A trip into the Tugela Valley.
April was great and our May date date is out 11-14 May, if you haven't read the write up ref the April Katse dam trip find it in past posts. Those that are interested in this unique Stillwater opportunity in the Lesotho highlands feel free to contact me.
Tugela Fishing Company
Present A Fly
A couple days ago we were hunting the gorgeous Umzimkulu Greys and today having a shot at butter gold Drakensberg Scalys. Fishing in clean water at fish can be challenging but I wouldn't have it any other way. @tugelafishingco
#tugelafishingcompany #fishingoutfitters #flyfishingguides #drakensberg #natalyellowfish #scaly #catchandrelease #flyfishingkzn #flyfishingsouthafrica #fliegenfischen #peixevoador #pescaconmosca #südafrika #africadosul #sudafrica
We got Fire Baby!! Its the simple things that excite me, a couple fish, a beautiful day and a meal prepared with your own hands( I dont think I needed to build a complete braai for 2 hamburgers, but hey..?). It is days like these that make time slow down just enough to imprint unforgettable moments and memories.
@tugelafishingco #tugelafishingcompany #flyfishingguides #sterkfonteindam #southafrica #dryflyfishing #sightfishing #catchandrelease #yellowfishexperience #flyfishingkzn #centraldrakensbergrivers #havefun #outdoortherapy #familytime #whycamo?lookatallofyounow
The beautiful thing about fishing are the places it takes you.
@tugelafishingco #fishingoutfitters #flyfishingguides #drakensberg #trekandtrout #catchandrelease #conservationthroughappreciation
Southern Africa's premier sight fishing destination. Crystal clear water, bright yellowfish, go figure! @tugelafishingco #[email protected] #flyfishing #sightfishing #yellowfish #highaltitude #sterkfonteindam #southernafrica #fishingoutfitters #tailoredfishingpackages #catchandrelease #favourableexchangerates #gamefishing #streamfishing #internationaltravellers #ADVENTURE #africa #fishing
Dad and Lad going out to grab some breakfast. That was a fun day Diets 🐟
@tugelafishingco #fatherandson #zini #pavercat #yamahaoutboards #surflaunch #purglass #maxima #shimanoreels #enduro #lowrancefishing