Art therapy is an action-oriented, experiential modality that uses nonverbal language for self-exploration, personal growth, insight and transformation connecting to self-understanding, search for meaning, self-empowering from within , authentically express thoughts, feelings, release powerful emotions and perceptions with outer realities and life, and clarifying inner experiences without words. I
t is based on the belief that images can help us understand who we are and enhance life through self-expression. Drawing, painting, sculpture – are powerful and effective forms of communication telling stories, ideas, feelings, dreams, and aspirations, serves as a means of reparation, rehabilitation, and transformation and has been used to restore physical, psychological trauma, and spiritual well-being, soothing and stress reducing, solve problems, release powerful or distressing emotions, and recover from traumatic losses or experiences and can alleviate pain or other physical symptoms and enhance health and well-being a recognized form by psychology, mental health counselling, and medicine an important form of self-healing. Art + Therapy = Process + Product
Drawing from Within: Who, What, Where, How? Explore inner experience, perceptions, and imagination. It may involve learning skills or art techniques; but the emphasis is generally first on Developing of self and expressing images that come from inside, rather than those see in the outside world. It is NOT a traditional art class. Art Therapy is available to every one of all ages and capabilities:
Helps with feelings of hopelessness or currently stalled in talk therapy
Depression, grief and loss, emotional pain, overwhelming emotions, crises, or trauma, abused or traumatized children, people with serious illnesses, women’s issues, eating disorders, anxiety or fear, relationship issues or just to identify sources of joy and creative potential.