To all of the true South Africans… you know who you are.
You are the men and women of this beautiful country who shoulder the weighted responsibility of pushing forward no matter what… You are the men and women that dig down deep and never give up no matter the challenges and adversity that you will inevitably face… You are the men and women who take on the world and carry the responsibility of not only supporting your families but also your communities in whatever plight they face without cracking or buckling under the pressure.
You are the men and women who are not perfect, but have taken the opportunity to learn from past mistakes, have identified the cause and actively worked to root it out of your lives, not by hiding and shying away from it, but from tackling it head on as you know in the long run it will be best. You understand that without failure we never truly understand success and without this, we can never live up to our true potential.
My hope and prayer for all of you this year is that 2024 is good to you, that all the decisions you make, take you one more step towards happiness and one giant leap towards finding the peace of mind in knowing that you are all an integral part of this country. In aiding you finding this peace and happiness, know that for every step you take, God has gone before you to pave and prepare the way according to His perfect plan for your life. This means that, should something not work out the way you planned, it was merely not part of His plan and something far greater and far sweeter lies not too far ahead.
All that is needed from you is to stand fast… be decisive… never give up and push through… He has got you and will never let go.