WillB Better Ther-a-Art Studio

WillB Better Ther-a-Art Studio Art + Therapy = Powerful Self-Healing What is Art Therapy? The Language of art – colour, shape, lines, and images speaks in ways words cannot.

Art therapy is an action-oriented, experiential modality that uses nonverbal language for self-exploration, personal growth, insight and transformation connecting to self-understanding, search for meaning, self-empowering from within , authentically express thoughts, feelings, release powerful emotions and perceptions with outer realities and life, and clarifying inner experiences without words. I

t is based on the belief that images can help us understand who we are and enhance life through self-expression. Drawing, painting, sculpture – are powerful and effective forms of communication telling stories, ideas, feelings, dreams, and aspirations, serves as a means of reparation, rehabilitation, and transformation and has been used to restore physical, psychological trauma, and spiritual well-being, soothing and stress reducing, solve problems, release powerful or distressing emotions, and recover from traumatic losses or experiences and can alleviate pain or other physical symptoms and enhance health and well-being a recognized form by psychology, mental health counselling, and medicine an important form of self-healing. Art + Therapy = Process + Product
Drawing from Within: Who, What, Where, How? Explore inner experience, perceptions, and imagination. It may involve learning skills or art techniques; but the emphasis is generally first on Developing of self and expressing images that come from inside, rather than those see in the outside world. It is NOT a traditional art class. Art Therapy is available to every one of all ages and capabilities:
Helps with feelings of hopelessness or currently stalled in talk therapy
Depression, grief and loss, emotional pain, overwhelming emotions, crises, or trauma, abused or traumatized children, people with serious illnesses, women’s issues, eating disorders, anxiety or fear, relationship issues or just to identify sources of joy and creative potential.

We need this in South African Schools too. If we can only get a "Duchess"  to help supporting counsellors with this issu...

We need this in South African Schools too. If we can only get a "Duchess" to help supporting counsellors with this issues in South Africa too.
That will be a great day for all.

Kate Middleton, The Duchess of Cambridge makes passionate speech at Mental Health Conference | The Royal Magazine | ...

Part 2 of quotes WillB Better Art StudioSession 1 of  Volume 2Comings and goings (end of the year)Yesterday : time, year...

Part 2 of quotes WillB Better Art Studio
Session 1 of Volume 2
Comings and goings (end of the year)
Yesterday : time, year, by, recent, past, gone, (past)
Today : now, our, these, present, moment, (gift)
Tomorrow : further away, plan, see, think, hope, to, be, can, (future mystery)
Look at and read some words/articles in a Newspaper

Can you relate to some of the articles in yesterday, today and maybe tomorrows paper?
Is yesterday history?
And today a gift?
Can tomorrow be a mystery?
How can you life in the present?

Dialogue: Think of the past, the now and the future. Write or draw an article for your year end newspaper about yourself the hopes dreams and accomplishments you had in 2018, the now and what you think the future 2019 will/can be.
Purpose: Review your drawing/article in the “NOW 2018 PRESENT” explore how it had change from 2017 past and what can you change in 2019 article (if power to do so?).
Goals: identity-understanding, beginning of mindfulness, searching for accomplishments and your end goals.

"tomorrow is an endless mystery for it has nothing else to explain today, it is only mystery that makes us live for tomorrow, the mystery for not knowing and not missing out on the future, we can't change history, but we can choose who we learn from it"
Wilma Bisschoff 2018

Die proses van n werklike verhaal. Process of a real story.Theme and Goals: “Taking Flight and give your creative spirit...

Die proses van n werklike verhaal.
Process of a real story.
Theme and Goals: “Taking Flight and give your creative spirit wings, filling in the missing parts”
Tema en Doelwitte: Verdwyn vir n tydperk en gee jou kreatiewe karakter vlerke, vul die ontbrekende dele self in. Skep, sing dans met kwas en sien hoe jy ontsnap van kritiek en die wêreld van onware waansin.
Procedure: Open Art Studio
Proses: Vry-Media “Open Art Studio”
Sessions: +- 3 to 4 Saturday Mornings
Sessie: +- 3 tot 4 Saterdae oggende
Time: 10:00 to 12:00 Booking Essential groeps or individuele ([email protected] or WhatsApp only 083 655 3492)
Tyd: 10:00 tot 12;00 Bespreking noodsaaklik groep of individuele
Price: R300 p/s Without Art Materials Payment upfront (R900.00) Provide tea and coffee
Koste: R300 p/s Sonder Kuns Materiaal Betaal Vooraf (R900.00) Verskaf tee en koffie

