Theo) +27683115439 (Kathy)
[email protected] / [email protected]
© All Copyright Reserved Travellux (Pty.) Ltd. and Holyland Tours C.C.

Kerk van Petrus.
Tabgha (Arabies: al-Tabigha; Hebreeus: Ein Sheva wat "sewe fonteine" beteken) is 'n gebied geleë aan die noordwestelike oewer van die See van Galilea in Israel. Dit word tradisioneel aanvaar as die plek van die wonderwerk van die vermeerdering van die brode en visse (Mark 6:30-46) en die vierde opstandingsverskyning van Jesus (Joh. 21:1-24) na sy Kruisiging. Die plek se naam is afgelei van die Griekse naam Heptapegon ("sewe fonteine"). Die naam is later verkort na "Tapego", en is uiteindelik verander na "Tabgha" in Arabies, aangesien Klassiek Arabies geen p-, g- en o-klanke het nie en hierdie klanke deur b, gh en a of u vervang

Jesus voed Vyf Duisend (Mat. 14:13-21)
Mat 14:13 En toe Jesus dit hoor, het Hy daarvandaan in ‘n skuit vertrek na ‘n verlate plek alleen. En die skare het dit gehoor en Hom van die stede af te voet gevolg. v.14 En toe Jesus uitgaan, het Hy ‘n groot skare gesien en innig jammer vir hulle gevoel, en Hy het hulle siekes gesond gemaak. v.15 En toe dit aand geword het, kom sy dissipels na Hom en sê: Die plek is verlate, en dit is al oor die tyd; stuur die skare weg, sodat hulle na die dorpe kan gaan en vir hulle voedsel koop. v.16 Maar Jesus sê vir hulle: Hulle hoef nie weg te gaan nie; gee julle vir hulle iets om te eet. v.17 Maar hulle antwoord Hom: Ons het hier net vyf brode en twee visse. v.18 En Hy sê: Bring dit hier vir My. v.19 Toe gee Hy die skare bevel om op die gras te gaan sit; en Hy neem die vyf brode en die twee visse, kyk op na die hemel en dank; en nadat Hy die brode gebreek het, gee Hy dit aan die dissipels en die dissipels aan die skare. v.20 En almal het geëet en versadig geword, en hulle het die oorskot van die brokstukke opgetel, twaalf mandjies vol. v.21 En dit was omtrent vyf duisend manne wat geëet het, buiten die vroue en kinders.

Volg in die voetspore van Jesus!
Kom toer saam met ons na die Bybellande: Israel, Jordanië, Egipte & Turkye vanaf Suid Afrika
Travellux (Edms.) Bpk.
h/a Holyland Tours, Suid Afrika
Ps. Theo & Kathy Swart
+27799499967 (Theo) +27683115439 (Kathy)
[email protected] / [email protected]
© Alle Kopiereg Voorbehou : Travellux (Edms.) Bpk. en Holyland Tours B.K.


On Saturday evenings street bands and singing groups will gather in Ben Yehuda Street on Zion Square in Jerusalem to celebrate the braking of Shabbat. Here is a recording on a Indonesian street band performing in Ben Yehuda Street.

You are invited to join us on one of our upcoming pilgrimage tours to Israel.

Come and walk in the footsteps of Jesus.

Travellux (Pty.) Ltd.
t/a Holyland Tours

Ps. Theo Swart
[email protected]

Ps. Kathy Swart
[email protected]

MOUNT OF BEATITUDES(Afrikaanse teks onder Engelse teks)The Mount of Beatitudes (Hebrew: Har HaOsher) is a hill in northe...

(Afrikaanse teks onder Engelse teks)

The Mount of Beatitudes (Hebrew: Har HaOsher) is a hill in northern Israel, in the Korazim Plateau. It is the traditional site of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

Location: The site known as the Mount of Beatitudes is on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee, between Capernaum and the archeological site of Gennesaret (Ginosar), on the southern slopes of the Korazim Plateau. Its negative altitude (around 25 metres below sea level, nearly 200 metres above the Sea of Galilee) makes it one of the lowest summits of the world.[1] This site, very near Tabgha and also known as Mount Eremos,[2] has been commemorated for more than 1600 years.

