FReNBI-ZAMBIA FReNBI: Trans-denominational centre for Ministers & Leaders of the Gospel - a ministry of Faith Revi Phone/SMS: +260977773988, +260955458223.

19 years Of Building Faith, Hope & Love Amongst Zambian Churches.From different denominations & Churches And from different Nations, Ministers of the Gospel and Christian Leaders gather together, to study and prepare themselves approved unto God. They see and experience the Godly wisdom and power released when Believers lay down their differences at the foot of the cross. Choosing rather to connec

t in love with others from different Churches and Nations; but they share four things in common that are not really common:►A non-church-centred campus; Word-based and Spirit-driven.►A non-denominational curriculum; facilitating the unity of the faith.►A faculty of International Ministers, Bible Scholars and Mentors; from different Ministries and Nations.►And a revival fire: A faith in God, and a hope & love that changes things! And they do one thing in common that is not common:►They return to their various churches and ministries... They return with changed lives; changing people and changing nations. Now is the time to bring a revival of faith to your life, to your family, to your church and to the nations: Faith Revival For The Nations Bible Institute,FReNBI-Zambia since November 2001. For further information, please contact FReNBI Training Centre, 45B-C, Chester House, Cairo Road, Lusaka.


The Law of Moses Vs The Law of Christ:
The Letter Vs The Spirit of The Law
(By Dr Paul E. Momoh)

Key Terms/Scriptures In Use: The Law of Christ (Gal 6:2) also called the Law of the Spirit (Rom 8:2) or the Law of faith (Rom 3:27).

In this post, I limit my scope to the basic principles underlying the Old and New Testaments. If understood, these principles can then be easily applied to any question or discussion on this subject. Not least of which are such questions bothering on sin, grace or 'greasy grace', the 10 commandments, tithing, etc. Let's start here:

"For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (Jn 1:17).

"Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid" (Rom 6:1-2).

(1) True, We Are No Longer Under The Law That Came By Moses. For, In Christ Jesus, We Are Under Grace And Truth (Jn 1:17).

Mind you, not just grace but grace and truth. That means, grace regulated by truth. In other words, regulated living under the Law of Christ. Which in essence means, we are indeed under the Law of Christ (Gal 6:2). New Testament Believers then are not lawless or without law, which law of Christ itself fulfils the Law of Moses 100%.

(2) Jesus Did Not Come To Destroy The Old Testament.

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil... Matthew 5:17-20.

Please take special notice of 'to fulfil' as above and 'fulfilled in us' as below and do so all through your read of this post:

“For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit” (Romans 8:3-4).

The word 'fulfil' in this context also means 'to apply', or 'as applicable'. So, Jesus came to apply the old in a new and living way, and we are to apply the old in that new and living way. We examine this with examples hereafter.

The Old Testament, therefore, still applies to us Believers today conditionally, in that, it is fulfilled or applicable in a new and different way. Jesus is the Way and His teaching is that way. So, for every scripture in the Old Testament (don't throw any away in your mind or from your life), you need to know or ask, how is it applicable to me, the New Testament Believer?


(i) Under the Old Testament, Jerusalem is the place of worship. Under the New Testament, the same law to worship applies to us today but in a new and different way. Ask, where is the place of worship in my life?... and fulfil it:

“Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship... But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him (John 4:20-24).

(ii) Under the Old, it was the shedding of the blood of goats and calves to remit sin.

Under the New, it was the shedding of blood too but in a different way; the blood of Christ himself rather than the blood of goats and calves.

“And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission” (Heb 9:22).

Hence, it is true that:

The Old Testament is the foundation of the New Testament.

The New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

(3) In The New Testament, We Fulfil the Spirit of the Law And Not the Letter of the Law.

Fulfilling it is through the Spirit (of Christ) who empowers us to be obedient, and not through our own flesh or power.

Romans 8:1-3:

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit".

So, Believers fulfil the commandments by walking after the Spirit through obedience, by the love of Christ, through a heart of 'flesh' as opposed to a heart of 'stone' which itself does not have Christ's love shed upon it.

(4) We Are Not Under The Letter Of The Law But We Sure Are Under The Spirit Of The Law which is = Love.

The Spirit of the Law is Love which is shed abroad on our hearts. The Spirit is Love:

“Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life” (2 Cor 3:6)

Jesus said: “ If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15-31).

“And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself” (Lk 10:27).

