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THE WORLD World Anthropological Union - WAU 11-15 November 2024 Misty Hills Country Hotel, Conference Centre & Spastarte...

THE WORLD World Anthropological Union - WAU
11-15 November 2024 Misty Hills Country Hotel, Conference Centre & Spa

started with a rush at registration, opening welcome & 1st international Keynote speaker of the week.

The highlight of the day was the Paleoanthropology Lekgotla, generously hosted by the Lee Berger Foundation.
The excursion was lead by Dr Michael B. Rivera, a Hong Kong University lecturer in Interdisciplinary sturdies.

The 30 international anthropology delegates were given an opportunity to engage with the local scientists on site, ask questions and discover more about South Africa's rich paleoanthropology.

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 071 – Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology

Much more than human: a reading of Lo que son los yerbales paraguayos, by Rafael Barrett (1908)
From multispecies view to ethnography of Papuans: animals in Miklouho-Maclay papers
Cosmopolitical Battles for Good Health in the Andes: epidemics, colonialism and indigenous resistance
Acclimatisation: entanglements of cattle and people in Northernmost Brazil
Divine Goddess Ganga, River Ganga, and Multispecies Historical Anthropology
Landscape and species interactions in northern Amazon trough 18th, 19th and 20th centuries: notes for a non-anthropocentric history of animals and plants, rivers or mountains
Did the vassoura-de-bruxa (witch’s broom plague) kill cocoa? Towards an infrahistory of cocoa planting in Southern Bahia, Brazil

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
WAU World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 069 – Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production

Bridging the Knowledge Divide: Integrating Local and Academic Knowledge
An ontological injustice towards indigenous justice systems: the case of traditional witchcraft-related conflict management mechanisms and the laws of Ghana.
Authorship Abuse in Research and Academics in the Digital Age

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU
Anthropology Southern Africa

Panel 068 – Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections

"Very happy to realize that our flag, which was almost usurped, returned to us. GO BRAZIL!"
Soccer and Personhood: A South African Subaltern Story
The “Memories of Football” project at the Museum of Sound and Image (MIS-São Paulo/Brazil): historical and anthropological approaches on football as a sociocultural phenomenon
Gender, football fandom and knowledge production: ethnographic insights

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
WAU World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 067 – Q***ring all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south

Engendering Death: Ethnographic Insights into the Posthumous Mistreatment and Misgendering of Trans-Q***r Bodies.
Decolonial approaches to labour inclusion policies for trans people: a comparative study in Madrid and Buenos Aires
Warlike binarism: gender, race and sexuality in militarised contexts in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Decolonizing Q***r Anthropology
Gender wears leather: productions of dissident masculinities

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 066 – Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology

All-Russian Student Olympiad in Ethnography – an experience in popularizing anthropology among young people
Doing ethnography with tikmũ'ũn children: resistance, joy and learning
Ethnographic research experience with children in Maputo: the place of playing and school
Narratives of rural youngs, childrens and adolescents around education. An Ethnography on the Margins of the State
It is (not) about you: Ethnographic and narrative approach to adolescent pregnancy through teenager’s voices and silences.
Learning to respect the “owners” of places: what can we learn with Galibi-Marworno children about socio-environmental care and ethics?
“How we can help each other”: ethnographic confluence with adolescent students regarding their racial identities
Youth on the move: ethnography of relational mobility with street-connected children and youth in urban Northeast Brazil

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 064 – The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes

The Actions of Social Agents Regarding the Use of Health Measures: An Analysis of School Returns in the Pandemic Context
Using fuzzy cognitive mapping to promote community involvement in decision-making for COVID-19 recovery in Northern Nigeria.
Differences in Covid-19 vaccination acceptance in two Zapotec communities of Oaxaca, southern Mexico; preliminary findings and hypotheses
Navigating Vaccination Realities: State Policies and Community Perspectives in Khayelitsha, South Africa
Attitudes of Acceptance, Rejection or Hesitancy Towards the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Multi-Country Study: The United States Case
Perception of Na´ Savi preschool and primary school teachers on current school achievement and associated factors during the COVID-19 pandemic
Culturally Competent Approaches to Promote Equitable COVID-19 Vaccination: Understanding Healthcare Behaviors and Vaccine Acceptance
Attitudes of Acceptance, Rejection or Hesitancy Towards the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Multi-Country Study: The Mexican Case
Knowledge, Perception and Practices: Some Anecdotes from the Field on Covid-19
Attitudes of Acceptance, Rejection or Hesitancy Towards the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Multi-Country Study: The Peruvian Case
“The doctor never asks me!”: Exploring the link between vaccine hesitancy and the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
An Anthropological study on attitude towards Covid-19 vaccine- Hesitancy, Preference, Acceptability

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Anthropology Southern Africa

Panel 061 – Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects

Afetos (im)pertinentes: relações feministas e antirracistas nas fronteiras entre academia e ativismo
Friendship, festivities and feminism: examples from the Basque Country (Spain)
The promise among musical groups of the south-central coast of Peru
“You will never walk alone”. Rethinking Abortion Activism as a Feminist Practice of Strategic Sisterhood
Feminism, friendship and collective processes of knowledge construction: bastard ethnographies?
Third Persons Present: Vitalities of Friendship and Familiarity in LGBTQ+ Aging


WAU, what an amazing week.

Anthropologists from around the world attending the WAU World Anthropology Congress, on the fringes of the Cradle of Humankind, Mogale City, Gauteng, South Africa.