ʼn Storie oor lewenswaardes en die lewe (Omnibus) en ʼn verwerkings in (...) van aanhalings:
Leer ken jouself deur Kunswerk
Kan-Mama vertel: Sy was al ʼn vrou van byna veertig met twee seuns toe sy besluit om iets vir haarself te doen. Sy begin toe Woensdae oggende kunsklasse loop net om so bietjie weg te kom van die sleur van elke dag as huis Eva en ma wees (sy het vandat sy kon onthou geskribbel en in haar skoolboeke ook, vol prentjies geskets tot die onderwysers se frustrasies, in haar skool jare was daar nie kuns as vak aangebied nie, tot haar eie frustrasie). Sy wou ook graag kreatief skryf maar die juf het gesê sy kan nie spel nie toe gee sy dit ook maar op.
Teen die einde van haar eerste jaar sê die kuns kurator aan hulle dat hulle ʼn portfolio moet saamstel van die hele jaar se werk dit sou geëvalueer word as deel van hulle jaarlikse uitstalling. Die kurator het hulle ook spesifiek gevra dat hulle, van hul heel eerste ‘kunswerk’ wat hulle in die klas geskets of geskilder het ook moes insluit om hulle eie vordering te toon.
Kan-Mama noem toe aan die kurator dat sy nie meer haar eerste werk het nie. Die kurator vra toe verbaas aan haar of sy dit vernietig het? Want gewoonlik is studente se eerste poging vir hull baie kosbaar.
Kan-Mama erken to baie huiwerig nee, maar wil dit nie weghaal waar dit hang nie. Sy verduidelik toe aan die kurator dat dit reeds geraam is en aan ʼn muur hang. Die kurator vra toe was sy dan so trots op haar eie kunswerk, want sy en die kurator het gedink sy was nie regtig baie goed nie. Die kurator reken toe dat sy dit dan maar kan afhaal en saam haar portofolio vir die uitstalling inhandig. Kan-Mama verduidelik toe baie skaam dat dit teen haar Moeder se muur hang en sê toe aan die kurator: “Nee, dit was my Moeder wat so trots was op my.”

“Die naaste aan die liefde van God is die liefde” (en trots) van ʼn Moeder.” Napoleon
“Alleenlik wat jy is wanneer jy alleen is,”(met n verf kwas, kan jy wees) wat jy is” AM Wells”

“Wysheid is om jou eie dwaasheid (om op te gee voor jy probeer het) te besef” Confucius

“Om te weet dat jy nie weet nie, (en dit aan jouself en ander te kan erken) is meer as wat baie ander mense weet” George Bernard Shaw

“Dis goed om in jouself te glo, maar moenie altyd te maklik oortuig raak ( van ander se kritiek) nie”. TH Thompson

Die einde van Kan-Ma se kuns storie is, nodeloos om te sê toe haar Moeder sterf het sy haar kunswerk terug gehaal en hang nou trots teen haar eie muur.

Registered Art CounsellorOwner of:  Will B Better Ther-a-Art Studio in Boskruin Randburg I am a self taught artist, and ...

Registered Art Counsellor
Owner of: Will B Better Ther-a-Art Studio in Boskruin Randburg
I am a self taught artist, and since I can remember holding crayons I have used doodle, dot, stipple, lines, shapes and colourful drawing images to relax and express my inner through creative picture language to communicate and telling my life stories.

In 2006 I join Art school Figures and Form “Life drawing” the process of drawing the human figure from observation of life models. There I discovered a new kind of therapy for body mind and soul. Taking part in Exhibitions in Hyde Park Rotary Club and sold a few of my own artwork.

Finding fulfilment in being an artist, I wanted to share this with others. I had completed my Art counselling and therapeutic courses in 2013 at Helios. Combining my passion for art, colour and helping people, Will B Better Ther-a- Art studio was born.

I prefer working with the individual in an Open Art Studio setting. Focusing on the unique individual and finding their exclusive story. A story picture one of a kind, being the owner of their individuality, and personal narrative.

The open art studio provides an energetic, visual, stimulus environment were the client are able to choose the materials; the freedom that develops in an open art studio offers the client a personal safe haven and a place to venture towards their own individual goals finding a creative method of problem-solving.

