We love picnics. We love trees. We love picnicking under a tree! The Picnic Tree Trail is a short circular meander from the back door of @fisaasbos_se_huis, the picnic bench sun soaked in winter and shaded in summer.
Community is about people more so than place and our valley is a treasure cove of creative and crafty individuals, home industries and small business. We treasure them as much as we treasure the Tulbagh spaces they curate, cultivate and activate! Our June #luckypacketweekend will again bring some telltale Tulbagh treats to the kitchen table at Fisaasbos. It's on for 21-23 June and the weekend is still available. (Enquire via DM for special winter rates on tóp of your luckypacket!)
Sometimes you just need to follow your own advice, ok? Stay at @fisaasbos_se_huis, go hiking with @trailsbyjurie, have wine with @swanepoelwines at @oudecompagnies and have a good ol' time with friends and family. #happyplace #farmstay #tulbagh
Autumn 🍁🍂
Specials at link in bio!
#farmstays #tulbaghtourism #earthdayiseveryday
Meet Jurie Herbst of @trailsbyjurie, lover of trees, trails and all that encompasses the Tulbagh valley. His knowledge of and passion for its natural beauty, rich history, farming culture and interesting characters are simply unmatched. And he'll customize your hiking experience according to the interests and abilities of your group.
For day hikes, contact @trailsbyjurie For 2, 3 or 4-day hiking experiences, talk to us, @fisaasbos_se_huis, about an accommodation-hiking package.
In Jurie's words: "As jy kan loop, is daar hoop!"
Oh my. Last minute cancellation just in, so Easter weekend's available, friends!
This backyard promises a most memorable and quite spectacular Easter egg hunt, doesn't it?
Book via DM.
#farmstay #treasurehunt #easterweekend
Coming up at Fisaasbos: the mild days of March, April and May - thé best hiking weather!
Tick Tock!! Time is running out fast! Make your booking NOW!
Don't miss out! It's blooming beautiful!
OPEN WEEKEND! Make a getaway!! 🚗 #makeagetaway #weekendvibes #tulbagh #fisaasbos #fisaasbossehuis #tulbaghtourism
Find your happy place with us! Book now! #fisaasbossehuis #fisaasbos #weekendvibes #happyplace #tulbagh #tulbaghtourism