Reis in Jou Taal

Reis in Jou Taal Reis in Jou Taal - onderskryf deur SA se grootste AfrIkaanse reisagentskap, Toerbroers, en NKB verksaffer, Toerbroers Finance.

In samewerking met Jo Black - Blxck PtyLtd stel ons die beste reispakkette, met die bekendste name in ons land beskikbaar

.   ⛳️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿2025 Skotland Gholftoer met Jo Black⛳️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿                                      8 dae, 7 nagte          ...

. ⛳️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿2025 Skotland Gholftoer met Jo Black⛳️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
8 dae, 7 nagte
Vlugte, verblyf, 5 rondtes op 3 bane
R59 550 pp wat deel

Hierdie is een van daai ‘bucketlist’ toere! Kom kuier saam met Toerbroers en Jo Black in die land wat oorsprong aan gholf gegee het - Skotland! Net dalk kry jy ook die kans om selfs by St Andrews te speel!

👉🏻 Finansieringsopsies, asook langtermyn finansiële korting en belastings voordele vir maatskappye en individue ook beskikbaar. Toerbroers Finance is ‘n geregistreerde NKB diensverskaffer.

13 - 22 September 2025

🌟Koste per persoon wat deel: R59 550
🌟Koste per enkelpersoon: R69550

Slegs R5000 deposito per persoon on jou plek te verseker!

Pakket sluit in:
⛳️Vlugte na Edinburg vanaf Johannesburg
⛳️Lughawe Shuttles
⛳️7 nagte verblyf met ontbyt by Carnoustie Golf Hotel and Spa
⛳️5 Gholfbane met 18 putjies
⛳️Jo Black as gasheer
⛳️Toerbroers gids
⛳️Raffle kaartjie vir St Andrews opsioneel teen ekstra koste van R5000)

⛳️UK Visas (ons staan by)
⛳️Reisversekering (ons staan by)
⛳️Etes en drankies nie genoem
⛳️Ekstra aktiwiteite

Kontak vir [email protected] om jou plek te verseker

💦🌊VIC VALLE Gholf en Visvang Toer 2025 🌊💦                   ‼️Met Jo Black en Ricus Nel‼️        R 18 999 per persoon wa...

💦🌊VIC VALLE Gholf en Visvang Toer 2025 🌊💦
‼️Met Jo Black en Ricus Nel‼️
R 18 999 per persoon wat deel vir hierdie
ongelooflike 4 dae, 3 nagte ondervinding!

Jy wil die een nie mis nie! Gholf en visvang aan die voet van een van die wonders van die wêreld met hierdie twee legendes!

‼️R3500 deposito nou betaalbaar‼️

20-23 Junie 2025

Dit sluit in:
🌿Direkte retoervlugte vanaf OR Tambo Lughawe tot Victoria Valle, Zimbabwe
🌿Shuttle dienste van en na die lughawe in Victoria Falls
🌿 3 nagte bed en ontbyt by Elephant Hills Hotel and Resort
🌿 18 putjie gholf
🌿 Halwe dag tiervisvang op die Zambesi Rivier
🌿 Jo Black en Ricus Nel
🌿Toerbroers gidse

🌿Etes en drankies nie genoem
🌿Ekstra aktiwiteite (ons reël goedkoper vir julle)
🌿Resiversekering (ons kan bystaan)

Stuur ‘n epos aan [email protected] om jou plek te bespreek!

Wat sou ons doen sonder julle ons tas-kous🌴As dit nie was vir Luggage Warehouse nie was ons trips in verskeie lande so m...

Wat sou ons doen sonder julle ons tas-kous🌴

As dit nie was vir Luggage Warehouse nie was ons trips in verskeie lande so moeilik.

Klaar gewrap en gesluit alles. Tjoef Tjaff.- Maklik. Jy koop eenkeer die “glove” en het hom altyd. Nie meer R300 soontoe en R300 terug met al die plastiek om jou tas nie.

Bestel een hier en hulle kom laai sommer by die huis af! Maak seker jy kry jou 5% afslag deur die TOERBROER kode te gebruik

Check out kode: TOERBROERS


💦🌊VIC VALLE Gholf en Visvang Toer 2025 🌊💦
Met Jo Black en Ricus Nel
R 18 999 per persoon wat deel vir hierdie
ongelooflike 4 dae, 3 nagte ondervinding!

Jy wil die een nie mis nie! Gholf en visvang aan die voet van een van die wonders van die wêreld met hierdie twee legendes!

‼️R3500 deposito nou betaalbaar‼️

20-23 Junie 2025

Dit sluit in:
🌿Direkte retoervlugte vanaf OR Tambo Lughawe tot Victoria Valle, Zimbabwe
🌿Shuttle dienste van en na die lughawe in Victoria Falls
🌿 3 nagte bed en ontbyt by Elephant Hills Hotel and Resort
🌿 18 putjie gholf
🌿 Halwe dag tiervisvang op die Zambesi Rivier
🌿 Jo Black en Ricus Nel
🌿Toerbroers gidse

🌿Etes en drankies nie genoem
🌿Ekstra aktiwiteite (ons reël goedkoper vir julle)
🌿Resiversekering (ons kan bystaan)

Stuur ‘n epos aan [email protected] om jou plek te bespreek!

