PUTCO The PUTCO business plan is in response to the need to overhaul Harare’s public transport system by re-introducing the big bus concept.

Passenger Utility Transport Company (Private) Limited
“Transporting passengers differently”

Passenger Utility Transport Company (Private) Limited (PUTCO) was incorporated on 6 May 2011 under the company law in Zimbabwe and is a wholly indigenous owned company. With respect to Harare, thousands of commuter omnibuses or Kombis have become an eyesore, if not a menace thronging the streets at e

very turn, breaking every traffic law in the book and generally causing congestion and noise in the city. In addition, lack of customer service training means that friendly and courteous service is non-existent, and due to the small nature of Kombis passengers are often cramped, causing a lot of discomfort. The PUTCO business plan is in response to the need to overhaul Harare’s public transport system by re-introducing the big bus concept, albeit kitted with vehicle technology, CCTV’s and customer information systems, the objective being to offer reliable, safe, secure, comfortable, clean and courteous service underpinned by customer information excellence. Automated Fare Collection

For fare collection, PUTCO will use smartcards which will be distributed by the company. Bus fares will be credited to the smartcard by re-charging using existing mobile platforms such as Econet’s Ecocash, Telecel’s Telecash and Net One’s One Wallet. Amount for each trip will be deducted as bus trips are made and the fare for Greater Harare will be US$0.50. Acquisition

PUTCO is on the verge of acquiring 500 x 65 seater buses from India. PUTCO’s project is in sync with the growth targets envisaged in Zim Asset for the transport and communications sector. Vision

To become the premier provider of first class rapid transit services for urban centres in Zimbabwe. Mission

To provide fast, efficient and flexible public transportation services for urban areas in Zimbabwe, underpinned by an integrated and modular information and communications technology solution for automated fare collection, transit scheduling, operations, maintenance, passenger information, security and client relations. PUTCO is dedicated to building long-term relationships with customers through an industry-leading approach and wants to be recognized as a first-class transport service company in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE)
PUTCO intends to list on the ZSE through an Initial Public Offer (IPO) in the first half of 2016. This move will broaden the ownership structure of the company by allowing members of the public to become shareholders in an asset they use on a daily basis. Regionalization

PUTCO is also currently in negotiations with Governments in two African countries with a view of establishing similar operations in those countries by 2016, therefore, becoming a regional players in scheduled mass urban passenger transit systems.



In the forest a pregnant deer went near a flowing river in search of a good place to give birth, it finds the area safe. Suddenly labor pain begin!
At the same moment the dark cloud🌇 fall and the lighting strike 🌌cause fire🔥 in the forest, when the dear turn left it saw a hunter creeping with an arrow pointed towards it, when it turns right the deer saw a hungry lion coming towards it, in front of the deer there where the flowing river was.
What will this deer that is in pain do? 😬😬😬😬
Will she survive? 😟
Will she give birth to the fawn (Young deers)?
Will the fawns survive?
Will the fire consume them?
Will she die from the hunter's arrow?
Or will the hungry lion tear her to pieces?
The fire, the hunter, the lion and the river all surrounded her,
What will she do?
The Deer has nothing to do so it focuses on giving birth to a new life.
This is what happens as the deer give birth to the fawn 👇👇👇👇👇
_The lightning strike and put darkness in the eyes of the hunter.
_He releases the arrow and it miss the deer and hit the hungry lion 🦁 dead.
_It starts to rain 🌉 heavenly and the forest fire went off totally 😊😊😊
And the deer give birth to a healthy fawn👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

In life, there are times we are confronted with so many difficulties😕 that confuses our mind and give us negative thoughts and impossibilities, some of the thoughts are so powerful that it overcome and overwhelm us. Maybe we can learn from the Pregnant deer.

The only thing that was on the mind😇 of the deer at that time was to give birth to a baby. The rest wasn't in her hands, so any action or reaction that would have changed her focus that moment would have resulted in death or disaster.

Ask Yourself, Where is your Focus?
Where's your Faith or Hope?
In the midst of the storm, keep focus on your Creator always, he will never ever forsake or let you down,
Remember, your Creator never make mistake(s), neither does he sleeps.
A strong 💪 person always keep their focus, even with tears 😢running down their eyes, they always say I am OK with a smile😁.

I want you to be strong 💪 and keep the faith, so share it on your time line that someone can read it too and be strong. All is well!!!