Well-known for: Jesus' Sermon on the Moun
A Byzantine church was erected lower down the slope from the current site in the 4th century, and it was used until the 7th century. Remains of a cistern and a monastery are still visible. The current Roman Catholic Franciscan chapel was built in 1937-38 following plans by Italian architect Antonio Barluzzi.

Pope John Paul II celebrated a Mass at this site in March 2000. The Jesus Trail pilgrimage route connects the Mount to other sites traditionally associated with the life of Jesus.

True Happiness (Matt 5:2-12)
Matt 5:2 and he began to teach them: v.3 "Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them! v.4 "Happy are those who mourn; God will comfort them! v.5 "Happy are those who are humble; they will receive what God has promised! v.6 "Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully! v.7 "Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them! v.8 "Happy are the pure in heart; they will see God! v.9 "Happy are those who work for peace; God will call them his children! v.10 "Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them! v.11 "Happy are you when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of evil lies against you because you are my followers. v.12 Be happy and glad, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven. This is how the prophets who lived before you were persecuted.

Have No Fear (Matt 10:28-31 & Luk 12:4-7)
Matt 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather be afraid of God, who can destroy both body and soul in hell. v.29 For only a penny you can buy two sparrows, yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent. v.30 As for you, even the hairs of your head have all been counted. v.31 So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows!

Luk 12:4 "I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot afterward do anything worse. v.5 I will show you whom to fear: fear God, who, after killing, has the authority to throw into hell. Believe me, he is the one you must fear! v.6 "Aren't five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one sparrow is forgotten by God. v.7 Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows!

Walk in the footsteps of Jesus!
Join us on tour to Israel, Jordan, Egypt & Turkey from South Africa
Travellux (Pty) Ltd.
t/a Holyland Tours, South Africa
Ps. Theo & Kathy Swart
+27799499967 (Theo) +27683115439 (Kathy)
[email protected] / [email protected]
© All Copyright Reserved
Die Berg van Saligsprekinge ( Hebreeus : Har HaOsher ) is 'n heuwel in die noorde van Israel , in die Korazim-plato . Dit is die tradisionele plek van Jesus se Bergpredikasie.

Ligging: Die terrein bekend as die Berg van Saligsprekinge is aan die noordwestelike oewer van die See van Galilea, tussen Kapernaum en die argeologiese terrein van Gennesaret (Ginosar), op die suidelike hange van die Korazim-plato. Sy negatiewe hoogte (ongeveer 25 meter onder seevlak, byna 200 meter bo die See van Galilea) maak dit een van die laagste pieke ter wêreld.[1] Hierdie terrein, baie naby Tabgha en ook bekend as Mount Eremos,[2] word al meer as 1600 jaar herdenk.

Bekend vir: Jesus se Bergpredikasie
'n Bisantynse kerk is laer teen die helling van die huidige terrein in die 4de eeu opgerig, en dit is tot die 7de eeu gebruik. Oorblyfsels van 'n stortbak en 'n klooster is steeds sigbaar. Die huidige Rooms-Katolieke Franciskaanse kapel is in 1937-38 gebou na aanleiding van planne deur die Italiaanse argitek Antonio Barluzzi.

Pous Johannes Paulus II het in Maart 2000 'n Mis op hierdie terrein gevier. Die Jesus-roete-pelgrimsroete verbind die berg met ander terreine wat tradisioneel met die lewe van Jesus geassosieer word.

Ware geluk (Mat 5:2-12)
Mat 5:2 en Hy het sy mond geopen en hulle geleer en gesê: v.3 Salig is die wat arm van gees is, want aan hulle behoort die koninkryk van die hemele. v.4 Salig is die wat treur, want hulle sal vertroos word. v.5 Salig is die sagmoediges, want hulle sal die aarde beërwe. v.6 Salig is die wat honger en dors na die geregtigheid, want hulle sal versadig word. v.7 Salig is die barmhartiges, want aan hulle sal barmhartigheid bewys word. v.8 Salig is die wat rein van hart is, want hulle sal God sien. v.9 Salig is die vredemakers, want hulle sal kinders van God genoem word. v.10 Salig is die wat vervolg word ter wille van die geregtigheid, want aan hulle behoort die koninkryk van die hemele. v.11 Salig is julle wanneer die mense julle beledig en vervolg en valslik allerhande kwaad teen julle spreek om My ontwil. v.12 Verbly en verheug julle omdat julle loon groot is in die hemele; want so het hulle die profete vervolg wat voor julle gewees het.

