1. "My hands are small, and that's why I spill the milk even when I don’t want to."
2. "My legs are short. Please wait for me and walk slower so I can keep up with you."
3. "Don't hit my hands when I touch something colorful—I just want to learn."
4. "Please look at me when I'm talking to you so I know you're listening."
5. "My feelings are still tender. Please don’t scold me all day. Let me make mistakes without making me feel stupid."
6. "Don't expect the bed I make or the drawing I paint to be perfect. Love me for trying my best."
7. "Remember, I’m a child, not a small adult. Sometimes I don’t understand what you’re saying."
8. "I love you so much. Please love me for who I am, not just for what I do."
9. "Don't reject me when you're upset with me. If I come to give you a kiss, it’s because I feel alone, abandoned, and afraid."
10. "When you yell at me, I get scared. Please explain what I’ve done wrong."
11. "Don’t be angry when the night falls, and the dark feels scary. When I wake up and call you, your hug is the only thing that gives me peace."
12. "When we go to the store, don't let go of my hand. I feel like I’ll get lost and you’ll never find me."
13. "I feel really sad when you argue. Sometimes I think it’s my fault, and my stomach tightens because I don’t know what to do."
14. "I often see you hugging and caressing my brother. Do you love him more than me? Maybe because he’s cuter or smarter? But what about me... am I not your child too?"
15. "You scolded me harshly when I broke my favorite toy, and even more when I cried about it. I was already sad—I didn’t do it on purpose. Now I’ve lost it forever."
16. "You got upset because I got dirty while playing. But the feeling of mud on my feet was so wonderful, and the afternoon was so lovely. I wish I knew how to wash my clothes by myself."
17. "Today, you weren’t feeling well, and I got really worried. I tried to cheer you up with my games and stories. What would I do if something happened to you?"
18. "I’m scared of hell, and I don’t even know what it is... but I think it must be as terrible as being without you."
19. "Even though I had fun staying with my uncles, I missed you so much the whole week. I wish parents never had vacations away from their children."
20. "I’m so lucky! Out of all the children in the world, you chose me."
As adults, we often forget what it was like to be a child—what hurt us, what scared us, what made us feel loved. Sometimes, children say these things out loud; other times, they only think them silently.
Author Unknown