We are grateful to all our followers and appreciate your valued comments. However, we would like you to know that this is a Zimbabwe operation that has not started yet, therefore we do not have vacancies. However, we anticipate that we will soon hit the road and you will be the first to know.
Enjoy your day


We would like to thank all for liking our page. We love it and we love you too. Stay blessed

The PUTCO business plan is in response to the need to overhaul Harare’s public transport system by re-introducing the big bus concept.




Good morning to you my friends. I urge you to go to www.herald.co.zw it carries a story about our company with regards for the provision of urban passenger transport services for Harare. Hope you are all well my friends enjoy your weekend.
God Bless.

Thupeyo Muleya Beitbridge Bureau A number of Zimbabweans are believed to have died in a collision involving a commuter omnibus and a Zambian haulage t...


Happy Birthday to my youngest son Tawanda Glen Chihota.
I wish you many more years of good health, success and prosperity. I am proud of you and will always love you unconditionally. I remember it seems like yesterday when i used to hold you in my arm but now you are taller than me, time moves so fast. Remember your old man loves you and there is nothing that can change that. You are a blessing and you are blessed and I your Father blesses you. Good morning T.


Inspiration Quote for Today
"You must fail 100 times to succeed once-no one succeeds the first time, its that part of it. Its learning how to not get disappointed with failure to understand failure. You only learn when you fail, you don't learn when you succeed. Expect to fail, embrace it, welcome it. Its going to happen but its not a permanent state"
-Slyvester Stallone.


Inspiration Quote for Today
"The most intense fight a human will ever have is between the person they are and the person they are capable of becoming"-Coach Jae.


Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Where you were born or where you came from does not determine who you become or what you can achieve.You don't have to go through life being a victim. No matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, I 'm going to make it.


Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, It is our light not our darkness that frightens us, Your playing small does not serve the world, There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around us.
We were all meant to shine as people do, It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone, And as we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Coach Carter-Movie


Urban Mass Bus Transit System The Way To Go
This morning i was standing in Leopold Takawira Street in Harare when I saw a commuter omnibus speeding in the opposite direction of a one way street towards the Mbare direction endangering the lives of innocent pedestrians. Pedestrians risked being hit by this commuter omnibus because they were not expecting it to come from behind and it's driver didn't even care. Apparently the commuter omnibus was running away from Harare Municipal Police. That is why as PUTCO we came up with the proposed service to rid the public transport sector of such unruly behaviour. The safety of the public must come first before profits and it is the responsibility of public transport operators to ensure they act in a manner that protects the public from accidents or any harm resulting from their actions.

Transporting Passengers Differently


Regardless of the challenges i face, nothing is gonna stop me from achieving my goals in life. I have been knocked down many a times but have not remained down, nothing can stop me and nothing will stop me because i am a champion. I will smash all the barriers or walls in front of me to get what i deserve, i am not going to settle for less than the best. Where i was or where i am does not matter but what matters is where i want to go. With God on my side i will make it. Have a good day my friends.


Inspiration Quote for Today
"Failure can be heartbreaking, and when it happens-you can let it be your school or your funeral"


If you don't have doubt it means you are not pushing boundaries far enough.


Foster the belief in what you are dreaming and it becomes a reality. You need people to believe it before they can see it.


The worst thing you can end up with is a situation where you are told well this is the way it has always been, that's the worst ever, instead ask yourself, given everything you have today, is there a way we can make it better?


Inspiration Quote for Today
Stop rushing things that are not meant to be rushed, if you are rushing things then rush becoming patient. Be so patient that you are in a hurry. A lack of patience affects those around you. You won't see the chaos until it's too late. Patient, obedient, alert and alive. Behind every success there is a patient individual who did his work and is able to lead.


"Learn how to be a loser, because it's important to be a loser to be a winner"-Sandy Weill