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
WAU World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 058 – Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic

Narratives of Neglect: Unmasking the Experiences of Indian Migrant Workers and the Middle Class Amidst Public Amnesia and State Policies
Memories of the Covid-19 pandemic among the indigenous peoples Fulni-ô, in Brazil, and P`urhépecha, in Mexico: coping strategies and (post)pandemic social impacts
Lived Experiences of Women Sanitation Workers during the Pandemic in India
The Voice Within: An Online Ethnography on the Experiences of Deaf Students in a Public High School during the COVID-19 Pandemic
A walk to remember on the Mymensingh road: the politics of memorialising and forgetting
The Many Lives of the Pandemic: Memory, Belonging and time in urban Darjeeling
Testimonials from the Border: Chronic Ailments Disrupting Continuities of the Afterlife
Memories of Bodies - (not) on- the- Move: Understanding the Socio-Economic Conditions of Bihari Migrant Workers in Kolkata during COVID-19.
‘Have you heard anyone talk about Covid’?: Afterlives of the pandemic in an Indian election
Emergence and Continuity: Understanding Pandemic through an Epidemic

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 057 – Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence

الأنثروبولوجيا في الجزائر : مسارات التكوين الجامعي وآفاق الإنتاج المعرفي الأنثروبولوجي
المعرفة الأنثروبولوجية في العالم العربي وتحدّيات المقاربات الكولونياية وما بعد الكولونيالية : دراسات عبد الله حمّودي نموذجا
الأنثروبولوجيا السياسية في العالم العربي عِلم محل ريبة في سياقات استبدادية
From Colonial to Indigenous: Transforming Anthropological Narratives in the Arab World
في مساءلة المعرفة الأنثروبوجية الأجنبية ما بعد الكولونيالية في المغارب: الفجوات بين الخطاب النظري والواقع الإثنوغرافي في موريتانيا والمغرب
Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production: Insights from Refugee Family Support in Ireland
The Accusation of Colonialism: Anthropology in Post-Colonial Algeria and the Restoration of Dignity

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 056 – Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues

Tagin Tribe's Indigenous Knowledge System: Navigating Contemporary Issues
Local Knowledge and International Technical Cooperation: From Optimism to Cautious Pragmatism
“Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Oaxaca, Mexico: the case of Comunalidad”
Measurement Linguistic Theory of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in a Multilingual Society: A Case Study of Kurukh, Mundari and Sadri
The Problem of Interlinking the Advancement in Science and Technology with Traditional Knowledge Systems for Achieving Inclusive Sustainable Development: A Special Focus on the Tribal Communities of Jharkhand, India
Changing Identity and Dissipating Knowledge of the Lachungpas of North Sikkim
"Taking care of themselves- अपना ख्याल रखना"- Healing practices in Johar Valley of Uttarakhand, India
Traditional knowledge system and sustainability: Social preservation or change?
Land as the Mediator between Tribal Life and Their Cultural EcologyTraditional Knowledge System and Unravelling the Complexity of Issues on Land Rights from the Perspective of Traditional Knowledge System

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 053 – Care and the anthropological imagination

Caregiving, conflict and support in rural South Africa
When a Stuffed Animal Speaks Out: On the Relationship between Materiality and Affect
Navigating Romantic Relationships with Invisible Disabilities in Makhanda
Male Carers: Everyday experiences of later-life caregiving of male carers in urban India
Follow the dog: Reimagine a more-than-human anthropology of and as care
Making Vulnerable: The Exposure to Harm of Institutionalized Older Adults in Lima, Peru
Toward an Epistemology of Care: The Impact of Structural Violence on Aging in Diaspora
Framing Caring Performances: The Aesthetics and Ethics of End-of-Life Photography in Chinese Hospice Care
Rethinking reciprocity and the labor of care in rural South Africa (PN53)
Images of Care and Care for Images: Intersections of research, participation and action
Grace as Reparative Praxis for Anthropology as Care

 Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommod...

Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
WAU World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 052 – Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices

Screening indigenous films through hyper-local streaming apps
Siri, Roomba and other animals: an ethnography of digitalized family relations
(Un)sustainable technologies: the promise of a digital revolution at agricultural fairs in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
"Work smarter, not harder": Designing a multimodal mobile ethnographic study under global pressures and uncertain futures
Between spirits and digital economies. Mediatization of marginalized performative practice.
Digital Funerals and Screenshots: Migrants Channel Grief and Imagine the Eternal Realm

The Cradle Concierge  – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accom...

The Cradle Concierge – We can help you with everything around The Cradle of Humankind – from tourist attractions, accommodation - where to stay (want to share accommodation with someone?), and all your travel arrangements including flights.
World Anthropology Congress Anthropological Union - WAU WAU
Southern Africa

Panel 051 – Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction

Exposing feminists' critique of white privilege in Europe from a South African perspective
Artist lens on everyday mothering care. Peripherality as resilience
Guaraní women's agency: rescue of ancestral knowledge and artisanal work in the Peña Morada community, San Martín department, Salta, Argentina.
Dancing empathy. A methodological approach for kinesthetic research and new modes of connecting from a feminist perspective
Collaborative Visions: Reimagining Visual Representations Through Ethnography and Photography
Title: A Fabric of Care: The Joy of Textiles Through a Feminist Lens
How do artist-activist agencies and q***r community resonate in Ghana? : the case study of creative practices to visualize and empower the inequalities and marginalities of q***r community
Ecological worldviews in the Jat-Jatin: The folk play performance of women in Mithilanchal, Bihar


Sunset Drive, Elandsdrift
Mogale City

Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 18:00
Thursday 06:00 - 18:00
Friday 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday 06:00 - 18:00
Sunday 08:00 - 15:00




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