My motto and vision is to help others to grow from within, to feel free, perseverance, be a role model, to believe, never give up, to grow into strong individuals that bear healthy outgrowth. “Physical, strong grounded trees bear’s vigorous and hearty fruit”.
Wilma Bisschoff

TOPIC:  Art as tool to : Unveils the traumasproblemsfeelingsthoughtsreleasesuppressingemotionidentifying sourceinsight t...

TOPIC: Art as tool to :
Unveils the
identifying source
insight to the cause and events
understand the origin
talk through images
understand find solutions to .......?

METHOD: Plan action find core of problems.
DIALOGUE: How are you going to get out?
PURPOSE: Getting out of the web that hold you back from moving on.

Using Abstract Mandala. Client glue photo images cut outs (focuses "EYE" on heart of problem). Integrate pieces onto and upwards (2D Mandala) until they fill up the circle and create a collage to evoke to “GET OUT!!”

After Holiday “blah-blues” (slang) malady-woe.Topic : Drowning in boring January details and without meaningful talk-do....

After Holiday “blah-blues” (slang) malady-woe.
Topic : Drowning in boring January details and without meaningful talk-do.
Do you feel gloomy, dull, unexcited about nothingness in 2018, depressed, sadness and melancholy over the far-off distend long “holi-day’s”.
Method : You need rhythm rock and roll-art.
Dialogue : How to deal with wretchedness.
Purpose : During the long holidays you are surrounded by friends, families and loved ones. There was much to do with everything action fun, sun, sand, blue water and sky’s. Most of all these day’s has a positive effect on individuals.
But then comes January and you feel like “blah-blue-woe’s”.
Here’s how to avoid being a victim of your own “blah-blue-woe’s”
Involve an ART-Healing-Counsellor to diffuse built-up woe moments.
1. Take care of your basic needs (stress, anger, anxiety, feelings)
2. Create a peaceful environment (classical music, games, keep your inner thoughts clean and uncluttered)
3. Plan something new for 2018 (relax with ART making B-creative)
4. Avoid antagonising behaviour (avoid conflict, personal attack’s)
5. Err on the side of caution (inner confrontation’s)
"It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it" Lou Holtz

Topic:         Burdens in your life.Method:   Find the KEY to recognise your characteristic within.  Draw yourself with ...

Topic: Burdens in your life.

Method: Find the KEY to recognise your characteristic within.
Draw yourself with your burdens. Use line, shape, colour, words and day 31 (photo 1) as a guideline.

Dialogue: Are you pulling, pushing, dragging or try to find a sense of balance?

Do you understand the need to increase your strength and working toward better coping skills?
Do you think this is impossible, inaccessible or unattainable?
Do you have a solution?

Purpose: Exploring new methods to deal with one’s struggles and responsibilities.

“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant” Unknown

EERSTE SKOOLDAG IN DIE “GROOTSKOOL” 2018Was jou kleinding (6) reg, VOORBEREI vir die groot dag?reg ... geklee geskoen ge...

Was jou kleinding (6) reg, VOORBEREI vir die groot dag?
reg ... geklee
Maar was al die opgewondenheid van korte duur .....??
REALITEID : Dit is een baie "GROOT" wêreld daar buite en ek is maar baie klein (6) in n propvol grootskool.
Het die groot dag haar/hom en jou as ouer oorweldig en ontnugter?
PROBLEME SOOS: ongelukkigheid met omgewing, skeidings angs, boelie vrees, glipsies, kritiek, leer en huiswerk krisis, emosionele intelligensie en onsekerheid.
Daar is HULP!!! Met die gebruik van skeppingswerk “KUNS” n spreekbuis vir die nie verbale kind wat sukkel om die woorde te vorm om te sê hoe hy/sy voel.
BESPREKING: Saam kan ons jou kind speel, speel leer en HELP deur kreatief en oorspronklike idees vir probleem oplossings te vind deur die regte voorbereiding en aanmoediging om te werk aan n swak selfbeeld en skool fobies.
Dit is 12 lang skool jare wat wag : Maak dit draagbaar deur te fokus waar U kind nou emosioneel, sosiaal, fisies en hy/sy ontwikkelings fase is. Ondersoek die ontdekkingsreis, drome, vooruitsig en verwagting vir sy/haar voorspoedige toekoms.
Elke nuwe jaar bring nuwe ontwikkelings fase waar n kind sy/haar self moet leer ken en ontdek.
In die Groot wêreld vol probleme, angste en neofobie.
"Agter elke suksesvolle gelukkige kind is n ondersteunende ouer, raadgewer, luisteraar en hulpverlenende mentor wat begryp en omgee"

A must read. To know how art as therapy works in practice.