The letter of the law is limited to 10 but the spirit of the law is unlimited. The letter of the law is the 10 commandments. The spirit of the law is the 10 wrapped up in unlimited commandments in the Spirit we have received through Christ, whom we must obey because we love Him.

In that obedience, day by day, we find that we are fulfilling not just 10 commandments. We fulfilling the 10 commandments revealed in unlimited Truth; whereby, the Spirit of Truth guides us into all truth (Jn 16:13). "All truth" is much more than 10 commandments. 'All truth' consists of far more than the 10 commandments. 'All truth' is revealed by the Spirit of Truth in the ways of doctrine, instructions, reproofs, and corrections of the Holy Spirit (2 Tim 3: 16-17).


The New Testament Is The Old Testament Revealed In Multiple Ways, Multiple Truths, All Truth. Where All Truth Is Parallel. This means that no One Truth of Scripture Contradicts The Spirit of The Other, But Each Truth Of Scripture Is Understood In The Spirit Or Light Of The Others.

Due to the enormity of this Truth, we have been given enormous grace, where the Spirit lives within us, revealing these enormous truths, how they specifically apply to our situations and circumstances, helping us and working within us, empowering us both to will and to do of His pleasure:

"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Phil 2:13). Whereby, we are not to grieve the Spirit (Eph 4:30) nor quench the Spirit (1 Thes 5:19) but overcome evil and never let sin have dominion over us (Rom 6:14).


Under the Law of Moses, Jerusalem is the place of worship. There is no temple to desecrate by mistake or error until a person gets to Jerusalem, in a year or two.

Under the Law of Christ, you are the place of worship, the temple of the Holy Spirit, God's building. You don't need a year or two to desecrate your temple. Anytime, anywhere, you can choose to mind the flesh and sin or mind the Spirit and overcome it. What you MIND or spend time musing or pondering upon to do, good or bad, is what you will end up doing; not because sin has dominion over you. This is the law of the Spirit.

Yes, we are not under the law of Moses, but we are not lawless in the New Testament. We are under a stronger law of the Spirit, working by that Spirit within us, and we are full of grace to keep the law of the Spirit which is the law of faith or the law of Christ. So, "let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire (Heb 12:28-29).

Wherever you go, therefore, anytime anywhere, remember this: you are the house of prayer. So, watch and pray; be up praying in season and out of season without ceasing. You are the dwelling place of God, the habitation of God through the Spirit. So, be up looking, keeping yourself holy, for "I am holy" and "I come quickly", saith the Lord. Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus!

[Scripture References: King James Version (KJV)

Annual Biblical Questions & Answers Series, BQA In Person and Online Zoom Event: Fri 22nd and 29th July 2022. Details on...

Annual Biblical Questions & Answers Series, BQA In Person and Online Zoom Event: Fri 22nd and 29th July 2022. Details on banner displayed.
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A pleasure to repost here from the Institute of Managers & Leaders, Australia - New Zealand, IML ANZ, some leadership th...

A pleasure to repost here from the Institute of Managers & Leaders, Australia - New Zealand, IML ANZ, some leadership thoughts which I shared while engaging on its latest edition of 'Member in the Spotlight'. Feel free to add your thoughts or comments.

We are pleased to introduce Dr Paul E Momoh FIML, Executive Chair at FReN- Australia, as our newest Member in the Spotlight. We asked Paul to share some of his thoughts on leadership below:

Q: What is your favourite leadership quote that changed the way you think?
A: “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” – Peter Drucker.

Q: In your opinion, what key skills should a successful leader focus on?
A: The 'developer' skill. I call this skill set the three P's- "People, Potential and Purpose" for ethical leadership and management.

Q: What advice would you give to an upcoming leader/manager?
A: My first piece of advice is that effective managers use life-long learnings to face up the challenges of their role, and they efficiently use prescribed or known solutions (policies and procedures) to solve known problems.
Second, while managers deal with immediate issues, leaders go a step ahead to anticipate future opportunities and prepare to deal with potential threats. Every CEO/Director/Owner, consciously or unconsciously is always looking for which manager/leader is ready.

Q: What has helped you the most with your career about being an IML ANZ Member?
A: Being identified as a member of a reputable management and leadership body has made me feel honourable. In addition, IML ANZ provides numerous opportunities for me to participate in high-quality professional activities, events, relationship/networking engagements, mentoring program, and gain access to online publications and leadership resources, all of which contribute significantly to my career and professional development.

Q: Complete the sentence: Leadership matters because...
A: It inspires the way individuals think, motivates the manner teams work together, and points the way people go – families, enterprises, and nations: good or bad, right or wrong, success or failure.