Inspiration Quote for Today
Dreams without goals, remain just dreams...Just dreams and ultimately, a few disappointments. Dreams without goals, yearly goals, life goals, daily goals, monthly goals, hourly goals, minute-by-minute goals...Goals on the road to achievement, cannot be achieved without DISCIPLINE and CONSISTENCY. True desire in the heart for anything good. With God's proof to you, set beforehand to indicate that it's yours already...Do you know how how powerful you are? Today is about the power of you. And one day you will be sitting on the dark, and you are going to be asking yourself; "what am i going to do now?" You are going to ask yourself to slow down again. "What am i going to do now" But at that moment, i want you to remember the power of you. You see when you in that darkness, you want to sit and wait for a light to come. When you are in the darkness, it's uncomfortable. But you can't wait and sit in the darkness. The only way out is to step forward, to face your fears, to become your own light. You can make the commitment to your life that you don't like the results that you have, and that you are going to do something about it. See, that power is available to all of us, people who look at life and decide; "I want something different for myself." You can only have two things in life; REASONS or RESULTS. The only thing that counts are: results. And results don't lie, ladies and gentlemen. When you keep your commitments, you are able to produce different kinds of results in your life. Most people you will ask; "hey look, i would like to do this" And they will say; "i will try..."
"I will try means that is my escape clause. When i don't come through, it's really a polite note. I don't have the courage to say, "no", so i tell you "i will try". They don't want to commit themselves because commitment means, among other things, NO EXCUSE is ACCEPTABLE. That's what it means. No excuse, that if you decide that you want to do this, if it becomes hard, you do it hard. So whatever, you are doing, however, you spend your time, that tells you who you are. The only way forward is to decide what you want, that you are going to work harder, that you are going to get up earlier, that you are going to work late that you are going to push past the people who doubted you, hated you, laughed at you. I want you to be fearless, i want you to be decisive, i want you to make a decision right now. That when you fail, you fall to your knees. I want you to remember the power of you, and i want you to get back up on your feet. Make a decision today that when you are in the darkness, you remember the power of you.
You are your own light...YOU.


Inspiration Quote for Today
A lion never loses sleep, over the opinions of sheep. And a lion doesn't care if a monkey in a tree laughs at him.


Brace up for a scheduled public transport revolution, as urban public transport will never be the same again after the entrance of PUTCO. We are not going to meet the commuters expectations but we are going to amaze them with a first-class service.


Inspiration Quote for Today
The Tongue
Your tongue is the director of your life. You get whatever your tongue says. What you declare today is what you will be in future.
When you say something are like Parliamentarians who have signed a Bill into Law. You need to be careful of what you say, make a conscious decision to speak the right words to yourself and to others. Death and power are in your tongue.-Pastor Cindy.


Inspiration Quote for Today
Fear kills dreams. Fear kills hope. Fear...put people in hospital. Fear can age you, can hold you back from doing something that you know within yourself that you are capable of doing but it will paralyze you. At the end of your feelings is nothing, but at the end of every principle there is a promise. Behind your little feelings, it might not be absolutely nothing at the end of your little feelings. But behind every principle is a promise. And some of you in your life the reason you are not at your goal right now, because you are just all about your feelings. All on your feelings, you don't feel like waking up-who does? Everyday you say 'no' to your dreams, you might be pushing your dreams back a whole six months a whole year. That one single day, that day you didn't get up could have pushed your stuff back i don't know how long. Don't allow your emotion to control you. We are emotional but you have got to learn to discipline your emotions. If you don't discipline and contain your emotion, they will use you. You want it and you are going to go all out and have it. It's not going to be easy, when you want to change, it's not easy. If it were in fact easy, everybody would do it. But if you are serious, you will go all out. I am in control here. I am not going to let this get me down, I am not going to let this destroy me. I am coming back. And i will be stronger and better because of it. You have got to to make a declaration. That this is what you stand for. You are standing up for peace of mind, you are standing for health. Take full responsibility for your life. Accept where you are and the responsibility that you are going to take yourself where you want to go. You can decide that i am going to live each day as if it were my last. Live your life with passion. With some drive. Decide that you are going to push yourself. The last chapter to your life has not been written yet, and it doesn't matter what happens to you 'what matters is what are you going to do about it?' This year i will make this goal become a reality. I won't talk about it anymore.
I can. I can. I CAN.


Be Unreasonable
If you want to produce unreasonable results in your life, like living your dream and taking charge of your destiny, you have got to be an unreasonable person. When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is, your life is just to live inside the world....trying not to bash into the walls too much. That's a very limited life, life can be much broader. Once you discover one simple fact, everything around you, that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. Once you learn that you will never be the same AGAIN.


