Was really amazing seeing my old friend Valie yesterday. As usual he was very busy chasing the girls around the bay. I've known old Valie since I started working at Ocean Safaris in 2001.
Valie is known as a brindle male due to the very distinctive discoloration. Every year I can't wait to see which of my old friends come back to Plett.
Valie is just one of many Southern right individuals that I've had the privilege of knowing for the past 22 years. What a blessing 🙌 to share there personal space in our beautiful bay.
On our 12h30 trip yesterday (Tues 6th June) we were treated to a sighting of two different whale species travelling together, which is fairly unusual. In the clip below, you will see that the blow of the first whale is split, or V-shaped, indicating that it is a southern right whale (the first sighting of this species this year). The second blow is a single more upright blow from a humpback whale. If you look carefully you'll also notice that the southern right whale does not have a dorsal fin whereas the humpback does. Some helpful features to look out for when trying to ID our winter visitors this season. The humpback whale northward migration to the warmer waters of the Western Indian Ocean, where they breed, is now well underway and we look forward to welcoming you onboard soon to discover the marine life of our beautiful bay. Video clip: Manon Payet.
#humpbackwhale #southernrightwhale #plettenbergbay #whalewatching #responsibletourism #whales #westerncapetourism #pletttourism #whaleheritagesite #gardenroutetourism #southafrica
We got blown away by a group of 16 Orcas in the bay on our 9.30 trip. What an amazing sighting as it is one of the biggest pods roaming our beautiful coastline.
We've seen the Orcas on 4 occasions for 2023 so far , which is the most for us so far.