Happy New Year 2022...!To All Our FB Friends, FRCC Families & Members, Partners & Friends of FReN International/FReN-Aus...

Happy New Year 2022...!
To All Our FB Friends, FRCC Families & Members, Partners & Friends of FReN International/FReN-Australia.

Cross-Over Night '21/'22: Welcome to -
A year of the Prince of Peace: God shall restore. I shall renew. We shall revive! (2021 – 2023).

A year in which God's continuing Restoration, Renewal & Revival in a Decade of Truth (2020 - 2030) offers the PEACE of the Gospel to all believers and to all in the pandemic world in which we live. God himself will bless his people and all that seek him with peace by all means.

"Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means" (2 Thes 3:16).

Divine peace in our hearts attracts all other miracles and brings them to pass. All our prayers are answered once we maintain God's peace in our hearts. Regardless of troubles all around our world.
Hence, in terms of prayer requests, Paul the apostle writes: "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God … and the God of peace shall be with you" (Phil 4:6-7).

Job, one of the most troubled men in the bible, soon found out the pathway to his restoration:

"Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee" (Job 22:21). Job found his peace in God, and so all he lost (Job 1) was restored by God double for his trouble: double of everything he lost (Job 42).

Believers need more than enough of the Prince of Peace and to be able to give away the Gospel of Peace to our world as we go through the naturally tougher years in which the TRUTH sets free in a Decade of Truth.

Therefore, our confessional for the beginning years (2021 – 2023) of this Decade of Truth (2020 – 2030) has been: God Shall Restore. I shall Renew. We Shall Revive!

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Thank you for watching we hope you have been blessed by this message.Please, if you have a prayer request, testimony or have just given your life to Christ, ...


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Covid-19: Beware Of Thoughts & Imaginations Of Evil –
Join The Fight-Of-Faith, Wed Nights Online YouTube/Facebook@Faith Revival, 7.00pm (Aus time).

Overcoming Suspicion, Doubt, Fear, And Captivity, In Times Like This (By Paul E. Momoh)

The Lord had said, warn my people to beware of the fear of Covid-19 (the enemy without). For the past 6-7 weeks, we have laboured to do so. Behold, that seed of the word of the Lord is continuing to come forth and saying, to be aware of our thoughts and imaginations of evil (the enemy within). Any of which hinders the full effect of grace, peace and divine protection.

Are You Aware Of Your Own Thoughts & Imaginations…In Times Like This?

Who else knows but you that some thoughts and imaginations may be fighting you already, seeking to:
(1) Feed Your Suspicions – “after that dream, voice, touch, contact, cough…I’m in, down, done for”.
(2) Reinforce Your Doubts.
(3) Accelerate Your Fears.
(4) Take You Captive – to the imagined evil.

Lest we say like Job of old:
“The things I have greatly feared have happened unto me” (Job 3:25).

(A) Keep building your Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and be located/supported in a local community of Faith. A spiritual warfare time is never a time to be isolated from both spiritual and natural communities.

(B) Keep doing the needful - washing/sanitizing hands regularly and all other regulations ordained for our good, being “subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution” as long as the regulations are for the good and peace of humanity and ordained to “punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good” (1 Peter 2:13-15).

At The Fight-Of-Faith Wednesday Night Online, Faith Revival International seeks to help people interdenominationally to do what the Bible says to do in times like this. As some of the Elders of the Faith have said:

“Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying” (Martin Luther).

So, “Feed your faith and starve your doubts” (Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.).

For, the “Seeds of faith are always within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth” (Susan Taylor).

Feel Free To Join The Fight-Of-Faith, Wed Nights Online YouTube/Facebook@Faith Revival, 7.00pm (Aus time).

If you find techy issues or no show with the YouTube delivery platform, please switch over to FB, and vice versa. You sure will find us between those two media. When you do, we would be cheering you and praising the Lord that you've just out-smarted the tech-system into the presence of the Lord😀

Confessions of Faith fo the Season

Confessions of Faith fo the Season

Calling All FReNBI Alumni, Students, Faculty & Staff, Partners & Friends, All Other Men & Women Of Faith. This is for yo...

Calling All FReNBI Alumni, Students, Faculty & Staff, Partners & Friends, All Other Men & Women Of Faith.

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Encounter The Manifold Ways That God Has Honoured The Son Intentionally, So That You & I May Honour The Son, By Whom God Made The World (Heb 1:1-8). Includin...

