A quick bird's-eye overview of Festina Lente In Onrus and how close it is to so much beauty in the Overberg.
Champagne taste and beer money promote innovation. Light fittings were designed, made and fitted. We couldn't be prouder of the end result.
#ReasonsToVisitOverberg #HomeRenovations #OnrusAccommodation #DIYIdeas #PetFriendlyAccommodation #HuisieByDieSee #CountryLife #OverbergTourism #YourJourneyStartsHere #UrbanGarden #GreenSpace #HowDoesYourGardenGrow
A work of art is never complete - it can always be altered or enhanced. At Festina Lente In Onrus, we have more craft than art, but the fact is, there's always something that needs improvement. Repair, replace, rebuild, revamp or reintroduce, we've done it in the past 12 months.
#ReasonsToVisitOverberg #HomeRenovations #OnrusAccommodation #DIY #PetFriendlyAccommodation #HuisieByDieSee #CountryLife #OverbergTourism #YourJourneyStartsHere #UrbanGarden #GreenSpace #HowDoesYourGardenGrow
Along with the new garden at Festina Lente In Onrus, a bench was installed. But it took a while to find the perfect spot for watching the 'wildlife'!
#ReasonsToVisitOverberg #HomeRenovations #OnrusAccommodation #Sprinkler #PetFriendlyAccommodation #HuisieByDieSee #CountryLife #OverbergTourism #YourJourneyStartsHere #UrbanGarden #GreenSpace #HowDoesYourGardenGrow
Picture of garden with bench - with crocodile sprinkler for fun!
Improvements made at Festina Lente In Onrus in 2022 include the garden.
What used to be a vast lawned yard, now has landscaped beds with beautiful hero plants. And we've already seen an influx of birds and insects which adds to the charm of the place.
#ReasonsToVisitOverberg #HomeRenovations #OnrusAccommodation #PetFriendlyAccommodation #HuisieByDieSee #CountryLife #OverbergTourism #YourJourneyStartsHere #UrbanGarden #GreenSpace #HowDoesYourGardenGrow
In Feb 2022 the garden was transformed and now contains landscaped beds and hero plants.
It's important to take stock and celebrate positive changes. During 2022 we made quite a few improvements at Festina Lente In Onrus.
The first project? In January 2022 we had the downstairs Lounge/Dining area repainted. We kept the bold colours, but painted more walls white.
#ReasonsToVisitOverberg #HomeRenovations #OnrusAccommodation #PetFriendlyAccommodation #HuisieByDieSee #CountryLife #OverbergTourism #YourJourneyStartsHere #ArtAtHome
Before and after photos of Lounge & Dining area that was repainted in January 2022.
Self-catering accommodation near Onrus Beach
Remember Festina Lente In Onrus for when you want to book weekend accommodation. It's comfortable and pet friendly. And within walking distance from Onrus Beach. Win-win.
#ReasonsToVisitOverberg #HolidayLikeaLocal #FestinaLenteInOnrus #HermanusTourism #ShareSouthAfrica #YourJourneyStartsHere #TravelLocalSA #bestvacations #hermanus #OnrusAccommodation #HermanusAccommodation #travel #WesternCapeAccommodation #travelnews #ExploreSouthAfrica #SATourism #VisitSouthAfrica #visafree #wanderlust #AfricanSafaris #PetFriendly #CountryLifeSouthAfrica #Platteland #SmallTownsSA #SupportSmallBusiness #WalkerBayPro #IBCBodyBoarding #BodyBoardingSouthAfrica #OnrusBeach
Onrus Beach is part of so many wonderful family memories. When last did you visit?
Hope to see you soon for the International Walker Bay Pro 2022 bodyboarding competition.
#WalkerBayPro #IBCBodyBoarding #BodyBoardingSouthAfrica #OnrusBeach #ReasonsToVisitOverberg #HolidayLikeaLocal #FestinaLenteInOnrus #HermanusTourism #ShareSouthAfrica #YourJourneyStartsHere #TravelLocalSA #bestvacations #hermanus #OnrusAccommodation #HermanusAccommodation #travel #WesternCapeAccommodation #travelnews #ExploreSouthAfrica #SATourism #VisitSouthAfrica #visafree #wanderlust #AfricanSafaris #PetFriendly #CountryLifeSouthAfrica #Platteland #SmallTownsSA #SupportSmallBusiness
Do you play Scrabble? Today we celebrate this popular board game.
We know a nice little place to book a weekend away for a game or two!
#scrabblegame #boardgames
#ReasonsToVisitOverberg #HolidayLikeaLocal #FestinaLenteInOnrus #HermanusTourism #ShareSouthAfrica #YourJourneyStartsHere #TravelLocalSA #bestvacations #hermanus #OnrusAccommodation #HermanusAccommodation #travel #WesternCapeAccommodation #travelnews #ExploreSouthAfrica #SATourism #VisitSouthAfrica #visafree #wanderlust #AfricanSafaris #PetFriendly #CountryLifeSouthAfrica #Platteland #SmallTownsSA #SupportSmallBusiness