Continued: What we learn from life
After my first business failed i faced so much ridicule from family, friends and foes who taunted me for being too ambitious. I ate a humble pie, i had to dispose of my one and only beautiful car and to be honest it broke my heart. But i let it go, i had to make a decision to keep the care when i knew very well i couldn't maintain it anymore. Initially i became shy to even be seen by friends walking because in my mind i was always worried about what people thought about me now. After a period of something like a month i thought to myself that i had to come out of that shell and face the world. I said to myself, I am Caleb Chihota the people am so worried about don't even care whether i have a place to sleep or not, whether i have eaten or not whether i am able to take care of my family or not, so i made a decision to say, i have to do whatever i have to do what people think about me is none of my business. That decision set me free ladies and gentlemen. During my lifetime i have started a company and bid for hotel sites and won them but failed to raise the capital to develop them, i started an overnight express mail delivery service which was overwhelmed with business and i failed to build the necessary capacity to take the business on the next level and it failed, i started a travel services company and it failed, i started a company registration consultancy business it failed, i started a clothing label it failed, i started a black economic empowerment organization and it failed, i started a commodity trading company it failed, i started a logistics and supply chain management company in Johannesburg (South Africa) it failed and i started a short term insurance company when everybody told me that i would never be able to get a licence and i got the licence but the company failed again. From what i have just said i am sure any normal human being would tell me i was a write off. Here comes the most important lesson i have learnt is never give up despite the odds staked on you. I believe God gave me a talent and i am going to use it to become what i must become, my destiny could have been delayed but no human being has got enough power to stop me from realizing my destiny. I soldiered on and i think sometimes my wife don't even understand where i get the strength i have to keep going on the face of adversity. As long as you are alive you must never give up, keep on moving, break every barrier, refuse to be stopped. To be continued.


Good evening my friends, i would like to kindly ask you to contribute on what you think about the current passenger public transport services in Harare and what you think should be done.


Inspiration Quote for Today
You do not have to covet the property of others or look at it with a wishful eye. No one has anything of which you cannot have the like, and without taking what he has from him. You are to become a creator, not a competitor. You are going to get want, but in such a way that when you get it every person whom you affect will have more than he has now. Riches secured on the competitive plane are never satisfactory nor permanent. They are yours tomorrow. Remember, if you are to become rich in a scientific and certain way, you must rise entirely out of the competitive thought. You must never think for a moment the supply is limited. Know that there are countless millions of dollars worth of Gold in the mountains of the earth, not yet brought to light. So never allow yourself to think for an instant that all the best building spots will be taken before you get ready to build your house unless you hurry. Never get afraid that you will lose what you want because some other person "beats you to it".
Increase your life and live your dream.


Peace, love and happiness that's all that matters in life.
Good night to you my friend. God Bless you and thank God for everything you have got stop whining about what you don't have right.


What we learn from life
Some think life is a picnic. I grew up in Mbare (the ghetto) one of the oldest townships in Harare, Zimbabwe. Many people who know Mbare it's a place where one would be looked down upon just by mentioning that you stayed in Mbare. When i was asked where i lived by friends at school, i would lie that i stayed in St Martins or Sunningdale something with a name that sounded a bit better than Mbare. So when i finished my O'Levels i had made up my mind that no matter how hard things would be i must leave Mbare and go and live in better suburb. Do you know that idea of living somewhere better drove me to so hard. Mind you my first job was a messenger, i used to make tea for everyone at that company though i had passed my O'Levels my grandmother didn't have money for me to proceed with schooling or to pursue a course of my choice. The only option that was left for me was to find a job. My grandmother was very old and she needed to be taken care of. I used to walk to school from Mbare to Cranborne Boys High School sometimes with an empty stomach. I still cherish the love i got from my grandmother even though life was so difficult she would borrow or beg and do whatever was necessary to make sure that i never went to bed hungry. May her sour rest in peace. Mbare gave me an opportunity to learn to fight for what you wanted, it was no place for cowards you had to meet life on its terms. You had to fight just to earn respect and it taught me never to be afraid of anything including life. When i started working as a messenger i took the lessons i had learnt in Mbare that is the spirit of sacrifice and hardwork. I was the first one to get to the office and i was the last one to leave. I would leave the office as late as 8pm studying the business. After 3 months i was promoted to Management trainee and the MD used to say i like this young man, he is always smart and speaks very good english. In the two years i spent at that company i had learnt enough to want to start my own business which was a life long ambition. Before i turned 22 i resigned and started my own company in the same field as my former employer. Whilst many people saw it as a risk i saw opportunity to earn a better salary and be my own boss. But my late Father was so enraged. He said to me, son, if things get hard for you i don't want you at my house because no one at your age has ever started a business let alone in our family. I said ok and we didn't speak for a year because i was concentrating on building the business. I wanted to prove him wrong, i worked so hard that when some people of my age went clubbing or were doing some funny stuff i was working, my friends were older men from whom i could learn life's valuable lessons and because of my personality they were also willing to impart their knowledge of the industry and i was just sucking it in. Years later my first business failed. To be continued.


Zimbabwe is about to witness the entrance of a new and dynamic scheduled urban passenger transport-PUTCO
"Transporting passengers differently"


1st Floor, Moffat Mansions 63 Leopold Takawira Street Harare


+263 77 192 6650



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