Decade 2020: Proclaiming The Truth & The Plan (Part 1) By Paul E. Momoh

Decade 2020: Proclaiming The Truth & The Plan (Part 1) By Paul E. Momoh

Are You Prepared For What God Has Prepared For You In The Decade 2020-2029?

A Decade Of Truth: Of Speaking The Truth In Love And Wisdom, And Of Speaking Loudly And Boldly To Set You Free. To Set Others Free And To Set The Nations Free!

A New Era For The Reclaiming & Retaining Of Truth, And The Proclaiming, & Prevailing With Truth By The True Believers & The True Church Which Is The Ground And Pillar Of Truth (1 Tim 3:15).

Click To Play Audio/Video On Decade of Truth: Proclaiming The Truth & The Plan (Part 1). Be Prepared For What God Has Prepared For You. A Prophetic Prayer For The New Year 2020. Player Opens To FaithRev Broadcast On Utube.

Are You Prepared For What God Has Prepared For You In The Decade 2020-2029? A Decade Of Truth: Of Speaking The Truth In Love And Wisdom, And Of Speaking Loud...


God’s Son As God’s Final Word To Humanity Before The Apocalypse (Part 2):

How God’s Son is The Replacement For The Prophets Of All Religions (See Part 1 Below Or On This page).

In the earlier message on this subject (Part 1), we established that:

No other Prophet, no, not as the founder of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. ever claimed to be the Son of God. If any attempted to do so, none was raised by God from the dead. Nor proven by the lived experiences of their followers to be alive forevermore. Not one in human history. This is regardless of the many false prophets in history who were always caught out to be so, before or after their death.

In a nutshell, the Christianity of Christ, the Son of God is, therefore, not a religion. It is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, for all religions to find the true way back to the invisible (unknown) God.

In what follows as part 2, we examine the divinity of the Angels who spoke to the Prophets of the religious sects and world religions. We do so in comparison to the divinity of the Son of God.

Hebrews chapter 1:1-5:
“God who at sundry times and in divers manner spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; …for unto which of the angels said he at any time, thou art my Son…?” (KJV here and beyond and all emphasis/bold print mine).

We take a keen look at these introductory verses. Firstly, please note the keywords, Son, Prophets, and Angels. This is critical to the understanding of this chapter as it is, by and large, a comparison between the Son of God and the Angels that spoke to those Prophets. Secondly, why the Angels (and those Prophets) in relation to the Son of God? This is a good place to start our further inquiry. Here’s why.

Angels & Prophets: The human Prophets, who made claims to speaking from God over the ages, used their experiences of Angelic encounters to affirm their religious work and call to spiritual leadership. The significant evidence being that they acknowledged the Son of God and prophesied the Coming Messiah, “at sundry times” and “in time past” (Heb 1:1).

Other Prophets were not of God in that they did not acknowledge the Son of God nor His Coming as the Messiah, or perhaps did so erroneously. Nevertheless, even those had to defer to Angelic encounters or a message from an Angel as a basis for starting up or propagating either a sect or a worldwide religious movement. These have misled many for ages “at sundry times” and “in time past” (Heb 1:1).

Hence, in these last days, God decided to speak clearly to humanity with one voice through His only begotten Son. He did so singularly by His one and only Son. Not by multiple Sons, Prophets or even by those powerful Angels who spoke to those prophets, lest we end up with a plurality of “Ways, the Truth, and the Life”. No. God wanted to be crystal-clear so that humanity can be clear-hearted and clear-headed if we chose to be right-hearted, as to the Way, the Truth and the Life (Jn 14:6).

He did so very strongly through the Law and the scriptures of the Prophets, all pointing to the Messiah, the Son of God, from generation to generation (Matt 1:1-18) till Christ.

He did so very clearly as the last of the old testament Prophets, John the Baptist, pointed Him out of the crowd as the Lamb of God (Jn 1:29).

He did so by Himself, bearing witness to Himself in an all-time encounter of the Self-disclosure of God: This is my beloved Son; listen to Him (Lk 9:35).

He did so for the last time, in the end-times.

So that, humans will have no excuse following some religious Prophet or religion while seeking Him the true God, the true Light, and then only to be misled and disappointed in everlasting darkness.

God sent one Son, the only Son, the Light of the world, clearly Light, truly Holy. He did so with a clear sign of His deity in His rising from the dead on the third day. He did so that there will be no Prophet, religion or religious people seeking the true God and able to do so without the centrality, principality, and divinity of the Son of God. God then exalted and honoured the Son that all may honour Him (Jn 5:23).