💦🌊VIC VALLE Gholf en Visvang Toer 2025 🌊💦                   Met Jo Black en Ricus Nel        R 18 999 per persoon wat de...

💦🌊VIC VALLE Gholf en Visvang Toer 2025 🌊💦
Met Jo Black en Ricus Nel
R 18 999 per persoon wat deel vir hierdie
ongelooflike 4 dae, 3 nagte ondervinding!

Jy wil die een nie mis nie! Gholf en visvang aan die voet van een van die wonders van die wêreld met hierdie twee legendes!

‼️R3500 deposito nou betaalbaar‼️

20-23 Junie 2025

Dit sluit in:
🌿Direkte retoervlugte vanaf OR Tambo Lughawe tot Victoria Valle, Zimbabwe
🌿Shuttle dienste van en na die lughawe in Victoria Falls
🌿 3 nagte bed en ontbyt by Elephant Hills Hotel and Resort
🌿 18 putjie gholf
🌿 Halwe dag tiervisvang op die Zambesi Rivier
🌿 Jo Black en Ricus Nel
🌿Toerbroers gidse

🌿Etes en drankies nie genoem
🌿Ekstra aktiwiteite (ons reël goedkoper vir julle)
🌿Resiversekering (ons kan bystaan)

Stuur ‘n epos aan [email protected] om jou plek te bespreek!


09 September 2024

Twee groot reuse in hulle onderskeie industriee het hande gevat om Afrikaanse gaste die geleetheid te bied om saam met hulle gunsteling kunstenaar of verhoog persoonlikheid die wêreld te sien.

'Reis in Jou Taal' is die breinkind van die grootste Afrikaanse toerismehuis, Toerbroers, en sanger, Jo Black, se produksiemaatskappy, BIxck Pty Limited.

Reis in Jou Taal is spesifiek daarop gemik om Afrikaanse gaste die geleentheid te bied om regoor die wêreld te reis met bekostigbare pakkette in die geselskap van die bekendste name in die vermaaklikheids bedryf.

BIxck Pty Limited onder leiding van Jo Black se kantoor is verantwoordelik vir die onderhandelinge met die kunstenaars of persoonlikhede sowel as die besprekings, terwyl Toerbroers bekostigbare pakkette, finansiering deur Toerbroers Finance en reisversekering met betroubare venote voorsien. Toerbroers fasiliteer ook die pakkette met hulle opgeleide gidse.

Kom reis saam met ons - in jou taal - vir die beste ondervinding en avonture wat jou 'n leeftyd sal bybly.

Kontak [email protected] vir meer inligting.

💰💰💰. AANDAG - AANDAG - AANDAG. 💰💰💰                 💰 Handelsmerke en Firmas💰   Is jy gereed om jou firma se verkope te v...

💰 Handelsmerke en Firmas💰

Is jy gereed om jou firma se verkope te verhoog en jou teikengehoor direk te bereik? Kyk sommer gou hier! Ons Reistoerisme-bladsy is die perfekte platform net vir jou. Ons gaste en jou kliente hou van presies dieselfde ding - JOU!!!! En wat beter as Toerbroers se ‘Jou Media’ voorstel om ons gaste se vakansie makliker te maak met jou produk wat hulle nodig het.

🌎Daarom 'n vennootskap🌎
•Wye gehoor: Ons bladsy lok reisigers uit alle vlakke van die lewe, beide nasionaal en internasionaal. Of hulle nou plaaslike juwele verken of eksotiese avonture aanpak, hulle maak staat op ons aanbevelings.
•Reisnoodsaaklikhede: Reisigers benodig betroubare produkte tydens hul reise. Van duursame bagasie tot gemaklike reisdrag, jou handelsmerk kan hul betroubare metgesel wees. Produkte soos kampgoed, safari, insekte beheer, ontspannings, versekering, verpakking ens.
•Unieke ervarings: Ons vier outentieke reiservarings. Wys hoe jou handelsmerk hierdie oomblikke verbeter – of dit nou koffie drink by 'n Paryse kafee is of ń stap met lekker skoene in die Himalajas.

📸 Hoe om saam te werk?
•Produkkenmerke: Deel jou nuutste reisvriendelike produkte – van velsorg tot tegnologiese toestelle. Ons sal die voordele en praktiese toepassing daarvan uitlig.
•Geborgde plasings: Laat ons boeiende inhoud rondom jou handelsmerk skep. Ons span reis-entoesiaste sal boeiende stories maak wat by ons gehoor aanklank vind. Lewendige stukke of vooraf opgeneem, sommer lekker van toepassing foto’s.
•Weggee’s en kompetisies: Betrek ons ​​volgelinge deur geskenke op reis-tema-kompetisies aan te bied. Verhoog handelsmerksigbaarheid en skep 'n buzz! Almal wil tog iets wen.

Kontak ons en stuur vir ons 'n direkte boodskap om opwindende samewerkingsgeleenthede te verken. Kom ons maak elke reis saam onvergeetlik!

