Isimangaliso & Kits Photo
Did you know?
The iSimangaliso / Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park incorporates Lake St Lucia, the St Lucia and Maputaland Marine Reserves, the Coastal Forest Reserve and Kosi Bay Nature Reserve.
The driving distance between Richards Bay and St Lucia is 78km and it would take you 0 Hours 59 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph).
The distance was calculated from Richards Bay, South Africa to St Lucia, Saint Lucia (by road).
The park has 280km of near pristine coastline and comprises of 328 000 hectares of magnificent scenery. Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park encompasses an immense mosaic of habitats ranging from marine systems (coral reefs and beaches) and coastal forests (from salt and fresh water marshes to the open estuarine waters of Lake St Lucia itself) from lush coastal plains to the drier woodland areas. This is a remarkably beautiful place in South Africa.
Today we feature Kit's Photo
Kits Photo was established by Kit and Martine Mayer in 1994. They are B.E.E. employed, family owned and managed.
Kits Photo has remained “the leading photographic store” in Zululand. They are privlidged to be an ISER (Independent Specialist Electronic Retailer) “Expert” (AS SEEN ON TV). Through this ever growing strong buying group, they have access to all the leading electronics, photographic and appliance goods and remain competitive with all major retail chains.
Mtunzini & Swazi Manana
Another Wednesday, another exciting adventure! 🤩
This week we’re at Siyaya Coastal Park at Umlalazi Nature Reserve
The Siyaya Coastal Park – about 42kms of unspoilt coastline – stretches from the mouth of the Mlalazi River to the southern boundary of the Amatigulu Nature Reserve. It includes two nature reserves as well as pristine coastal dune forest, mangrove forests, swamp forest, grassland and ilala palm bushveld.
The Umlalazi Nature Reserve (1 028 hectares) and Amatigulu Nature Reserve (1 700 hectares) provide a network of trails where visitors can view a wide range of creatures – from fiddler crabs and mudskippers which inhabit the mangrove swamp to herds of zebra and giraffes grazing on grasslands overlooking the ocean.
For this week’s Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centres segment, join Angelique as she chats to Swazi Manana who is the Mall Muse 2020 winner.
Find out who he is, where he comes from and what persuaded him to enter the Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre Mall Muse 2020 search.
Another Wednesday, another exciting adventure! 🤩
Today we're at Algo At Work Robotics Academy which is a shared value, alternative thinking, education development and testing facility that uses sciences, technology, business and social acumen to develop skills and encourage curiosity and originality. Coding and Robotics are used as methods to achieve these values. Find them at the Richards Bay IDZ 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖
After all that decoding surely your 🧠 needs a break. #TheFunCompany , which is situated on the lower level inside the Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre, aims to provide secure, interactive all-round family entertainment, with offerings for everyone in your family, regardless of age! Come 🌧 or 🌞, The Fun Company has action-packed activities that will provide loads of laughter and create lasting family memories.
Don't forget 50% off on Tuesdays*
Meet some of our We Are KZN Travel Channel team members. They will assist you to make informed decisions about your destination by giving you first-hand personal reviews of all things Tourism in and around KwaZulu Natal.
Also, don't forget to join us again later today at 18:30 pm to see us explore the Richards Bay Waterfront 🌊
We Are KZN Travel Channel: Episode 1
Welcome to the first episode of We Are KZN Travel.
In this episode we're going to be at two very popular destinations:
The peaceful Entumeni Nature reserve in Eshowe and Richards Bay's very own Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre.
Should you have any questions or comments, contact us on: [email protected], 065 930 6776
#wearekzntravelchannel #episode1 #eshowe #richardsbay #boardwalkinkwazishoppingcentre #kwazulunatal #southafrica #thenewnormal