God gave the Son such honour, glory and excellent majesty, far above anything we know with the Prophets who spoke from God or the Angels at whose behest the Prophets spoke. Indeed, those Prophets of old never would have been believed in the world without any such personal claims to extraordinary, supernatural, Angelic encounters.

In essence, the Book of Hebrews, chapter 1, is a comparison between the Son of God and the Angels. This being the highest form of comparison ever possible in the sphere of divinity and in the context of deity. Given that, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are incomparable, being co-equal and One. That is trinity but One God. For where is even the slightest of logic in comparing You with You, let alone God with God? [Continued as Part 3].


God’s Son As God’s Final Word To Humanity Before The Apocalypse:

How God’s Son is The Replacement For The Prophets Of All Religions (Part 1). A Message On What Christmas Means To All Religions.

Time was when Prophets backed by the Angels that spoke to them (Angels of darkness or light) initiated different religious sects and world religions. Some of those God-seeking Prophets missed the Truth but still founded those sects or religions anyway. This was necessary so humanity can still have a religious way to attempt to reach the invisible God. That is, to still retain its conscience and continue to have a consciousness of God, regardless of the darkness and wickedness abounding all through the ages.

God permitted that imperfect scenario for an extended era of human history due to the imperfection of the human condition. Although that was never God’s perfect will. Those were the eras of human ignorance until the Son of God came to earth in due season. God’s Son, God’s Word to humanity, then came about to replace all Prophets and all religions, as the Scripture shows:

Acts 17:30-31: And the times of this ignorance by humanity God has overlooked; but now He commands all men everywhere to repent because he has appointed a Son (not any of those Prophets or the Angels that spoke to them), by whom also He made the worlds in the first place and by whom He will judge the world. Of this, God has given a clear assurance that he will do so by raising His Son from the dead.

Why is that a clear assurance? Think about this: No other Prophet, no, not as the founder of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. ever claimed to be the Son of God. If any attempted to do so, none was raised by God from the dead. Nor proven by the lived experience of their followers to be alive forevermore. Not one in human history. This is regardless of the many false prophets in history who were always caught out to be so, before or after their death.

The Living Son of God, therefore, stands alone in the realm of deity far above any Prophet, Angel, or religion. He stands evidently as the only sinless One who gave Himself as a sacrificial Lamb for the sins of the world. He then stands in the position of Saviour and Lord between all humanity and the invisible God. He stands as the Way, the Truth and the Life, to all people in all religions [Continued as Part 2].


Before You Read The Book Of Ephesians Ever Again…
(By Paul E. Momoh)

Take a good look at yourself in a good mirror: In what follows, I am providing you with one. A mirror of truth for your individual life as a Believer and as a member of a local church: the subject of the Book of Ephesians. With this, take a personal assessment of who you are as an individual in Christ Jesus, and what the church is to you in Christ Jesus.

The Book of Ephesians (all 6 chapters), in a nutshell, is about divine authority and how to use it, as invested in:

(1) You as the individual Believer (chapters 1-2). Shows how you, the individual Believer, can be strong in the Lord, knowing who you are in that authority. Next time you read these chapters, you should be thanking and praising God for your authority in Christ Jesus. Chapters 1-2 are about the individual Believer.

(2) The community of faith/local church (chapters 3-4). Shows how you, the individual Believer, can serve God through the local church, in faith, love and unity, and become a strong part of, and how to fulfil that role in, a local church. Next time you read these chapters, you should be thanking and praising God for the authority of the church (of which you are a part of ) in Christ Jesus.

Oops…, if you don’t belong to a local church or are not committed to one, well, after you complete reading this text, you should know what to do very quickly. You cannot be sharpened spiritually and grow in love and patience (even tried in love and patience with other Believers) without being a part of a local church. Tried and tested amidst the brethren of the Lord and being able to live at peace with other Believers, endeavouring to still keep the unity of the Spirit (Eph 4:1-4), then you can face the tough evil world and still love those people out there. Charity begins at home, in the local church. So, if you are not planted in a definite local church, you cannot grow in this love and patience. To love the brethren of the Lord Jesus is to truly be able to love the world indeed as God loves. Chapters 3-4 are about the church.

The next 2 chapters (ends the Book and) are about building the individual life of the Believer and the church on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.

(3) The Holy Spirit Through Love (chapter 5): Next time you read this chapter, you should be prayerfully meditating on how to use that authority (found in chapters 1-4) in your day-to-day circumstances and spiritual warfare based on the Holy Spirit through love. Chapter 5 is about the Holy Spirit and the love shed in the heart of the Believer.