Moet nie vress nie (Mat 10:28-31 & Luk 12:4-7)
Mat 10:28 En moenie vrees vir die wat die liggaam doodmaak, maar die siel nie kan doodmaak nie; maar vrees Hom liewer wat die siel sowel as die liggaam kan verderwe in die hel. v.29 Word twee mossies nie vir ‘n stuiwer verkoop nie? En nie een van hulle sal op die aarde val sonder julle Vader nie. v.30 En van julle is selfs die hare van die hoof almal getel. v.31 Wees dan nie bevrees nie: julle is meer werd as baie mossies.

Luk 12:4 En Ek sê vir julle, my vriende: Moenie vrees vir die wat die liggaam doodmaak en daarna niks meer kan doen nie; v.5 maar Ek sal julle wys wie julle moet vrees: vrees Hom wat, nadat Hy doodgemaak het, by magte is om in die hel te werp; ja, Ek sê vir julle, vrees Hom! v.6 Word vyf mossies nie vir twee stuiwers verkoop nie? En nie een van hulle is voor God vergeet nie. v.7 Maar selfs die hare van julle hoof is almal getel. Wees dan nie bevrees nie: julle is meer werd as baie mossies.

Kom stap in die voetspore van Jesus!
Kom toer saam met ons na die Bybellande: Israel, Jordanië, Egipte & Turkye vanaf Suid Afrika
Travellux (Edms.) Bpk.
h/a Holyland Tours, Suid Afrika
Ps. Theo & Kathy Swart
+27799499967 (Theo) +27683115439 (Kathy)
[email protected] / [email protected]
© Alle Kopiereg Voorbehou

BOAT RIDE ON THE SEA OF GALILEE(Afrikaanse teks onder Engelse teks)One hour sailing trip on the Sea of Galilee.Jesus Wal...

(Afrikaanse teks onder Engelse teks)

One hour sailing trip on the Sea of Galilee.

Jesus Walks on the Water - Matt. 14:22-33
Matt. 14:22 Then Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people away. v.23 After sending the people away, he went up a hill by himself to pray. When evening came, Jesus was there alone; v.24 and by this time the boat was far out in the lake, tossed about by the waves, because the wind was blowing against it. v.25 Between three and six o'clock in the morning Jesus came to the disciples, walking on the water. v.26 When they saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. "It's a ghost!" they said, and screamed with fear. v.27 Jesus spoke to them at once. "Courage!" he said. "It is I. Don't be afraid!" v.28 Then Peter spoke up. "Lord, if it is really you, order me to come out on the water to you." v.29 "Come!" answered Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus. v.30 But when he noticed the strong wind, he was afraid and started to sink down in the water. "Save me, Lord!" he cried. v.31 At once Jesus reached out and grabbed hold of him and said, "What little faith you have! Why did you doubt?" v.32 They both got into the boat, and the wind died down. v.33 Then the disciples in the boat worshiped Jesus. "Truly you are the Son of God!" they exclaimed.

Jesus Calms a Storm - Matt. 8:23-27 (also Mark 4:35–41, and Luke 8:22–25)
Matt. 8:23 Jesus got into a boat, and his disciples went with him. v.24 Suddenly a fierce storm hit the lake, and the boat was in danger of sinking. But Jesus was asleep. v.25 The disciples went to him and woke him up. "Save us, Lord!" they said. "We are about to die!" v.26 "Why are you so frightened?" Jesus answered. "What little faith you have!" Then he got up and ordered the winds and the waves to stop, and there was a great calm. v.27 Everyone was amazed. "What kind of man is this?" they said. "Even the winds and the waves obey him!"