Jou vriende
[email protected]

Your honeymoon is the start of your next adventure!Now let's make it fun for you two.Any place, any dream, just where an...

Your honeymoon is the start of your next adventure!
Now let's make it fun for you two.

Any place, any dream, just where and when you want.

Tour brothers take the headache of traveling away so you can focus where it belongs, that's on each other!

We help with everything:
* ⁠Flights
* Accommodation
* Car rental
* Vacation Packages
* Visas
* Travel Insurance

Contact us at [email protected]

....  🔴ZANZIBAR🔴BEST DEAL🔴ZANZIBAR🔴                      ‼️ALL INCLUSIVE - R16 900‼️                  🏝️Toerbroers Zanzi...

‼️ALL INCLUSIVE - R16 900‼️
🏝️Toerbroers Zanzibar 2024🏝️

Our best Zanzibar package yet! Direct flights from Johannesburg and accommodation in 5* comfort at one of the most beautiful resorts the island can offer. All meals, most drinks and resort activities included. Our Toerbroers guide is also on duty to assist with your arrival, book extra activities and make sure you can only enjoy your dream holiday!

5 days, 4 nights: R16 900 per person sharing
8 days, 7 nights: R19 900 per person sharing
(We can assist with individual bookings outside of group rates)

Deposit of R3000 per person confirms your place!

Package dates:
(+ available means, we have 4, 8 or 10 seats available and if more is needed, we need to request extra seats on the plane as per clients’ request)

19-23 March (10 + available)
26-30 March (4 + available)
2-6 April (8 + available)
13-20 April (5 + available)
20-27 April (4 + available)
23-27 April (8 + available)
7-11 May (10 + available)

🏝️ Direct flights
🏝️ Shuttles
🏝️ 4 or 7 nights at 5* SBH Kilindini Resort, Zanzibar on an 'all inclusive' basis'
🏝️ Resort activities
🏝️ Tour Brothers Guide

🏝️ Travel insurance
🏝️ Extra activities
🏝️ Resort fee ($5 per day)

For more information contact [email protected]

Why is Toerbroers a safe vehicle for traveling with you and your family's finances and travel dreams?- we have a recogni...

Why is Toerbroers a safe vehicle for traveling with you and your family's finances and travel dreams?

- we have a recognized record, become part of our Toerbroers Chat Group on FB with 26000 plus guests who can testify (this link👉🏻
- We are a registered financial credit provider with the NCR. Note that in order to obtain such registration you must be able to prove that your firm is stable, healthy and financially able to provide and underwrite its services.
- Unlike others we may legally make payment options available. A minimal deposit of sometimes only 10% is required and monthly installments over a specified period make any traveller's dreams possible again. We give you enough time to plan, save and pay.
In today's life, no one can put down 75% of a reservation (full flight ticket and hotel deposit) for a family of 4 more to get a confirmation for that dream holiday. And if you don't pay and confirm early enough, those plane tickets keep going up and become unaffordable.
At Toerbroers, this is no longer the case on our group bookings. You get in early on good prices and confirm your dates with a minimum deposit and plan your holiday and budget comfortably.

So don't think twice. Look at our options and if you have other ideas about where you want to go, other than what we offer, you are welcome to chat with the team and we will make your dreams a reality again where possible.


🔴Toerbroers is an ITB member of the Club Travel Group, partner of TravelStart and the empowerment includes:

1) The Club Travel consortium specializes in all fields of the domestic and international travel industry.
Empower travel professionals with extensive and comprehensive franchise opportunities. Members enjoy the benefits of professional services within the industry and it is an excellent vehicle for cooperation between airlines in promoting safe, reliable and economical air services - for the benefit of the world's consumers.

2)ASATA -The Association of Southern African Travel Agents is a representative forum that promotes professional service in the travel industry for both members and their clients. Representing more than 90% of the travel industry in terms of market share, ASATA's membership is voluntary and includes South African retail travel agents, travel management companies, wholesalers and suppliers of travel related products and services.

3) The International Air Transport Association is a trade association of the world's airlines that was founded in 1945. IATA has been described as a cartel since, in addition to setting technical standards for airlines, IATA also organized tariff conferences that served as a forum for price fixing. To generally keep prices in line.

🔴Toerbroers Finance is a registered credit service provider.
The NKB is tasked with the registration of credit providers, credit bureaus and debt counsellors; and enforcement of compliance with the Act.

🔴Toerbroers Finance is registered with Netcash, an FSCA VAT service provider, which provides us with debit order services, direct payment (PAY NOW links and SMS) and reporting services. Netcash is a leading provider of payment solutions to South African businesses and organisations, specializing in debit orders, Pay Now (direct payment links), e-commerce and risk reporting. They have a significant impact on their clients by providing efficient, simple, cost-saving financial services.

🔴Toerbroers Finance is registered with Experian, South Africa's leading credit bureau, which provides customers with credit reporting to process applications for credit.
Experian is a global credit bureau founded in 1980, operating in 36 countries, and is a leader in information solutions. Experian provides credit reports in an easy-to-read format so you can compare them to other reports. Give you an insight into your credit status.




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