Be mindful of the decisions you make in life, as they will determine whether you achieve balance or fall into imbalance. Remember, imbalance comes with a cost.
The sermon is available on YouTube: https://ow.ly/iput50ULBug
#bishoptudorbismark #Systems2025 #weighedinthebalance #nlcczw
Those who display fairness, balance, and self-control are rewarded and elevated. May God bless you with the grace to walk in balance and fairness. Remember to Instill the value of fairness in your children from an early age—it will shape their future.
The sermon is available on YouTube: https://ow.ly/a7Kp50UK3O0
#bishoptudorbismark #Systems2025 #weighedinthebalance #nlcczw
God's Bag of Works - BTB19012025.mp4
God carries a bag of works filled with weights, scales, and measures—and at the heart of it all is fairness. What’s in your bag of works?
Watch the sermon on YouTube: https://ow.ly/eoqt50UJXHn
#bishoptudorbismark #Systems2025 #WeighedInTheBalance #nlcczw
New Life Covenant Church Online Experience
This is the Online Experience of New Life Covenant Church, Harare. Zimbabwe
We had interviews with our amazing congregants to hear their thoughts on "systems" in their lives—how they define them, their impact, and what it means to align with God's divine systems.
Their answers were powerful, insightful, and thought-provoking! 💬✨
Stay tuned as we share these interviews and uncover how understanding systems can transform your life.
Watch the sermons on YouTube: @TudorBismark. See you on Sunday!
#BishopTudorBismark #systems2025 #SystemsPutInPlace #nlcczw
How do you perceive and approach God? Often, we see God through the lens of our needs—when we're sick, we see Him as a healer, and so on. But no matter the need, approach Him with boldness and reverence, and He will do exceedingly more than we could ever ask or imagine.
Watch the sermon now on YouTube: https://ow.ly/e7XC50UGEZ5
#BishopTudorBismark #systems2025 #SystemsPutInPlace
Sometimes, for something better to take root, the old must go. Let go of outdated systems and let God establish something new in your life!
Watch the full sermon now on our YouTube channel: https://ow.ly/QU2q50UGPxb
#BishopTudorBismark #systems2025 #SystemsPutInPlace #nlcczw
Immerse yourself in the Scriptures and worship God in spirit and truth. The trials and tests you face will uncover what truly resides in your heart. Commit to loving God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind, letting Him shape every part of your life.
Watch the sermon now on YouTube: https://ow.ly/EOf850UGEZ3
#BishopTudorBismark #systems2025 #SystemsPutInPlace #nlcczw
How does God desire to be approached? Psalm 100 teaches us to start with thanksgiving before making any requests. Enter His courts with praise, for gratitude is the key that grants access to the privileges of His presence. Without thanksgiving, the doors to His courts remain closed.
Watch here: https://youtu.be/6_pnmEPuHbU
#BishopTudorBismark #systems2025 #SystemsPutInPlace #nlcczw
New Life Covenant Church Online Experience
This is the Online Experience of New Life Covenant Church, Harare. Zimbabwe
"🚫💾 It's time to DELETE the negative programs in your life's hard drive—lust, anger, jealousy, witchcraft, adultery etc—and INSTALL a new system built on holiness, purity, righteousness, and Godliness. Let your life reflect the beauty of a divine upgrade!"
Watch "Create Systems" on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaQBDZekycU&t=14s
#BishopTudorBismark #systems2025 #CreateSystems #nlcczw
Favour is a system of combined related blessings that God has placed in our pathway to elevate our lives. Be blessed with the sermon on YouTube: https://ow.ly/gm8C50UB2rO
#BishopTudorBismark #systems2025 #CreateSystems #nlcczw