(4) The Word of God Through Faith (chapter 6): Next time you read this chapter, you should be prayerfully meditating on how to use that authority (found in chapters 1-4) in your day-to-day circumstances and spiritual warfare based on the Word of God through faith. Chapter 5 is about the Word of God and the faith it generates in you when you believe.

In sum total, and in agreement with Gal 5:6, this is the faith that works by love. It conquers all evil and delivers the victory that overcomes the world. The Word and the Spirit, Faith and Love, and the love of the Word and the Spirit must be the foundation of your individual life.

Not an individual life attempting to grow independently of the community of faith (you will lack the strength, authority and blessings of chapters 3-4) but being planted and located in the local church for spiritual interdependency.

Not for spiritual dependency but rather being built on the foundation of the Word and the Holy Spirit, supplying something of your natural and spiritual talents to build the Kingdom, and to be able to withstand, together with the church, every storm or devil in these final days of the last days.



( You may choose to start with Part 1, which is a separate post on this page, in order to make a full sense of part 2. Otherwise, here we go).

The 5 characteristics/principles or spirit of Tithing contained in 1st Corinthians 16:1-2.

(1) The Giving here is an order, a commandment, in the spirit of tithing: ‘as I have given order...even so, do ye’. Every one of them was commanded to do so; not whosoever is of a willing heart or anyone who wills (as used in scriptures for offering). This is a Giving by the principle or command inherent in tithing.

(2) The Giving here puts God/His Kingdom first: Upon the first day…the first part for the kingdom, if we seek the kingdom first.

(3) The Giving here is done regularly, repeatedly, and continually: as long as the first day of the week, 54 weeks, 26 fortnights of the year have not ceased and you are still alive. First day of the week: only tithers fulfil this Godly habit as they tithe monthly, fortnightly or weekly depending on their circumstance of income.

(4) The Giving here is to ‘mine/storehouse’: “lay in store”
All tithes in the New Testament go to the storehouse/church (where we eat our spiritual meat); not to the ministers, priests or levites as in the Book of Leviticus. Ministers are to be supported by wages (as part of church expenses) and/or by love offerings.

The book of Malachi is the last of the endtime/minor prophets with a mission to point God’s people towards Christ/the New Testament. The spirit of the letters (all 4 chapters) is the New Testament while being located between the Old and the New. Hence, he re-positioned tithing from being given to the priests/levites to being given to God’s house, which he clearly called the ‘storehouse’ in agreement with 1 Cor 16:1-2.

God calls it ‘mine house’; so that there will be meat in ‘mine house’ says the Lord (Mal 3:10). The word ‘store’ (where tithe goes) was also used by Paul the apostle in 1 Cor 16:1-2: let every one of you lay by him in store.

(5) The Giving here demands a percentage/an increase of our Giving in a manner consistent with our increase of prosperity: he is to give “ God hath prospered him...” (1 Cor 16:2). This scripture demands that an increase in your income should reflect in an increase in your giving …as God hath prospered you.

The only way a person can truly Give accurately “ God hath prospered him...” (1 Cor 16:2) is, and only if, there is a fixed measure or percentage prescribed by the scriptures. This would then avoid confusion, assumption or inconsistency as income is prospered from, for example, $1000 to $1500, etc. Tithing is the biblically fixed and systematic way to do this, fulfilling this text.

Only Tithers can diligently fulfil their obedience to this scripture without ‘robbing God’ knowingly or unknowingly; as their 10% of $1000 is $100; and their 10% of $1500 is $150, etc. Only a fixed percentage applied to (an unfixed or changing income-level) can guarantee that a person gives “ God hath prospered him...”

The Old Testament is the foundation of the New Testament. Tithing in the Old Testament is the foundation (or minimum standard of Giving) for the New Testament Believers. Upon this foundation, the New Testament Believers continue to build their obedience with generous Offerings, over and above the Tithe.

Tithing therefore was not done away with in the New Testament but rather fulfilled. Listen to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets [the Old Testament]: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil ... Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven”. Matt 5:17-20 (read in conjunction with Matt 23:23).

In Offerings, we give according to our own will, as we purpose in our hearts, willingly proving ‘the sincerity of our love’ (2 Cor 8:8). In Tithing, we give according to His own will; obeying His commandment and abiding in His love! (John 15:9-10).


45B-C, Chester House, Cairo Road


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