We provide IT solutions and services, including business intelligence and data analytics mobile applications, enterprise software development, IT infrastructure, web design, web and mobile application development, and creative design and digital production. In addition, WideVision offers business consulting services, which includes recruitment advisory and consulting. WideVision adds miVEDiX Mobil
e Analytics Platform to its IT Product Portfolio in partnership with iVEDiX - http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/03/prweb12608890.htm
miVEDiX, iVEDiX’s flagship mobile analytics platform, seamlessly integrates with existing data infrastructures and gives users access to their data from their mobile device. The platform combines rich visualizations, sophisticated interface options, and real-time updates to deliver an immersive data discovery experience. For more information about WideVision, please visit www.widevision.ae
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