Walk in the footsteps of Jesus!
Join us on tour to Israel, Jordan, Egypt & Turkey from South Africa
Travellux (Pty) Ltd.
t/a Holyland Tours, South Africa
Ps. Theo & Kathy Swart
+27799499967 (Theo) +27683115439 (Kathy)
[email protected] / [email protected]
© All Copyright Reserved

Een uur bootrit op die See van Galilea

Jesus loop op die water (Matt. 14:22-33)
Mat 14:22 En Jesus het dadelik sy dissipels gedwing om in die skuit te gaan en voor Hom uit te vaar na die oorkant, terwyl Hy die skare wegstuur. v.23 En nadat Hy die skare weggestuur het, klim Hy op die berg om in die eensaamheid te bid. En toe dit aand geword het, was Hy daar alleen. v.24 En die skuit was al in die middel van die see, geteister deur die golwe; want die wind was teen hulle. v.25 Maar in die vierde nagwaak het Jesus na hulle gekom, al wandelende op die see. v.26 En toe die dissipels Hom op die see sien loop, word hulle ontsteld en sê: Dit is ‘n spook! En hulle het geskreeu van vrees. v.27 Maar Jesus het dadelik met hulle gespreek en gesê: Hou goeie moed, dit is Ek! Moenie vrees nie. v.28 En Petrus antwoord Hom en sê: Here, as dit U is, beveel my om op die water na U te kom. v.29 En Hy sê: Kom! Petrus klim toe van die skuit af en loop op die water om na Jesus te gaan. v.30 Maar toe hy die sterk wind sien, het hy bang geword; en toe hy begin sink, roep hy uit en sê: Here, red my! v.31 En Jesus het dadelik sy hand uitgesteek en hom gegryp en vir hom gesê: Kleingelowige, waarom het jy getwyfel? v.32 Daarop klim hulle in die skuit, en die wind het gaan lê. v.33 Toe kom die wat in die skuit was, en val voor Hom neer en sê: Waarlik, U is die Seun van God!

Jesus maak die storm stil (Matt. 8:23-27)
Mat 8:23 En toe Hy in die skuit klim, het sy dissipels Hom gevolg. v.24 En daar het ‘n groot storm op die see gekom, sodat die skuit toe was onder die golwe; maar Hy was aan die slaap. v.25 Daarop kom sy dissipels en maak Hom wakker en sê: Here, red ons, ons vergaan! v.26 En Hy sê vir hulle: Waarom is julle bang, kleingelowiges? Toe staan Hy op en bestraf die winde en die see, en daar het ‘n groot stilte gekom. v.27 En die manne het hulle verwonder en gesê: Wat vir ‘n mens is Hy, dat selfs die winde en die see Hom gehoorsaam is?

Kom stap in die voetspore van Jesus!
Kom toer saam met ons na die Bybellande: Israel, Jordanië, Egipte & Turkye vanaf Suid Afrika
Travellux (Edms.) Bpk.
h/a Holyland Tours, Suid Afrika
Ps. Theo & Kathy Swart
+27799499967 (Theo) +27683115439 (Kathy)
[email protected] / [email protected]
© Alle Kopiereg Voorbehou

SEA OF GALILEE(Afrikaanse teks onder Engelse teks)The Sea of Galilee, also called Lake Tiberias or Kinneret, is a freshw...

(Afrikaanse teks onder Engelse teks)

The Sea of Galilee, also called Lake Tiberias or Kinneret, is a freshwater lake in Israel. It is the lowest freshwater lake on Earth and the second-lowest lake in the world (after the Dead Sea, a salt lake), at levels between 215 and 209 metres (705 and 686 ft) below sea level. It is approximately 53 km (33 mi) in circumference, about 21 km (13 mi) long, and 13 km (8.1 mi) wide. Its area is 166.7 km2 (64.4 sq mi) at its fullest, and its maximum depth is approximately 43 metres (141 ft). The lake is fed partly by underground springs, but its main source is the Jordan River, which flows through it from north to south and exits the lake at the Degania Dam.

The Sea of Galilee is situated in northeast Israel, between the Golan Heights and the Galilee region, in the Jordan Rift Valley, formed by the separation of the African and Arabian plates. Consequently, the area is subject to earthquakes, and in the past, volcanic activity. This is evident from the abundant basalt and other igneous rocks that define the geology of Galilee.

