2025 dates released...
Entries will open soon and you will be allowed to enter on the day!!
Finalist Sothanda
Finalist Sothanda, a learner @Urban academy helped on our election day.
A word from our Junior title holder
A word from our junior title holder
Representing : Greenwood Primary School
#kindness #happy #good
A word from our junior title holder
Representing : Woodridge College & Preparatory School
#kindness #happy #good
A word from our senior title holder
Represented in 2023: Redhouse Primary School
A word from our senior title holder
Solenza Ndwayana
Represented in 2023: Young Park Primary School
Our overall junior title holder: Khumo
a learner at Woodridge College & Preparatory School.
Featuring in the latest summer @Jumbo campaign.
Are you ready for tomorrow?
EC Primary School Finalist: Kayleigh
She is collecting blankets for those in need, please support her charity drive.
Scholar Charlo Primary School
Mr EC Primary Schools senior title holder: Jano
Is featuring in the Jumbo winter catalogue.
Go and look at the latest fashion trends they have in store now.
Thankyou Gail Brown Sophisticate Models for providing this opportunity for our title holder.
Thank you to mommy Michelle Rose Alberts for ensuring Jano is ready and at all his shoots and events.
Thank you to Laerskool Sonop, Despatch, Oos-Kaap for moulding this young gentlemen.
He is upholding his title with pride.
EC Primary School Finalist: Lienke
A scholar Laerskool Sonop, Despatch, Oos-Kaap made sandwiches for the koskas project the school had.
These sandwiches feeds the children who do not bring food to school.
Often people take for granted the lunch they have in their school lunch boxes. This is a post to remind you that the lunch you sometimes do not feel like eating is something that some people are praying for and wishing they could eat.
Scholar Zoë from Riebeeck Girls is raising awareness about our ocean and inviting you to join us at the beach clean up Sunday
Thank you Aqua Fountain Despatch for our gorgeous water bottles.
We are very excited to share that our Senior Mr. Eastern Cape Primary Schools title holder: Jano is featuring in the summer Jumbo catalogue.
Laerskool Sonop, Despatch, Oos-Kaap
Sophisticate Models