Gardens are a work in progress but when things bloom in their season - what joy they bring with the beauty #nyanga #eastern highlands #RusticCharm #countryliving!
Splendid light, generous blooms and gorgeous clean clear air to breathe. Christmas flowers in time for that season
Amazing event for Gairezi river - we have such extrordinary people in this country who make a difference - because they can and just DO! Humbled but had to share.
Spectacular msasas doing their splendid show!
A great little video about our ZIMBABWE
Some travel tips from our group - and guidelines for Zimbabweans who are sadly not very litter conscious!!
If we each raise our standards we’ll be able to enjoy pristine nature in Zim for years to come.
1.Recycle old shopping bags- travel with one in yr car hang it over gear stick put all sweet wrappers, tissue from pee stops biscuits packets in there and burn at end of journey - attach the next bag.
2. Carry an old damp toweling nappy or face cloth in a bag -to wipe hands instead of chemically treated wipes that then need to be thrown away!
3. Sensitive areas take yr rubbish away with u. Carry in carry out policy. Sadly parks are not maintaining standards who’s
Policing Parks? are they really disposing properly? Safely to environment and animals? We remain responsible for our rubbish.
4. Soak old teabags in methylated spirit, dry in sun use as firefighters! Again it’s using twice and recycling!