The lake has been called by different names throughout its history, usually depending on the dominant settlement on its shores. With the changing fate of the towns, the lake's name also changed. The modern Hebrew name Kineret comes from the Hebrew Bible, where it appears as the "sea of Kineret" in Numbers 34:11 and Joshua 13:27, and spelled כנרות "Kinerot" in Hebrew in Joshua 11:2. This name was also found in the scripts of Ugarit, in the Aqhat Epic. As the name of a city, Kinneret was listed among the "fenced cities" in Joshua 19:35. A persistent, though likely erroneous, popular etymology presumes that the name Kinneret may originate from the Hebrew word kinnor ("harp" or "lyre"), because of the shape of the lake.] The scholarly consensus, however, is that the origin of the name is derived from the important Bronze and Iron Age city of Kinneret, excavated at Tell el-'Oreimeh. The city of Kinneret may have been named after the body of water rather than vice versa, and there is no evidence for the origin of the town's name.

All Old and New Testament writers use the term "sea", with the exception of Luke, who calls it "the Lake of Gennesaret" (Luke 5:1). The Babylonian Talmud as well as Flavius Josephus mention the sea by the name "Sea of Ginosar" after the small fertile plain of Ginosar that lies on its western side. Ginosar is yet another name derived from "Kinneret".

The Sea of Galilee lies on the ancient Via Maris, which linked Egypt with the northern empires. The Greeks, Hasmoneans, and Romans founded flourishing towns and settlements on the lake including Hippos and Tiberias. Contemporary Roman–Jewish historian Flavius Josephus was so impressed by the area that he wrote, "One may call this place the ambition of Nature"; he also reports a thriving fishing industry at this time, with 230 boats regularly working in the lake. Archaeologists discovered one such boat, nicknamed the Jesus Boat, in 1986.

In the New Testament, much of the ministry of Jesus occurs on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. In those days, there was a continuous ribbon development of settlements and villages around the lake and plenty of trade and ferrying by boat. The Synoptic Gospels of Mark 1:14–20), Matthew 4:18–22), and Luke 5:1–11) describe how Jesus recruited four of his apostles from the shores of the Kinneret: the fishermen Simon and his brother Andrew and the brothers John and James. One of Jesus' famous teaching episodes, the Sermon on the Mount, is supposed to have been given on a hill overlooking the Kinneret. Many of his miracles are also said to have occurred here including his walking on water, calming the storm, the disciples and the miraculous catch of fish, and his feeding five thousand people (in Tabgha). In John's Gospel the sea provides the setting for Jesus' third post-resurrection appearance to his disciples (John 21).

In 135 CE, Bar Kokhba's revolt was put down which was part of the Jewish–Roman wars. The Romans responded by banning all Jews from Jerusalem. The center of Jewish culture and learning shifted to the region of Galilee and the Kinneret, particularly Tiberias. It was in this region that the Jerusalem Talmud was compiled.[19]

The lake lies in the center of the Jordan Valley, in the northern part of the Syrian-African rift. Several directions of tectonic movements characterize the region, mirroring the patterns typical of the entire Syrian-African rift: north–south movements, which started about 20 million years ago; stretching movements in the east–west direction, which began later, at the beginning of the Pleistocene (about 1.8 million years ago), and caused the subsidence of the lake area.

As a result of horizontal shifts in the north–south direction and subsidence of the area, a lake was formed, with an asymmetrical bottom—steeper in the east and a gentler in the west. In the southern part an underwater cliff is present, covered by the lake's sediments. The cliff is distinct in the western part and less so in the east.[29]

Walk in the footsteps of Jesus!
Join us on tour to Israel, Jordan, Egypt & Turkey from South Africa
Travellux (Pty) Ltd.
t/a Holyland Tours, South Africa
Ps. Theo & Kathy Swart
+27799499967 (Theo) +27683115439 (Kathy)
[email protected] / [email protected]
© All Copyright Reserved

Die See van Galilea, ook genoem Tiberiasmeer of Kinneret, is 'n varswatermeer in Israel. Dit is die laagste varswatermeer op aarde en die tweede laagste meer in die wêreld (na die Dooie See, 'n soutmeer), op vlakke tussen 215 en 209 meter (705 en 686 voet) onder seevlak. Dit is ongeveer 53 km (33 myl) in omtrek, ongeveer 21 km (13 myl) lank en 13 km (8.1 myl) breed. Sy oppervlakte is 166,7 km2 (64,4 vk myl) op sy volste, en sy maksimum diepte is ongeveer 43 meter (141 voet). Die meer word gedeeltelik deur ondergrondse fonteine gevoed, maar sy hoofbron is die Jordaanrivier, wat van noord na suid daardeur vloei en by die Deganiadam uit die meer vloei.