A must read. To know how art as therapy works in practice.

"Voices of Art Therapy" shares inspiring stories from art therapists about their work. Read two stories here and learn how to submit your own: http://buff.ly/2t3W4nY

This is the beauty of art therapy it is "therapeutic". There is no right or wrong (mix and match anything you please, mi...

This is the beauty of art therapy it is "therapeutic". There is no right or wrong (mix and match anything you please, mix oil's with acrylic or any other media) it is all in the process of doing something being creative, thinking from deep within relieve stress, anxiety and pain management. The joy of enjoying the .... "in-art-moment".

Art is now regularly touted as a vehicle to relieve stress. It’s also seen as a healthy coping mechanism for navigating hard times in our lives. But when the going gets tough, how can we really mak…

She said: write (painted) my thoughts (feelings) in to (words) exactly .... If that make sense, you will see the art cre...

She said: write (painted) my thoughts (feelings) in to (words) exactly ....
If that make sense, you will see the art creations coming alive, from deep within your colour, shape, form, designed toword the end of healing.
It's in the process not the end product. Enjoying the journey of leaving your spesial MARK of Art.
All makking of "somthing" out of "nothing" that is ART, and that is therapeutic and healing for body, mind and soul.

"To all the secret writers, late-night painters, would-be singers, lapsed and scared artists of every stripe, dig out your paintbrush, or your flute, or your dancing shoes. Pull out your camera or your computer or your pottery wheel. Today, tonight, after the kids are in bed or when your homework is done, or instead of one more video game or magazine, create something, anything. Pick up a needle and thread, and stitch together something particular and honest and beautiful, because we need it. I need it. Thank you, and keep going."
- Shauna Niequist


Art therapy has found great success among seniors, including those who live independently at home as well as those who are in nursing facilities.

Therfor Art is Therapy

Therfor Art is Therapy

Seven years ago, Avalon’s Natasha Burbury was hospitalised with anorexia, the lowest ebb in her fight against the crippling illness.

Day 4: Theame negative space in     and     Draw 1 in 60 sec draw, 2 in 5 min, draw 3 in 10 min, draw 4 in 30 min. @    ...

Day 4: Theame negative space in and Draw 1 in 60 sec draw, 2 in 5 min, draw 3 in 10 min, draw 4 in 30 min. @

Week 4: Theme LandscapesMaterials: Combining Modalities colourful paint, clay, mosaic pebbles and pewter using sculpting...

Week 4: Theme Landscapes
Materials: Combining Modalities colourful paint, clay, mosaic pebbles and pewter using sculpting and movements to create 3D picture. In Art as therapy the process is more important than the end product. (Original Photo Taton Tubbs) United ArtSpace

Theme:  Groups of people: Photo Cartoon medium.

Theme: Groups of people: Photo Cartoon medium.

To all: WillB Better Ther-a-Art Studio Boskruin Client's and Students: The studio landline was hit by lightning Whats Ap...

To all: WillB Better Ther-a-Art Studio Boskruin Client's and Students: The studio landline was hit by lightning Whats App or SMS: Wilma

This is a CHALLeNGE to all.  I’m looking for volunteers and teachers (uthisha) to help a child with math, science, readi...

This is a CHALLeNGE to all. I’m looking for volunteers and teachers (uthisha) to help a child with math, science, reading and writing in 2017. The boy is 17 years old and his mother tongue is Tswana.
If you have travelled the WORLD you would know that MATH is a worldwide problem for children and adults. I’m a mother of two with a son that also struggled with language when he was in school. Today he has two Masters degrees in mathematics where one is an international degree (proof of hard work and dedication).
This is a plea to those that think it is easy to do subjects in any other language than your mother tongue. I dare all that shared or commented on the original post, or the designer thereof, to put their Gr 12 math marks on Facebook. Personally I think if you don’t have a Masters or PHD in math and speak and write other languages fluently you cannot comment on original photo above.
This is not a focus on any individual, colour, believe or culture (picture is a collage of newspapers clippings and other materials).
Wilma Bisschoff. "Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the LIGHT won't come in" Alan Alda

Registered Art CounsellorOwner of:  Will B Better Ther-a-Art Studio in Boskruin Randburg I am a self taught artist, and ...