Die See van Galilea is geleë in die noordooste van Israel, tussen die Golanhoogte en die Galilea-streek, in die Jordaan-skeurvallei, gevorm deur die skeiding van die Afrika- en Arabiese plate. Gevolglik is die gebied onderhewig aan aardbewings, en in die verlede, vulkaniese aktiwiteit. Dit is duidelik uit die oorvloedige basalt en ander stollingsgesteentes wat die geologie van Galilea definieer.

Die meer is deur sy geskiedenis met verskillende name genoem, gewoonlik na gelang van die dominante nedersetting aan sy oewers. Met die veranderende lot van die dorpe het die meer se naam ook verander. Die moderne Hebreeuse naam Kineret kom van die Hebreeuse Bybel, waar dit verskyn as die "see van Kineret" in Numeri 34:11 en Josua 13:27, en gespel כנרות "Kinerot" in Hebreeus in Josua 11:2. Hierdie naam is ook gevind in die skrifte van Ugarit, in die Aqhat Epic. As die naam van 'n stad, is Kinneret gelys onder die "omheinde stede" in Josua 19:35. 'n Volgehoue, hoewel waarskynlik foutiewe, populêre etimologie veronderstel dat die naam Kinneret afkomstig kan wees van die Hebreeuse woord kinnor ("harp" of "lier"), vanweë die vorm van die meer.] Die wetenskaplike konsensus is egter dat die oorsprong van die naam is afgelei van die belangrike brons- en ystertydperk-stad Kinneret, wat by Tell el-'Oreimeh opgegrawe is. Die stad Kinneret is moontlik eerder na die watermassa vernoem as omgekeerd, en daar is geen bewyse vir die oorsprong van die dorp se naam nie.

Alle Ou- en Nuwe-Testamentiese skrywers gebruik die term "see", met die uitsondering van Lukas, wat dit "die meer van Genesaret" noem (Luk. 5:1). Die Babiloniese Talmoed sowel as Flavius Josephus noem die see met die naam "See van Ginosar" na die klein vrugbare vlakte van Ginosar wat aan sy westekant lê. Ginosar is nog 'n naam wat afgelei is van "Kinneret".

Die See van Galilea lê op die antieke Via Maris, wat Egipte met die noordelike ryke verbind het. Die Grieke, Hasmoneërs en Romeine het florerende dorpe en nedersettings op die meer gestig, insluitend seekoeie en Tiberias. Die hedendaagse Romeins-Joodse historikus Flavius Josephus was so beïndruk deur die gebied dat hy geskryf het, "'n Mens kan hierdie plek die ambisie van die Natuur noem"; hy rapporteer ook 'n florerende visbedryf in hierdie tyd, met 230 bote wat gereeld in die meer werk. Argeoloë het een so 'n boot, met die bynaam die Jesus-boot, in 1986 ontdek.

In die Nuwe Testament vind baie van die bediening van Jesus plaas aan die kus van die See van Galilea. In daardie dae was daar 'n voortdurende lintontwikkeling van nedersettings en dorpe rondom die meer en baie handel en vaart per boot. Die Sinoptiese Evangelies van Markus 1:14–20), Matteus 4:18–22) en Lukas 5:1–11) beskryf hoe Jesus vier van sy apostels van die kus van die Kinneret gewerf het: die vissermanne Simon en sy broer Andrew en die broers Johannes en Jakobus. Een van Jesus se bekende onderrig-episodes, die Bergpredikasie, is veronderstel om op 'n heuwel wat oor die Kinneret uitkyk, gegee te gewees het. Daar word ook gesê dat baie van sy wonderwerke hier plaasgevind het, insluitend sy loop op water, die stilte van die storm, die dissipels en die wonderbaarlike vang van visse, en sy voed vyfduisend mense (in Tabgha). In Johannes se Evangelie verskaf die see die agtergrond vir Jesus se derde verskyning ná die opstanding aan sy dissipels (Joh. 21).