Registered Art Counsellor
Owner of: Will B Better Ther-a-Art Studio in Boskruin Randburg
I am a self taught artist, and since I can remember holding crayons I have used doodle, dot, stipple, lines, shapes and colourful drawing images to relax and express my inner through creative picture language to communicate and telling my life stories. In 2006 I join Art school Figures and Form “Life drawing” the process of drawing the human figure from observation of life models. There I discovered a new kind of therapy for body mind and soul. Taking part in Exhibitions in Hyde Park Rotary Club and sold a few of my own art work.
Finding fulfilment in being an artist, I wanted to share this with others. I had completed my Art counselling and therapeutic courses in 2013 at Helios. Combining my passion for art, colour and helping people, Will B Better Ther-a- Art studio was born. I prefer working with the individual in an Open Art Studio setting. Focussing on the unique individual and finding their exclusive story. A story picture one of a kind, being the owner of their individuality, and personal narrative. The open art studio provides an energetic, visual, stimulus environment were the client are able to choose the materials; the freedom that develops in an open art studio offers the client a personal safe haven and a place to venture towards their own individual goals finding a creative method of problem-solving.
My motto and vision is to help others to grow from within, to feel free, perseverance, be a role model, to believe, never give up, to grow into strong individuals that bear healthy outgrowth. “Physical, strong grounded trees bear’s vigorous and hearty fruit”.

Theme: Managing Physical or Emotional pain using ArtMaterials: Art, words, scissors, glue, markers, colour, shapes.Discu...

Theme: Managing Physical or Emotional pain using Art
Materials: Art, words, scissors, glue, markers, colour, shapes.
Discussion: Find new enjoyable activities to ease pain.
Goals: explore ways to alleviate PAIN that cause stress, anxiety and a discomfort for BODY, MIND and SOUL.

Theme: SupportMaterials: Markers/drawingObject, shape,person,colour.Discussion: Explore - Hold Up, Carry, Sustain, Maint...

Theme: Support
Materials: Markers/drawing
Object, shape,person,colour.
Discussion: Explore - Hold Up, Carry, Sustain, Maintain.
Goals: Methods of independents or dependent's
Client observing her artwork describe it as follow:
1 holding life puzzling something someone, always support and holding others all depend on 1 independent. Only faith in GOD is holding 1 up can’t maintain or sustain this UP Hold of OTHERS on own. Don’t depend on others can’t TRUST no 1 is ever there when 1 needs HELP. Some days prayer 2 don’t even HELP.
Why is that?


And when that weight of sadness wrapped in guilt wrapped in self doubt started to lift much to the credit of the tons of loving family and friends that surrounded us -- I returned to my art.

1. Session: day/week 35 Transformation (negative into positive) 2. Clients: Answers to questions3. Artistic transformati...

1. Session: day/week 35 Transformation (negative into positive)
2. Clients: Answers to questions
3. Artistic transformation Drawing using colours, shapes, words.
4. Conclusion and revision of process.
Goals: finding new Path's (within the brain) to change thought process into positive problem solving and taking control of attitudes and actions.
With permission of the artist 40 years, struggling with negative thoughts and behaviours.


In Part One we established that as a human, you are creative and have the capacity to make meaningful expressions. Great! So you CAN make art -- let's talk about why you might CHOOSE to...

Using Art Therapy to 1) De-frame the? then 2) re-frame the? (deal with old and new problems, issues) By re-framing insig...

Using Art Therapy to 1) De-frame the? then 2) re-frame the? (deal with old and new problems, issues) By re-framing insights (thoughts) and perspectives (viewpoint) of the new life design (New-Frame) you can change the old pattern and decide (have a choice to) were the new (angel) is, the path to take. Towards?

Session: Day/Week 36
Materials: Magazine Pictures and Theme Words (collage)
1. Get Help
2. De-Frame
3. OUT Name the problem
4. New LOOK (seek the child from within have my chocolate and eat it too)
5. Change (thought process) ANGEL
6. New APPROACH and Perception
7. Understanding the Process it take time to heal.
8. Goals: new insight and perspective.


Below is an excerpt from an interview I did with alternative health podcaster Sarah Kottman a few months back, addressing the question of how art therapy is or isn’t different from colouring …


The National September 11 Memorial Museum will feature its first art exhibition starting Sept. 12.

The Little Girl Flower Bag & Beach Bag on their way to Modimolle: Thanks Christelle Snyman.

The Little Girl Flower Bag & Beach Bag on their way to Modimolle: Thanks Christelle Snyman.


Beginning June 1st, The Art Therapy Alliance will be hosting a 30 Day Art Therapy Facebook Hop! Each day of the month will feature a different art therapy page from around the world. Learn more about this here: http://wp.me/p3bAfe-9r





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