In 135 nC is Bar Kokhba se opstand van kant gemaak wat deel was van die Joods-Romeinse oorloë. Die Romeine het gereageer deur alle Jode uit Jerusalem te verbied. Die sentrum van die Joodse kultuur en leer het verskuif na die streek van Galilea en die Kinneret, veral Tiberias. Dit was in hierdie streek dat die Jerusalem Talmoed saamgestel is.[19]

Die meer lê in die middel van die Jordaanvallei, in die noordelike deel van die Siries-Afrika-skeur. Verskeie rigtings van tektoniese bewegings kenmerk die streek, wat die patrone weerspieël wat tipies is van die hele Siriese-Afrika-skeur: noord-suid-bewegings, wat ongeveer 20 miljoen jaar gelede begin het; strekbewegings in die oos-wes-rigting, wat later begin het, aan die begin van die Pleistoseen (ongeveer 1,8 miljoen jaar gelede), en die insakking van die meergebied veroorsaak het.

As gevolg van horisontale verskuiwings in die noord-suid-rigting en insakking van die gebied, is 'n meer gevorm, met 'n asimmetriese bodem - steiler in die ooste en 'n sagter in die weste. In die suidelike deel is 'n onderwaterkrans teenwoordig, bedek deur die meer se sedimente. Die krans is duidelik in die westelike deel en minder in die ooste.

Kom stap in die voetspore van Jesus!
Kom toer saam met ons na die Bybellande: Israel, Jordanië, Egipte & Turkye vanaf Suid Afrika
Travellux (Edms.) Bpk.
h/a Holyland Tours, Suid Afrika
Ps. Theo & Kathy Swart
+27799499967 (Theo) +27683115439 (Kathy)
[email protected] / [email protected]
© Alle Kopiereg Voorbehou

4 (four) places left"CHRISTMAS IN BETHLEHEM 2024" PILGRIMAGE TOUR TO ISRAEL: DEPARTING 21 DECEMBER 2024.----------------...

4 (four) places left

Herewith the itinerary of the "Christmas in Bethlehem 2024" pilgrimage tour to Israel departing 21 December 2024, during the S.A. School December Holidays.

> Departure Date: 21 December 2024
> Return Date: 28 December 2024
> Tour Price: R32,900 (Priced at $1 = ZAR17.00 as per itinerary)
> Includes International flights any transfers
> Tour length: 8 days
> Participation in Group Insurance policy is available at R280.00 + R200 [R35 p/day x 8 days + R200] (only available up to 69 years of age)
> Visas: South African passports qualify for free visa on arrival in Israel.
> 2 nights in Tiberius on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
> 3 nights in Jerusalem / Bethlehem
> 2 days in Jerusalem
> Visit all the important Biblical sites in Israel, including:
1. Visit Golgotha
2. Holy Communion at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem
3. Walk down the Mount of Olives and follow the Via Dolorosa
4. Western Wall and the Temple Area.
5. Bethlehem [Birthplace of Jesus Christ]
6. Boat-ride on the Sea of Galilee.
7. Visit places around the Sea of Galilee like Mount of Beatitudes and Capernaum.
8. Baptism Service in the Jordan River. [The river where John baptized Jesus]
9. Mount of Beatitudes
10. Capernaum
11. Tiberias
12. Jericho [Elisha's fountain & Zacchaeus' wild fig tree]
13. Qumran [Place where they found the Dead Sea bible scrolls]
14. Float [swim] on the Dead Sea.
15. Spent the afternoon of 24 December at the Christmas Street Parade in Bethlehem.

> The following is excluded from Price:
a) Connection flights to and from OR Tambo International airport
b) Tips: $100
c) Spending Money: To personal taste
d) Money for lunches and snacks

PLEASE NOTE: At certain times it is not possible to visit certain areas.

Attached find:
> Itinerary
> Registrations form
> Welcome Note
> Maps

Space is limited and participation is strictly on "a first come first served" basis.

It is important that you finalize your registration as soon as possible, to avoid disappointment:


Theo Swart
079 949 9967
[email protected]

Kathy Swart
068 311 5439
[email protected]



OR Tambo International Airport


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Our Story

Holyland Tours is a division of Travellux (Pty) Ltd, a registered tour operator that specializes in arranging pilgrimage tours to the land of the Bible, including visits to Israel, Jordan, Petra, Egypt, Turkey and Italy [Rome]. Our intense interest in the "Holy Bible" and my love for the land and people of The Bible qualifies us to introduce you to the land of the Bible. Our representative is available on a countrywide basis to meet with any group that has an interest in joining a pilgrimage tour to Israel.